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Arbitrage Theory in Continuous Time - PDF, Solution Manual+新增第三版3rd
206 个回复 - 72044 次查看 附件内含: 1. Tomas Björk: Arbitrage Theory in Continuous Time, 2004, 2nd edition, Oxford UP 这本书的清晰扫描版,不是论坛上比较流行的那个带黑边版,我加好了书签。虽然说是扫描的,但是很清楚,而 ...2009-12-22 19:21 - nicame09 - 金融工程(数量金融)与金融衍生品
Practice Based Optimisation of Bus-Train Timetable Coordination
1 个回复 - 241 次查看 【作者(必填)】 REJITHA NATH RAVINDRA 【文题(必填)】 Practice Based Optimisation of Bus-Train Timetable Coordination 【年份(必填)】 2021 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】https://bridges.monash.edu/ ...2023-9-4 09:06 - peterxu1969 - 求助成功区
Modeling time-varying higher-order conditional moments: A survey
1 个回复 - 252 次查看 【作者(必填)】 2 【文题(必填)】 Modeling time-varying higher-order conditional moments: A survey【年份(必填)】 2 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/joes ...2023-7-17 00:19 - internet.hzx - 求助成功区
Tsay, Analysis of Financial Time Series 3rd
27 个回复 - 8709 次查看 这是第三版,2010年的~~希望对大家有用~2011-8-5 01:02 - 黑风衣的糖罐 - 金融学(理论版)
Analysis of Financial Time Series, 3rd
4 个回复 - 2486 次查看 SOA QFI Track 参考书超全大合集https://bbs.pinggu.org/thread-6906828-1-1.html 书籍名称:Analysis of Financial Time Series作者:Ruey S. Tsay出版年份:2010, 3rd Edition共707p,文字版(非扫描版)PDFISBN ...2019-2-2 22:09 - gonnaago - 金融学(理论版)
Optimal Ordering Quantity under Stochastic Time-Dependent Price and Demand with
1 个回复 - 395 次查看 【作者(必填)】M. Zied Babai et al. 【文题(必填)】Optimal Ordering Quantity under Stochastic Time-Dependent Price and Demand with a Supply Disruption: A Solution Based on the Change of Measure Techn ...2022-12-16 20:31 - ssylzz - 求助成功区
Breakfast Anytime - Harding's
0 个回复 - 41 次查看 2022-11-16 19:37 - liQP562443 - 经管书评
Arbitrage Theory in Continuous Time (Oxford Finance) (2009)电子书
1 个回复 - 1474 次查看 Tomas Bjork-Arbitrage Theory in Continuous Time (Oxford Finance) (2009)2022-6-5 15:56 - aaayiming2011 - 经管考博
easy recording anytime, anywhere!
0 个回复 - 38 次查看 2022-8-7 02:40 - UNzTo46864 - 经管书评
Sometimes reality and fantasy are hard to distinguish.
