0 个回复 - 120 次查看 特征提取+麻雀算法优化VMD+智能优化算法+最小包络熵 首先声明,本篇文章直接包含所有matlab源代码,直接复制粘贴即可运行,全部都是源代码,可以自己更改的源代码!(不是.p文件!!!,浅浅痛斥一下很多文章为了 ...2023-11-18 18:53 - yusb - 现金交易版
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0 个回复 - 3079 次查看 全国2007-2022年消费者信心满意度预期指数月度数据CCICEICSICGPI 根据企业商品价格指数与消费者信心指数、消费者满意指数、消费者预期指数的月度数据,可以探究商品价格对消费者信心的影响作用和作用机制。商品价 ...2022-11-30 12:17 - yusb - 现金交易版
Riddles and Models: A Review Essay on Michel De Vroey's
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Longman Essay Activator.pdf
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Jack J. Lissauer,Fundamental Planetary Science: Physics, Chemistry and Habitabi
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粒子物理学导论精要第2版习题答案/Alessandro Bettini Introduction to Elementary
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Faults and faultlines: The effects of board faultlines on CEO dismissal
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The Meaning of the Market Process: Essays in the Development of Modern Austrian
3 个回复 - 2393 次查看 Israel Kirzner is the foremost proponent of the modern Austrian theory of the market process. This book offers substantive insights in support of this theory and a new historical interpretation of how ...2015-7-23 12:01 - nelsoncwlee - 经济史与经济思想史
求助:A Colossal Failure of Common Sense
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Peter Bossaerts-Lectures on Corporate Finance,第2版习题答案,公司金融
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Walter Issacson写的Elon Musk传新鲜出炉
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求书the essays of warren buffett
0 个回复 - 217 次查看 哪位大神有这本书,英文版,第5版,求分享。2023-12-2 21:22 - 光华公子 - 跨学科讨论区
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Econamic Backwards in Histericol Perspective: A Book of Essays
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均衡失业理论 皮萨里德斯 Equilibrium Unemployment Theory Pissarides
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求:Longman Academic Writing Series 4: Essays (5th Edition)
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Essays in econometrics with applications in macroeconomic and financial modeling
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An Essay in Dynamic Theory, Harrod, 1939
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EVRIPIDOU+Essays on speculative financial bubbles
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Not necessarily
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Industrial renaissance : producing a competitive future for america
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0 个回复 - 256 次查看 我需要做辽宁省卫生技术人员配置现状的研究,想要运用spssau做泰尔指数,但是不知道使用四个泰尔指数中的哪个,我看了好多文献 估摸应该是L指数,想问问有没有大佬懂泰尔指数的相关知识,帮我看看结果步骤有没有问题 ...2023-8-2 13:15 - 王嘎嘎嘎 - Forum
【分享】【写作指导】Essay Writing Guide——Jordan B Peterson
8 个回复 - 664 次查看 You can use this word document to write an excellent essay from beginning to end, using a ten-step process. Most of the time, students or would-be essay writers are provided only with basic informatio ...2023-6-10 11:27 - toby907 - 经管书评
Show me the impact: Communicating “behavioral impact message”
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高德拉特约束理论 第四部 仍然不足够_Necessary But Not Sufficient
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Modern Formal Methods and Applications-HOSSAM A. GABBAR
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Personal Finance 13E Jack Kapoor, Les Dlabay, Robert J. Hughes, Melissa Hart
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求书:Human Desire and Economic Satisfaction: Essays on the Frontiers of Economi
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Quarterly Essay № 81: Getting To Zero (Alan Finkel)
0 个回复 - 298 次查看 The world is overheating, and despite good intentions and significant efforts, emissions increase nearly every year. The challenge is immense, but there are solutions.[/backcolor]In this lucid, inspir ...2023-2-17 17:18 - jennifermao1 - 经管书评
22 个回复 - 10965 次查看 CFA三级上午Essay真题及答案(2005-2018年合并版),2019年以后不再公布上午Essay真题,因此,此版本是最全版本。 本人参加了2020年12月三级考试(已通过),为方便复习,本人将所有真题合并成一个PDF,并制作 ...2021-3-4 16:21 - yonder - CFA Level 3 学习群组
