0 个回复 - 135 次查看 风力发电光伏发电数据用电负荷数据集光照辐射强度DNIDHIGHI用于仿真分析 #光伏数据,光伏出力 年光伏数据集,包含光伏发电功率、多种类型光照辐射强度数据(DNI,DHI,GHI),附带温度、湿度、太阳高度角、方位角 ...2023-9-9 23:25 - yusb - 现金交易版
12 个回复 - 5314 次查看 前提: 我安装reghide的命令是这个: ssc install ftools, replace ssc install reghdfe, replace 下载的显示结果是这个: 后续运行相关命令的时候:{这个命令应该是无误的因为别人可以跑} reghdfe lnseed_ ...2022-11-29 16:07 - 13859983458 - 悬赏大厅
6 个回复 - 1240 次查看 AGHION & HOWITT 1998 Endogenous Growth Theory 高清影印 有需自取2023-8-14 08:05 - CristalD - 发展经济学
1 个回复 - 541 次查看 Gauss-Seidel+Jacobit送代+Lagrange插值+Rayleighi商加速法 in matlab Gauss-Seidel+Jacobit送代+Lagrange插值+Rayleighi商加速法 Gauss-Seidel.m Jacobit送代.m Lagrange插值.m Rayleighi商加速法,m ...2022-3-5 07:32 - lily-2021 - 现金交易版
The Economics of Growth(Philippe Aghion and Peter Howitt,2009)
32 个回复 - 13324 次查看 这是花了一个上午下载下来的新书。下载的童鞋请注意:此书乃分批下载,正文部分一份是10页(我是1-9,10-19,20-29。。。一直到最后一页,分部分下载下来)。由于工作量较大,收点辛苦费。需要的就下载。如果有哪个p ...2011-7-4 13:54 - chenjianwei - 宏观经济学
【独家发布】Arrighi - 漫长的20世纪
3 个回复 - 880 次查看 2012-12-28 20:03 - caiwh - 经管书评
2022年My Naghi企业数据分析
0 个回复 - 314 次查看 2022-12-22 17:43 - ewfwedwd - 现金交易版
【成吉思汗与对神的追求】 Genghis Khan and the Quest for God (2016)
11 个回复 - 993 次查看 Genghis Khan and the Quest for God: How the World's Greatest Conqueror Gave Us Religious Freedom by Jack Weatherford (Author) A landmark biography by the New York Times bestselling author o ...2016-12-14 13:55 - cmwei333 - 经管书评
Aghion and Howitt(1998) - Endogenous Growth Theory英文版
16 个回复 - 8512 次查看 北大出版的中文版翻译的太烂,现发英文版。2010-5-5 09:02 - leonardj - 宏观经济学
求Aghion的contracts as a barrier to entry
13 个回复 - 2509 次查看 如题,求Aghion &Bolton的contracts as a barrier to entry2012-3-12 20:09 - feather3891 - 求助成功区
免费共享Aghion和Acemoglu等(2011):The Environment and Direced Technical Change
4 个回复 - 2267 次查看 Aghion和Acemoglu等2011年10月的Working Paper The Environment and Direced Technical Change2013-4-23 16:32 - 安V娜 - 环境经济学
1 个回复 - 1920 次查看 Aghion等关于产业政策的一篇文章: INDUSTRIAL POLICY AND COMPETITION Philippe Aghion, Université Libre de Bruxelles and CEPR Mathias Dewatripont, Université Libre de Bruxelles and CEPR L. Du, P ...2012-7-18 18:20 - ryurien - 产业经济学
Roughing it by Mark Twain艰苦岁月-马克吐温
0 个回复 - 2154 次查看 书名:Roughing It《艰苦岁月》 Though known throughout the world for his fictional novels The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain was also a skilled chronicler ...2020-8-14 17:18 - Economist~ - 宏观经济学
增长经济学(经济科学译库)菲利普·阿格因(Philippe Aghion)中国人民大学
0 个回复 - 3 次查看 增长经济学(经济科学译库)菲利普·阿格因(Philippe Aghion)中国人民大学2020-2-13 17:47 - jason! - 版权审核区(不对外开放)
【学习笔记】When we sighing for the loss of our past youth, which will r ...