0 个回复 - 1384 次查看 distinguish [dɪˈstɪŋɡwɪʃ] v.区分;辨别;分清 【英文释义】to recognize the difference between two people or things 【例句】Sometimes reality and fantasy are hard to ...2022-5-26 20:09 - 杨明凡 - 外语学习
Democracy in Hard Times: Economic Decline, Social Capital, and Resilience Agains
3 个回复 - 844 次查看 【作者(必填)】 【文题(必填)】 Democracy in Hard Times: Economic Decline, Social Capital, and Resilience Against Far-Right Nationalism 【年份(必填)】 2022 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】2022-4-26 02:26 - 江夏雁 - 求助成功区
(1元)Tomas Bjork 2009-Arbitrage Theory in Continuous Time,Third Edition
31 个回复 - 11082 次查看 绝对高清最新2009第三版!奉献给需要的朋友! CONTENTS 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Problem Formulation 1 2 The Binomial Model 5 2.1 The One Period Model 5 2.1.1 Model Description 5 2.1.2 Portfolios and A ...2010-4-20 19:14 - aijc - 经济金融数学专区
Lp solutions of general time interval BSDEs with generators satisfying a p-order
1 个回复 - 422 次查看 【作者(必填)】Xinying Li[/backcolor],Shengjun Fan[/backcolor] 【文题(必填)】Lp solutions of general time interval BSDEs with generators satisfying a p-order weak stochastic-monotonicity condition ...2022-3-11 09:46 - wangt_1997 - 求助成功区
The Financial Times Handbook of Financial Engineering 3rd Edition
1 个回复 - 977 次查看 【作者(必填)】L Galitz 【文题(必填)】The Financial Times Handbook of Financial Engineering 3rd Edition 【年份(必填)】2013 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】The Financial Times Handbook of Financial ...2022-3-10 09:48 - qrj69 - 求助成功区
Maritime Economics 3e 海洋经济学 第三版 Martin Stopford
9 个回复 - 8327 次查看 Maritime Economics 3e.pdf 中文名称《海洋经济学》 840页,可以选择 可以复制 书的封面 作者和目录2015-4-25 14:58 - 1039264611 - 世界经济与国际贸易
求助下载文献Public sentiment is everything: Host-country public sentiment toward
3 个回复 - 955 次查看 求助文献Public sentiment is everything: Host-country public sentiment toward home country and acquisition ownership during institutional transition[/backcolor]DOI: 10.1057/s41267-020-00380-42021-4-8 09:36 - CG2015@me - 求助成功区
求 harvard business review onpoint How to Lead in a Time of Crisis
1 个回复 - 338 次查看 求 harvard business review onpoint How to Lead in a Time of Crisis2020-6-3 05:59 - chunchunyenyen - 版权审核区(不对外开放)
【学习笔记】We work hard to stay stupid for a long time, so we gain more ...
1 个回复 - 416 次查看 We work hard to stay stupid for a long time, so we gain more than those who work hard to do clever things. 我们长期努力保持不做傻事,所以我们的收获比那些努力做聪明事的人要多得多。2020-3-9 13:29 - zjrq - Forum
求:The Origins of Political Order: From Prehuman Times to the French Revolution
3 个回复 - 1275 次查看 ~ Francis Fukuyama (作者) [*]出版社: Farrar Straus Giroux (2012年3月27日) [*]平装: 608页 [*]语种: 英语 [*]ISBN: 0374533229 [*]条形码: 97803745332292014-4-23 10:09 - 唐宋元清 - 求助成功区
Assessing progress towards sustainable development over space and time
1 个回复 - 1067 次查看 【作者(必填)】 [*]Article [*]Published: 01 January 2020[/backcolor] Assessing progress towards sustainable development over space and time [*]Zhenci Xu[/backcolor], [*]Sophia N. Chau[/backcolor], ...2020-1-3 17:36 - 三世相思2013 - 求助成功区
Traditional and innovative paths towards time-based competition
3 个回复 - 665 次查看 【作者(必填)】Alberto ; Antonella Meneghettib 【文题(必填)】Traditional and innovative paths towards time-based competition 【年份(必填)】2000 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】https://www.scienced ...2019-9-20 00:46 - victorbian - 求助成功区
Optimal Wave Release Times for Order Fulfillment Systems with Deadlines