First passage time density of an Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process with broken drift
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Nonlinear Control, Global Edition by Hassan K. Khalil
3 个回复 - 2530 次查看 For a first course on nonlinear control that can be taught in one semester This book emerges from the award-winning book, Nonlinear Systems, but has a distinctly different mission and organization. ...2018-2-10 17:45 - nivastuli - 博弈论
The Essays of Warren Buffett Lessons for Corporate America, Third Edition
45 个回复 - 9193 次查看 * Buffett repeatedly declares The Essays "Recommended Reading" * Cunningham followed up with Berkshire Beyond Buffett: The Enduring Value of Values (an amazon "hot new title") [*]By arranging B ...2014-10-23 17:19 - 大家开心 - 金融学(理论版)
重磅报告:Messari-2023report-crypto theses 【168页】
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the essays of warren buffett-lessons for corporate america -fifth edition
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【解读德国唯心主义哲学家 Schelling】 Interpreting Schelling : Critical Essays
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【早期现代哲学,牛津大学出版社】 Causality and Mind : Essays on Early Modern Phi
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《ALPHAGO:超越人类认知的极限(精制)》Demis Hassabis - epub
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【独家发布】【2016新书】5 Steps To A 5: Writing the AP English Essay 2017
24 个回复 - 1990 次查看 如果喜欢该文档,欢迎订阅【2016新书】文库,http://bbs.pinggu.org/forum.php?mod=collection&action=view&ctid=3187 图书名称:5 Steps To A 5: Writing the AP English Essay 2017 [/backcolor] 作者:Barbar ...2016-8-7 08:33 - 牛尾巴 - 经管书评
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【美国获奖作家 Betty Fussell 论文选】Eat, Live, Love, Die: Selected Essays
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【爱斯基摩人的生活】In a Hungry Country: Essays by Simon Paneak
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2022年Essar Oil(Uk)Limited企业数据分析
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【仁川1950:最后的两栖作战】 Inch'on 1950: The last great amphibious assault
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Mathematical physics:a modern Introduction to its foundations S.Hassani
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Itissalat Al Maghrib企业分析报告
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The Bodily Self Selected Essays
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【展现男子气概】 Danger & Play: Essays on Masculinity (2016)
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毕业论文使用的卡方检验该如何分析? SPSSAU SPSSAU​
0 个回复 - 573 次查看 一、卡方检验基本说明 有时,在研究中某个随机变量是否服从某种特定的分布是需要进行检验的。可以根据以往的经验或者实际的观测数据分布情况,推测总体可能服从某种分布函数F(x)。卡方检验就是这样一种用来检验给 ...2022-10-28 17:52 - spssau - SPSS论坛
合作博弈Essays on Pareto Optimality in Cooperative Games
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【2019新书】Value and Crisis_Essays on Labour, Money and Contemporary Capitalism
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AMOS问题请教,it will probably be necessary to impose 1 additional constra
16 个回复 - 4660 次查看 之前原本是 it will probably be necessary to impose 5 additional constraint,后来看了论坛,每个潜变量对应的观察变量都设置了固定路径1,现在需要impose 1 additional constraint,但实在不知该怎么修改了?请各 ...2017-8-18 19:02 - iAweomse - LISREL、AMOS等结构方程模型分析软件
【2016新书】Capitalism’s Crisis Deepens: Essays on the Global Economic Meltdo
25 个回复 - 3845 次查看 如果喜欢该文档,欢迎订阅【2016新书】文库,http://bbs.pinggu.org/forum.php?mod=collection&action=view&ctid=3187 图书名称:Capitalism’s Crisis Deepens: Essays on the Global Economic Meltdown[/backco ...2016-6-19 19:46 - 牛尾巴 - 金融学(理论版)
写作经典书籍整理!eg: essay for business/ on writing well
17 个回复 - 7682 次查看 看原版的写作指导书,可以直观的感受到国外写作essay的思路和一些语言技巧。 收藏了好久的材料,拿出来和大家共勉啦!!希望对大家学习有帮助。2013-2-22 14:14 - 香芋吧噗 - 外语学习
Melissa Dell计量经济学编程课课件
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A Student's Writing Guide: How to Plan and Write Successful Essays
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Three essays in applied economic theory.
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Critical Essay Sample
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