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margins命令预测连续变量的predicted y
0 个回复 - 358 次查看 sysuse auto reg price weight rep78 现在想计算在rep78取值为其mean时,各个weight取值的predicted y,并生成新变量yhat(类似于predict yhat,但是rep78不是每个观察值的实际rep78取值,而是whole sample中rep78 ...2022-5-25 09:46 - 宜风 - Stata专版
margins命令预测连续变量的predicted y
0 个回复 - 371 次查看 sysuse auto reg price weight rep78 现在想计算在rep78取值为其mean时,各个weight取值的predicted y,并生成新变量yhat(类似于predict yhat,但是rep78不是每个观察值的实际rep78取值,而是whole sample中rep78 ...2022-5-25 09:42 - 宜风 - Stata专版
margins命令预测连续变量的predicted y
0 个回复 - 664 次查看 sysuse auto reg price weight rep78 现在想计算在rep78取值为其mean时,各个weight取值的predicted y,并生成新变量yhat(类似于predict yhat,但是rep78不是每个观察值的实际rep78取值,而是whole sample中rep78 ...2022-5-24 21:45 - 宜风 - Stata专版
Marginal effect estimation for predictors in logistic and probit models
9 个回复 - 1583 次查看 The marginal effect of a predictor in a categorical response model estimates how much the probability of a response level changes as the predictor changes. For a continuous predictor, the marginal eff ...2019-10-11 16:32 - yunnandlg - SAS专版
marginpredict 求得的预测值有何区别?
6 个回复 - 9085 次查看 小弟在做完回归模型后,想要看看符合特定条件的个案所对应的概率。但是用marginpredict 求得的概率不一致;还请知道的坛友帮忙解答一下。 为了便于解释,我用stata自带的数据做演示。 webuse margex re ...2014-5-29 19:42 - raymond87 - Stata专版