2 个回复 - 324 次查看 【作者(必填)】ceven 【文题(必填)】Optimal Wave Release Times for Order Fulfillment Systems with Deadlines 【年份(必填)】2015 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】https://pubsonline.informs.org/doi/1 ...2019-7-30 14:26 - pplain - 求助成功区
Change point analysis of second order characteristics in non-stationary time ser
1 个回复 - 391 次查看 【作者(必填)】 Dette H, Wu W, Zhou Z.【文题(必填)】 Change point analysis of second order characteristics in non-stationary time series 【年份(必填)】 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】2019-5-29 10:40 - 肖恩同学 - 文献求助专区
求书The Big Time: Harvard Business School's Most Successful Class
0 个回复 - 359 次查看 The Big Time: Harvard Business School's Most Successful Class and How They Shaped America by Laurence Shames https://www.amazon.com/Big-Time-Successful-Class-1986-04-23/dp/B01MU4TM7B/ref=tmm_hrd_ ...2019-4-17 16:02 - aesopbird - 文献求助专区
On the reduction of optimal time-delay systems to ordinary ones
3 个回复 - 702 次查看 【作者(必填)】G. Slater; [/backcolor]W. Wells[/backcolor] 【文题(必填)】On the reduction of optimal time-delay systems to ordinary ones 【年份(必填)】1972 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】http:/ ...2017-5-27 16:16 - chaoyang712 - 求助成功区
急求Introduction to Time Series and Forecasting 2016 3rd edition solution manual
2 个回复 - 1801 次查看 急求Introduction to Time Series and Forecasting 2016 3rd edition solution manual!!by Peter J. Brockwell (Author), Richard A. Davis (Author) 20个论坛币重谢! 一定要是2016年第3版的!全部习题的so ...2017-2-13 08:52 - 珍宝三角 - 金融学(理论版)
stanford:Train Them to Retain Them: Work-Readiness and Retention of First-Time
1 个回复 - 573 次查看 【作者(必填)】 By Aruna Ranganathan 【文题(必填)】 Train Them to Retain Them: Work-Readiness and Retention of First-Time Women Workers in India 【年份(必填)】 Administrative Science Quarterly. De ...2019-2-10 16:44 - yinhezhiwang - 求助成功区
a continuous-time model of forward and futures prices in a multigood economy
2 个回复 - 646 次查看 a continuous-time model of forward and futures prices in a multigood economy2018-12-27 23:22 - akipanya - 金融学(理论版)
Changes of Variance in First-Order Autoregressive Time Series Models
1 个回复 - 462 次查看 【作者(必填)】 Dean W. Wichern, Robert B. Miller and Der-Ann Hsu 【文题(必填)】 Changes of Variance in First-Order Autoregressive Time Series Models-With an Application【年份(必填)】 1976 【全文链 ...2018-12-15 01:20 - leosong - 求助成功区
Why Are Keynesian Multipliers Larger in Hard Times?
1 个回复 - 345 次查看 【作者(必填)】 Charles, S., Dallery, T., & Marie, J 【文题(必填)】 Why Are Keynesian Multipliers Larger in Hard Times? A Palley-Aftalion-Pasinetti Explanation【年份(必填)】 2018 【全文链接或数据库 ...2018-12-12 09:01 - shanxianmin2011 - 求助成功区
Standard Chartered global research China demographics Time to abolish child limi
2 个回复 - 654 次查看 Standard Chartered global research China demographics – Time to abolish child limits2018-9-19 21:59 - Susanshi83 - 投资人(实务版)
SAS for Forecasting Time Series 3rd
33 个回复 - 3468 次查看 by John C. Brocklebank and David A. Dickey English | 2018 | ISBN: 1629598445 | 384 Pages | PDF To use statistical methods and SAS applications to forecast the future values of data taken over time ...2018-8-8 22:48 - igs816 - SAS专版
Characterizing Interdependencies of Multiple Time Series: Theory and Application
9 个回复 - 519 次查看 English | 2017 | ISBN: 9811064350 | 133 Pages | PDF This book introduces academic researchers and professionals to the basic concepts and methods for characterizing interdependencies of multiple ti ...2018-6-30 22:25 - igs816 - 经管书评