1 个回复 - 893 次查看 When we sighing for the loss of our past youth, which will return no more, let us reflect that decrepitude will come. 科学的本质是:问一个不恰当的问题,走上通往恰当答案的路。2019-10-17 16:25 - ccwwccww - Forum
wiley: Am I the Only One This Supervisor is Laughing at? Effects of Aggressive
1 个回复 - 400 次查看 【作者(必填)】 Yuanyuan Huo Wing Lam Ziguang Chen 【文题(必填)】 Am I the Only One This Supervisor is Laughing at? Effects of Aggressive Humor on Employee Strain and Addictive Behaviors 【年份(必 ...2019-6-3 05:34 - yinhezhiwang - 求助成功区
电子书:Debatable Humor: Laughing Matters
0 个回复 - 629 次查看 【作者(必填)】 作者:Patrick A. Stewart 【文题(必填)】Debatable Humor: Laughing Matters on the 2008 Presidential Primary Campaign 【年份(必填)】 2008 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】https://e.glgoo ...2019-5-6 13:09 - yinhezhiwang - 文献求助专区
Weighing Risk and Uncertainty
0 个回复 - 658 次查看 Amos Tversky and Craig R. Fox Stanford University Psychological Review2019-1-25 11:32 - zlghs - 金融学(理论版)
Five factors weighing on Tencent’s third-quarter earnings
0 个回复 - 510 次查看 Five factors weighing on Tencent’s third-quarter earningsBy Louise Lucas in Hong Kong[/backcolor] Tencent has had a horrid year, even by tech industry standards. One year ago, the Hong Kong-listed s ...2018-11-15 20:12 - xujingjun - 真实世界经济学(含财经时事)
Ancient World Leaders-Genghis Khan
3 个回复 - 850 次查看 Traces the life of the chief of a small Mongol tribe who established a vast empire from Peking to the Black Sea in the twelfth century.2016-2-15 22:25 - thomasfan - 金融学(理论版)
Aghion Howitt经济增长;Jones课本
3 个回复 - 4494 次查看 英文版 Aghion Howitt挺不错的一本书,经济增长模型的逻辑性介绍2014-9-19 21:06 - erinshuian - 宏观经济学
Meta-analysis: weighing the evidence
2 个回复 - 702 次查看 【作者(必填)】David R. Jones 【文题(必填)】 Meta-analysis: weighing the evidence 【年份(必填)】1995 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/sim.4780140206/abs ...2014-3-27 12:55 - 123456max - 求助成功区
【成吉思汗与蒙古的征服】 Genghis Khan & the Mongol Conquests 1190-1400
10 个回复 - 809 次查看 Genghis Khan & the Mongol Conquests 1190-1400 by Stephen Turnbull (Author) The history of the Mongol conquests is a catalogue of superlatives. No army in the world has ever conquered so muc ...2016-12-2 06:48 - cmwei333 - 经管书评
18 个回复 - 4561 次查看 诺贝尔获奖者写的书真的很棒,我们上经济增长这门课的必备书籍~~最新版本~~2016-5-25 17:25 - conanrainxq - 宏观经济学
[WINBUGS相关著作]Weighing the Odds: A Course in Probability and Statistics
2 个回复 - 2086 次查看 Book DescriptionPublication Date: Sept. 24 2001 | ISBN-10: 052100618X | ISBN-13: 978-0521006187 | Edition: 1 In this lively look at both subjects, David Williams convinces Mathematics students of t ...2014-6-29 09:02 - Nicolle - winbugs及其他软件专版
Business Ethics Now 4th ed Andrew Ghillyer
6 个回复 - 2876 次查看 州立大学二年级会计专业商业道德必修课教材(最新版)2015-2-18 22:57 - fatimah06 - 会计与财务管理
【日本消费动力,亚洲市场研究】 Japanese Consumer Dynamics by Haghirian
5 个回复 - 952 次查看 Japanese Consumer Dynamics Editors: Parissa Haghirian Today Japan is still the second largest and most important consumer market in the world. This book discusses the development of Japanese ...2017-1-11 23:59 - cmwei333 - 商学院
0 个回复 - 2807 次查看 全球光伏日照时数GHI,权威2016-12-28 15:29 - ccdk - 世界经济与国际贸易
Aghion&Howitt的 三篇论文
2 个回复 - 4160 次查看 A Model of Growth Through Creative DestructionPhilippe Aghion; Peter HowittEconometrica, Vol. 60, No. 2. (Mar., 1992), pp. 323-351.Competition, Imitation and Growth with Step-by-Step InnovationPhilipp ...2008-3-26 09:14 - victorliou - 宏观经济学
