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logistic regression: binary & multinomial
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【最新教材】Horngren's Cost Accounting A Managerial Emphasis 17th edition
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中国上市公司股吧评论数据库(Stocks Comments of Chinese Listed Companies, GUBA)
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Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 外审六个月
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中国上市公司股吧评论数据库(Stocks Comments of Chinese Listed Companies, GUBA)
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Statistics for Business & Economics, By Anderson,14th TEST BANK + 答案
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Statistics for Business & Economics 14th Edition Anderson
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金融计算统计学Computational Statistics in Finance
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2023《Technology Analysis & Strategic Management》录用分享
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8 个回复 - 2147 次查看 这学期商学院上这门课,辛苦整理分享个大家。 拿走,不谢! 1、Penman_financial_statements_analysis_and_security_valuation_5ed.2、SOLUTIONS. 3、讲义PPT. 备注:财务分析预估值英文教材、答案及PPT讲义 ...2020-3-21 20:19 - 蚂蚁书生 - 会计与财务管理
technology analysis & strategic management投稿流程分享
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2008-2022中国上市公司股吧评论数据(Stocks Comments of Chinese Listed Companies)
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Choice Based on Reasons: The Case of Attraction and Compromise Effects
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中国上市公司股吧评论数据库(Stocks Comments of Chinese Listed Companies, GUBA)
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61国名义&实际汇率指数-BIS data
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基于MATLAB的金融工程模型计算,GARCH & 风险组合VaR( Value at Risk计算)
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Student Solution Manual to Accompany Loss Models From Data to Decisions 5th PDF
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Sharon L. Lohr,Sampling: Design and Analysis第2版习题答案/抽样:设计与分析
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Mergers & Acquisitions For Dummies
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抽样:设计与分析,抽样设计与分析,Sampling : design and analysis
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Effect of Overdispersion and Sample Size on the Performance of Poisson Model
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Matrix Algebra Theory, Computations and Applications in Statistics
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The Rise of Star Firms: Intangible Capital and Competition
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Data Visualisation With R: 111 Examples (2nd Edition)
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The impact of digital inclusive finance on the agricultural factor mismatch of a
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Some properties of incomplete U-statistics
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Asymptotically constant risk estimator of the time-average variance constant
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Statistical Inferences for Complex Dependence of Multimodal Imaging Data
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Nonparametric Association Analysis of Bivariate Competing-Risks Data
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【凸优化算法实现】Parallel and Distributed Computation, Bertsekas
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Light detain amerce, send careful imprisonment again.
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She was an elegant and accomplished woman.
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Statistical Modeling of Temporal Dependence in Financial Data via a Copula Funct
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The Art of M&A: A Merger, Acquisition, and Buyout Guide, Fifth Edition
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求 Compound Tail Risk
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When Ignorance Is Not Bliss: An Empirical Analysis
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求sampling: design and analysis 的solution manual
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Logistics Performance, Ratings, and Its Impact
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Impact of political risk and economic growth on the tourism industry: Evidence f
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Rubí E. Rodríguez Complex Analysis第二版习题答案
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Risk, return and equilibrium: empirical tests
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计算机视觉:模型、学习与推断习题答案Computer Vision/Prince, Simon J. D
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Introduction to Complex Analysis Functions of Several Variables Part II
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Introduction to Complex Analysis -Junjiro Noguchi
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Learning and Soft Computing 习题答案/ Vojislav Kecman
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Rising Temperatures, Falling Ratings: The Effect of Climate Change on Sovereign
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Analysis of Several Complex Variables
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Second term improvement to generalised linear mixed model asymptotics
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视听信息系统导论-清华大学,图像信息系统原理,Computer Vision,声学基础
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Response-adaptive treatment randomization for multiple comparisons of treatments
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A forecast comparison of volatility models: does anything beat a GARCH(1,1)?
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Linear Algebra for Computer Vision, Robotics, and Machine Learning
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Revisiting the knowledge spillover paradox: the impact of infrastructure
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