Does financialization retard growth? Time series and cross-sectional evidence
1 个回复 - 424 次查看 【作者(必填)】 【文题(必填)】Does financialization retard growth? Time series and cross-sectional evidence 【年份(必填)】2017 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs ...2018-6-29 10:51 - seekfirst - 求助成功区
IFRS 1 First-time adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards
0 个回复 - 750 次查看 IFRS 1 原文,欢迎探讨。2018-6-25 15:20 - lovemuffin - 会计与财务管理
[芝加哥大学booth教材]Tsay 2010 Analysis of Financial Time Series 3rd Edition
7 个回复 - 4293 次查看 [芝加哥大学booth教材]Tsay 2010 Analysis of Financial Time Series 3rd Edition2014-5-4 04:27 - kissjoy - R语言论坛
The Oxford Handbook of Multimethod and Mixed Methods Research Inquiry
14 个回复 - 2491 次查看 Offering a variety of innovative methods and tools, The Oxford Handbook of Multimethod and Mixed Methods Research Inquiry provides the most comprehensive and up-to-date presentation on multi- and mixe ...2018-1-1 00:59 - 威廉舒 - 经管考研
Dynamic Natural Monopoly Regulation: Time Inconsistency, Moral Hazard, and Polit
1 个回复 - 770 次查看 【作者(必填)】 Claire S. H. LimCornell University Ali YurukogluStanford University 【文题(必填)】 Dynamic Natural Monopoly Regulation: Time Inconsistency, Moral Hazard, and Political Environment ...2018-2-1 21:13 - peter - 求助成功区
The Oxford Handbook of Multimethod and Mixed Methods Research Inquiry
0 个回复 - 610 次查看 1 论文标题 2 作者信息 3 出处和链接(比如,NBER working paper No.11000) 4 摘要2018-1-2 10:14 - liuxiaolei@ - 论文版
Hoover: An Extraordinary Life in Extraordinary Times
1 个回复 - 876 次查看 The definitive biography of Herbert Hoover, one of the most remarkable Americans of the twentieth century--a revisionist account that will forever change the way Americans understand the man, his ...2017-10-20 15:47 - bonds - 真实世界经济学(含财经时事)
Real-Time Digital Signal Processing from MATLAB to C Third Edition
1 个回复 - 801 次查看 Code: https://www.crcpress.com/Real-Time-Digital-Signal-Processing-from-MATLAB-to-C-with-the-TMS320C6x/Welch-Wright-Morrow/p/book/97814987810152017-9-9 04:02 - Nicolle - winbugs及其他软件专版
Xerox Book In Time-Marketing case-Harvard Business School
1 个回复 - 727 次查看 XeroxBookInTime-Marketing case HBS2017-9-1 04:12 - 易维 - 版权审核区(不对外开放)
Time-varying higher-order conditional moments and forecasting intraday VaR and E
1 个回复 - 605 次查看 【作者(必填)】 A. TolgaErgünOpens the author workspaceOpens the author workspace. Author links open the author workspace.JongbyungJun 【文题(必填)】 Time-varying higher-order conditional moments a ...2017-7-9 11:40 - internet.hzx - 求助成功区
Rwordseg分词遇到invalid 'times' argument
14 个回复 - 11145 次查看 程序如下, #nature设置 是否输出词性 data.wordseg2015-5-22 22:41 - 贼公子 - R语言论坛
2010-RUEY S. TSAY-Analysis_of_Financial_Time_Series_3rd
0 个回复 - 1095 次查看 2010-RUEY S. TSAY-Analysis_of_Financial_Time_Series_3rd2017-5-29 06:24 - qqshh1230 - 微观经济学
经典中的经典Wiley - Analysis of Financial Time Series 3rd Edition
72 个回复 - 19554 次查看 This book provides a broad, mature, and systematic introduction to current financial econometric models and their applications to modeling and prediction of financial time series data. It utili ...2010-9-12 23:35 - aimms - R语言论坛
Martin Stopford - Maritime Economics 3e
13 个回复 - 4968 次查看 Martin Stopford - Maritime Economics 3e For 5000 years shipping has served the world economy and today it provides a sophisticated transport service to every part of the globe. Yet despite its ...2011-7-9 17:28 - terrytong - 微观经济学