Aghion howitt答案
1 个回复 - 1278 次查看 RT:2011-10-4 12:00 - 010316 - 悬赏大厅
Response to Arend, Sarooghi, and Burkemper (2015): Cocreating Effectual Entrepre
3 个回复 - 591 次查看 【作者(必填)】 [*]Stuart Read, [*]Saras D. Sarasvathy, [*]Nicholas Dew, [*]and Robert Wiltbank 【文题(必填)】 Response to Arend, Sarooghi, and Burkemper (2015): Cocreating Effectual Entrepre ...2016-7-13 16:07 - 323191599 - 求助成功区
求The Economics Of Growth Aghion Howitt Solution Manual
4 个回复 - 4199 次查看 哈佛大学教授aghion的答案,请问谁有啊,急用2011-2-20 10:55 - frankwangzhi - 宏观经济学
求书 the leadership secrets of genghis khan
2 个回复 - 833 次查看 the leadership secrets of genghis khan 谁有这本电子书,能发给我下吗?2016-2-16 20:26 - thomasfan - 世界经济与国际贸易
The Economics of Growth by Philippe Aghion and Peter W. Howitt
0 个回复 - 1145 次查看 The Economics of Growth by By Philippe Aghion and Peter W. Howitt (The MIT Press, 2009) The Economics of Growth first presents the main growth paradigms: the neoclassical model, the AK model, Romer’ ...2016-3-25 11:59 - heyuanhyy - 发展经济学
JSTOR-We weren't laughing at them
1 个回复 - 546 次查看 【Adrienne V. Akins作者(必填)】 【文题(必填)】 "We weren't laughing at them... We're grieving with you":Empathy and Comic Vision in Welty's "The Optimist's Daughter" 【年份(必填)】 2011 【全文链 ...2016-2-15 14:11 - zhengjinjing - 求助成功区
Aghion and Howitt 1998
9 个回复 - 3736 次查看 从新浪爱问找到的,方便坛子了,免费的,攒人品了~2011-12-23 22:54 - crawling - 宏观经济学
求书: Laughing at Wall Street
0 个回复 - 733 次查看 Laughing at Wall Street: How I Beat the Pros at Investing (by Reading Tabloids, Shopping at the Mall, and Connecting on Facebook) and How You Can, Too by Chris Camillo (Author) In this ent ...2015-3-4 08:51 - redlamp - 悬赏大厅
Handbook of Economic Growth, Volume 2 (2014) by Philippe Aghion, Steven Durlauf
10 个回复 - 6153 次查看 Handbook of Economic Growth, Volume 2 by Philippe Aghion, Steven Durlauf 2014 | ISBN: 0444535462, 0444535381, 0444535403 | English | 1176 pages | PDF | 22 MB Volumes 2A and 2B of The Handbook of ...2013-12-25 20:21 - xzguan - 宏观经济学
Fabio Meneghin:巴西新增种植面增幅会有所下降
0 个回复 - 40 次查看   “新形势、新策略、新发展” 2014第九届国际油脂油料大会于11月6日在广州举行。   新浪财经讯 由大连商品交易所和马来西亚衍生产品交易所联合举办的“第九届国际油脂油料大会”于2014年11月6日在广州举行。大 ...2014-11-7 02:50 - CapitalVue - CapitalVue版
路透社(独家):欧洲央行行长Draghi受到挑战 Central Bankers to Challenge Draghi
1 个回复 - 1296 次查看 上周五(2014/10/31),日本央行扩大了QE规模因为九位决策者中有五位赞成这么做。但如果欧洲央行想要实施类似措施,仅仅有微弱的多数赞成是远远不够的,Draghi需要花多得多的力气使央行内部达成共识,尤其是要说服 ...2014-11-6 04:21 - wwqqer - 世界经济与国际贸易
The Economics Of Growth Aghion Howitt Solution Manual
7 个回复 - 8114 次查看 求The Economics Of Growth Aghion Howitt Solution Manual,谢谢先!2011-2-20 15:45 - 骨架结构 - 宏观经济学
Aghion主编:Handbook of Economic Growth: 经济增长理论 全书28章完美收藏
12 个回复 - 4185 次查看 这本handbook of Economic Growth为ScienceDirect上正版,包含所有28章完整内容(含论文数据和分析图表),总共超过2000页,完美排版,学习收藏必备。 Aghion和Durlauf主编,几乎所有研究经济增长的文章都会引用这 ...2013-12-13 10:56 - sanoyuan - 微观经济学
Efficient three-level screening designs using weighing matrices
1 个回复 - 872 次查看 【作者(必填)】Stelios D. Georgioua, Stella Stylianoua & Manohar Aggarwalb 【文题(必填)】 Efficient three-level screening designs using weighing matrices 【年份(必填)】2014 【全文链接或数据库 ...2014-8-26 23:26 - ozj9325 - 求助成功区
Weighing the Odds: A Course in Probability and Statistics
