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Intermediate Microeconomics : A model Approach Ninth Edition of Hal R. Varian
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Approaching (almost) any machine learning problem by abhishek thakur (z-lib.org)
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Equity Factor Timing: A Two-Stage Machine Learning Approach
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Statistical Modeling With R:A dual frequentist and Bayesian approach for life s
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上市商业银行roa、roe 净资产收益率、总资产收益率数据2012-2022
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实证分析roa roe tobinq
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Approaching (Almost) Any Machine Learning Problem大佬的书籍
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MIT教材Advanced Microeconomic Theory An Intuitive Approach With Examples及答案
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General Recursion Theory: An Axiomatic Approach
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Measuring systemic risk contribution: A higher-order moment augmented approach
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Extremal dependence of copulas: A tail density approach
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Michael Rice-Digital Communications a Discrete-Time Approach习题答案
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Church and Ware-Industrial Organization- A Strategic Approach 课本
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Financial contagion and contagion channels in the forex market: A new approach v
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Classical dynamics. A contemporary approach习题答案
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Linear Algebra, Signal Processing, and Wavelets - A Unified Approach习题答案
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Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (Fourth Edition)
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Algebraic Topology An Intuitive Approach-Hajime Sato
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An Optimal Taxation Approach to Fiscal Federalism
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Games of Supplier Encroachment Channel Selection
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A systematic approach of determining compensation and allocation
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Human-machine Collaborative Decision-making: An Evolutionary Roadmap Based on Co
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Forecasting stock return volatility: The role of shrinkage approaches in a data-
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