Desk time, poor diet and drink weigh on China’s civil servants(387 words)
0 个回复 - 709 次查看 Desk time, poor diet and drink weigh on China’s civil servants(387 words) By Tom Hancock in Shanghai ----------------------------------------------------- Chinese public officials remain f ...2017-3-27 09:50 - xujingjun - 真实世界经济学(含财经时事)
Work pressure demands more downtime than a fleeting week off (745 words)
0 个回复 - 785 次查看 Work pressure demands more downtime than a fleeting week off (745 words) By Herminia Ibarra ----------------------------------------------------- The month of August, that hallowed time whe ...2017-2-17 07:59 - xujingjun - 真实世界经济学(含财经时事)
How to Normalize and Standardize Time Series Data in Python
3 个回复 - 2256 次查看 Some machine learning algorithms will achieve better performance if your time series data has a consistent scale or distribution.Two techniques that you can use to consistently rescale your time serie ...2017-2-4 15:07 - oliyiyi - LATEX论坛
Analysis of Financial Time Series 3rd Ruey S. Tsay
8 个回复 - 3579 次查看 注:英文原版 内容推荐   本书全面阐述 ...2014-11-22 22:01 - yxc1121 - R语言论坛
发一本书:Arbitrage Theory in Continuous Time, 3rd
15 个回复 - 4680 次查看 十年的书,算是经典了。 CONTENTS 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Problem Formulation 1 2 The Binomial Model 5 2.1 The One Period Model 5 2.1.1 Model Description 5 2.1.2 Portfolios and Arbitrage 6 2.1.3 Co ...2010-10-23 00:47 - akoug - 经济金融数学专区
The Straits Times: IMF chief Christine Lagarde convicted by French court
0 个回复 - 772 次查看 IMF chief Christine Lagarde convicted by French court over tycoon payout THE STRAITS TIMES Dec 19 www.straitstimes.com/world/europe/imf-chief-christine-lagarde-to-hear-french-trial-decision ...2016-12-19 23:11 - joe0919 - 真实世界经济学(含财经时事)
【函数分析,Springer 数学与统计】 Hardy Type Inequalities on Time Scales (2016)
10 个回复 - 1773 次查看 Hardy Type Inequalities on Time Scales Authors: Ravi P. Agarwal, Donal O'Regan, Samir H. Saker Provides an analysis of a variety of important Hardy Type inequalities Using Hardy Type ineq ...2016-11-26 05:57 - cmwei333 - 金融学(理论版)
请教如何根据timestamp对一个变量按每小时和每天rolling forward求平均
2 个回复 - 957 次查看 各位老师,同学。本人不才,遇到对一个变量按照日期时间滚动求平均的问题。求教各位,不胜感激! 数据结构请见下图: rp_entity_id 是代表企业, 数据集中有n多个不同的企业 tc0是一条关于这个企业的财经新闻的发布 ...2016-12-7 11:28 - wang91utk2017 - Stata专版
Maritime Economics (3rd Edition) by Martin Stopford
0 个回复 - 1641 次查看 Maritime Economics 3rd Edition by Martin Stopford (Author) For 5000 years shipping has served the world economy and today it provides a sophisticated transport service to every part of the ...2016-9-15 08:06 - cmwei333 - 金融学(理论版)
【独家发布】【2016新书】Retarded Potentials and Time Domain Boundary Integral Equations
10 个回复 - 1001 次查看 如果喜欢该文档,欢迎订阅【2016新书】文库,http://bbs.pinggu.org/forum.php?mod=collection&action=view&ctid=3187 图书名称:Retarded Potentials and Time Domain Boundary Integral Equations[/backcolor] ...2016-8-11 13:00 - 牛尾巴 - winbugs及其他软件专版
1 个回复 - 707 次查看 【作者(必填)】Salvatore Cannella, Roberto Dominguez, Jose M. Framinan 【文题(必填)】 INVENTORY RECORD INACCURACY – THE IMPACT OF STRUCTURAL COMPLEXITY AND LEAD TIME VARIABILITY 【年份(必填)】 201 ...2016-8-6 17:54 - timesever - 求助成功区
Maritime Economics - 3rd_edition - martin stopford
12 个回复 - 5051 次查看 最新版的海运经济学~~ 相比上一版本增加了预测的部分,非常不错~2010-11-25 12:08 - wlz008 - 世界经济与国际贸易
Board leadership structure and diversity over CEO time in office
