金价低迷 黄金开采设备生产厂商股票受影响大跌
0 个回复 - 40 次查看   在过去三个月中,金价跌去了9%,而因此受到影响最大的并非是各黄金矿企,而是那些为黄金生产提供设备的厂家,他们不会像矿企那样,通过对冲等手段来保护自己。   数据显示,在过去60个交易日中,矿业设备提供 ...2014-12-2 17:08 - CapitalVue - CapitalVue版
0 个回复 - 61 次查看 中国黄金集团也许加入俄罗斯黄金开采项目 2014-11-10 13:58|评论: 0 我要投稿 黄金论坛讨论 摘要: 据俄罗斯媒体上周日(11月9日)报道,国内黄金( ...2014-11-11 04:20 - CapitalVue - CapitalVue版
3 个回复 - 1277 次查看 Introduction It is with great pleasure that I present to you the 2013 Global Gold Mine & Deposit Ranking. This is now our third year of compiling the database which is comprised of 580 Mines and ...2013-12-14 05:39 - hyperthe - 行业分析报告
1 个回复 - 1640 次查看 Slightly higher Q4 gold prices should support a modest q-on-q improvement in EPS, but conservative 2013 guidance may be disappointing  South African miners hit by strikes, but radical res ...2013-2-1 16:39 - bigfoot0516 - 行业分析报告
4 个回复 - 2686 次查看 HSBC global asset allocation team recommends reducing, but not eliminating gold exposure  We think Zijin is the stock that serves the purpose with exposure to both gold and copper ᠅ ...2013-2-1 16:41 - bigfoot0516 - 行业分析报告
0 个回复 - 1483 次查看 中国黄金开采行业:上调金价和盈利预测有色金属行业 阅读全文: 22页 | 403KB 一段时间以来瑞银一直看涨黄金,随着近期多国采取量化宽松政策,瑞银对黄金的信心更是与日俱增。瑞银大宗商品研究团队已将201 ...2010-11-4 12:45 - caozisimon - 行业分析报告
0 个回复 - 1258 次查看 2月5号出炉的瑞银关于中国黄金行业的分析报告,同时对相关的上市公司进行了分析。 UBS is positive on the gold price for the next two years, and on 2 February it raised its gold price forecasts 8% and 28% ...2010-2-8 18:25 - nikulawick - 行业分析报告
2 个回复 - 2401 次查看 Table of ContentsSummary and Investment Thesis ....................................................... 4Stacking-Up the Seniors ..................................................................... 8P ...2008-6-13 10:53 - bigfoot0517 - 行业分析报告