0 个回复 - 1067 次查看 David Williams (作者) [*]出版社: Cambridge University Press (2001年8月2日) [*]平装: 568页 [*]语种: 英语 [*]ISBN: 052100618X [*]条形码: 97805210061872014-2-18 14:00 - 唐宋元清 - 悬赏大厅
Regular E-Optimal Spring Balance Weighing Designs with Correlated Errors
1 个回复 - 841 次查看 【作者(必填)】Bronisław Cerankaa & Małgorzata Graczyk 【文题(必填)】 Regular E-Optimal Spring Balance Weighing Designs with Correlated Errors 【年份(必填)】2014 【全文链接或数据库名 ...2014-2-15 17:56 - ozj9325 - 求助成功区
3 个回复 - 2190 次查看 另外这本书是什么级别,难度与罗默、巴罗、Acemoglu、撒金特如何排序2013-10-10 18:23 - wwkshxx - 宏观经济学
哪里能下载Aghion Howitt的economics of growth
4 个回复 - 930 次查看 请问哪里能下载Aghion Howitt的economics of growth。中英文版均可 在网上到处都搜不到2013-4-20 18:40 - 思索者 - 悬赏大厅
0 个回复 - 773 次查看 是不是木马啊2013-4-14 13:05 - xzeviews - 休闲灌水
The Economics of Growth.Philippe Aghion and Peter Howitt(2009)
1 个回复 - 2974 次查看 The Economics of Growth.Philippe Aghion and Peter Howitt(2009) This comprehensive introduction to economic growth presents the main facts and puzzles about growth, proposes simple methods and model ...2011-7-14 16:41 - yyc0714 - 宏观经济学
1 个回复 - 2147 次查看 【变节:潜罪犯(LaughingGor之潜罪犯)】【高清1280版BD-RMVB.国语中字】【2012最新香港动作大片】2012-2-24 13:11 - 灵魂公寓 - 休闲灌水
Roughing it up: Including jump components
3 个回复 - 1349 次查看 Roughing it up: Including jump components in the measurement, modeling, and forecasting of return volatility TG Andersen, T Bollerslev… - The Review of Economics and …, 2007 - MIT Press 麻烦可以下 ...2011-5-28 23:20 - sqq19860225 - 文献求助专区
30金求文:Aghion & Bolton 1997
6 个回复 - 2939 次查看 <P><FONT face="Times New Roman">那位好心的同学帮我找一下这篇文章, 不胜感激,愿以现金30相谢</FONT></P> <P><FONT face="Times New Roman">Aghion, Philippe and Bolton, Pat ...2007-5-16 14:53 - shitou - 宏观经济学
11 个回复 - 2544 次查看 <BR><BR><BR><BR>2007-1-10 17:49 - wumingdxl - 宏观经济学
求书:Philippe Aghion and Peter Howitt 的《The Economics of Growth》
13 个回复 - 5971 次查看 求书:Philippe Aghion and Peter Howitt 的《The Economics of Growth》 介绍:http://mitpress.mit.edu/catalog/item/default.asp?ttype=2&tid=117872009-10-25 22:40 - ontheway - 宏观经济学
2 个回复 - 3894 次查看 [此贴子已经被xiaoyang于2005-6-23 22:17:43编辑过]2005-6-23 17:40 - waltwu - 宏观经济学
7 个回复 - 4367 次查看 <P>Formal and Real Authorities in Organizations</P> <P>偶从JSTOR上下的清晰pdf版本</P>2005-1-13 09:32 - 贝克尔 - 微观经济学
Endogenous Political Institutions(Philippe Aghion)
5 个回复 - 3707 次查看 <P>Philippe Aghion, Alberto Alesina and Francesco Trebbi This version: January 2004</P> <P>Abstract A foundamental aspect of institutional design is how much society chooses to delegate ...2004-9-23 21:59 - stevenying - 制度经济学
Romer 、 Aghion 的基于知识的内生增长模型最大的不同是什么?
6 个回复 - 3195 次查看 Romer 、 Aghion 的基于知识的内生增长模型最大的不同是什么?2010-3-8 17:55 - jinnson - 宏观经济学
【感谢】highIQ945和aoxianghero jstor外文一篇!
2 个回复 - 1065 次查看 On the Granger condition for non-causality Y Hosoya - Econometrica, 1977 - jstor.org http://www.jstor.org/pss/19139642010-1-1 19:31 - wgr577 - 文献求助专区
Philippe Aghion最新论文:健康与经济发展的关系
1 个回复 - 1370 次查看 观点很独特!2009-12-19 18:59 - yjunbo - 文献求助专区
[下载]Optimisation,Econometric and Financial Analysis by Erricos John Kontoghiorgh
0 个回复 - 1281 次查看 Optimisation,Econometric and Financial Analysis Authors:  Erricos John Kontoghiorghes and  Cristian Gatu20062009-5-7 23:15 - 081015042 - 计量经济学与统计软件
[讨论] Aghion 的《Endogenous Growth Theory》
4 个回复 - 3177 次查看 Aghion / Howitt’s “Endogenous Growth Theory” is a specialized treatment. 为何被大家全部忽视?2006-11-4 05:57 - laymans-terms - 宏观经济学