1 个回复 - 514 次查看 【作者(必填)】F Zona 【文题(必填)】Board leadership structure and diversity over CEO time in office: A test of the evolutionary perspective on Italian firms 【年份(必填)】《European Management J ...2016-6-27 19:15 - xwb198266 - 求助成功区
【求助】A ST Early Warning Model Based on Discrete-time Hazard Model
3 个回复 - 792 次查看 【作者(必填)】Tianguang Yang Hong Wang Muzi Chen Huan Wang Xiaoguang Yang 【文题(必填)】A ST Early Warning Model Based on Discrete-time Hazard Model 【年份(必填)】20132016-4-11 17:33 - 螳臂当车 - 求助成功区
Time-varying higher-order conditional moments and forecasting intraday VaR and E
1 个回复 - 504 次查看 【作者(必填)】 [*]A. Tolga Ergün, , [*]Jongbyung Jun 【文题(必填)】 Time-varying higher-order conditional moments and forecasting intraday VaR and Expected Shortfall【年份(必填)】 2010 【全文 ...2016-4-3 14:50 - internet.hzx - 求助成功区
Smooth Ambiguity Aversion toward Small Risks and Continuous-Time Recursive U
1 个回复 - 737 次查看 【作者(必填)】Costis Skiadas 【文题(必填)】Smooth Ambiguity Aversion toward Small Risks and Continuous-Time Recursive Utility 【年份(必填)】 2013 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】http://www.jsto ...2016-1-26 18:16 - blueskyy - 求助成功区
Time-Varying Herding Behavior, Global Financial Crisis, and the Chinese Stock Ma
1 个回复 - 897 次查看 【作者(必填)】 【文题(必填)】 【年份(必填)】 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】Time-Varying Herding Behavior, Global Financial Crisis, and the Chinese Stock MarketS Sunila Sharma, P Narayan, K Th ...2015-12-5 15:46 - 马甲甲 - 文献求助专区
Do fund managers herd to counter investor sentiment?
1 个回复 - 643 次查看 【作者(必填)】 Liao T, Huang C, Wu C 【文题(必填)】 Journal of Business Research 【年份(必填)】 2011 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S01482963100 ...2015-10-28 19:02 - 15002967574 - 求助成功区
Stock Message Boards: A Quantitative Approach to Measuring Investor Sentiment
0 个回复 - 1083 次查看 New media is playing an important role in the financial world. Rapid growth in stock market message boards, chat rooms, and other electronic means for investors to share market information makes clear ...2015-10-12 13:09 - exuan1991 - 金融学(理论版)
[HTML] Herding behaviour and sentiment: Evidence in a small European market EFS
1 个回复 - 555 次查看 【作者(必填)】 【文题(必填)】 【年份(必填)】 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】[HTML] Herding behaviour and sentiment: Evidence in a small European marketEFS Vieira, MSV Pereira - Revista de Cont ...2015-3-29 23:32 - 马甲甲 - 求助成功区
0 个回复 - 1690 次查看 SENTIMENT ANALYSIS – STOPWORDS AND COLLOCATIONS USING PYTHONImproving feature extraction can often have a significant positive impact on classifier accuracy (and precision and recall). In this articl ...2015-1-25 10:26 - Nicolle - winbugs及其他软件专版
0 个回复 - 2932 次查看 问题描述: 通过matlab创建word文档后,设置页面格式,例如上边距、下边距等等,以“磅”为单位进行设置则没有问题 ——Document.PageSetup.BottomMargin =50; %50磅 想通过CentimetersToPoints()将厘米转换为 ...2014-12-25 22:53 - 24578901 - MATLAB等数学软件专版
求jstor上一篇文献Some aspects of the time-correlation problem in regard to tests
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(F) Tsay, Analysis of Financial Time Series 3rd
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Analysis of Financial Time Series(third editon)
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cognitive burden of survey questions and response times: a psycholinguistic
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Taylor & Francis The INARCH(1) Model for Overdispersed Time Series of Counts
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