结果:找到“SATI 3.2”相关内容1000个,排序为按回复时间降序,搜索更多相关帖子请点击“高级
5 个回复 - 7088 次查看 1.知网下载题录(有例子)2. sati/ucinet初步整理 3、netdraw画图 本人整理的具体步骤(附截图),步骤具体到每一步的操作过程2019-8-16 11:15 - Adrian的小天地 - 现金交易版
eviews选择模型时,试了下变参数模型,显示insufficient number of obversation
15 个回复 - 25452 次查看 我想用F统计量对模型的形式设定进行检验,刚刚试了下变参数模型,但得不出结果,而是显示insufficient number of observations,是不是自变量太多了,该怎么办呢?先谢谢大家啦![/backcolor]2013-3-9 09:52 - 暗夜精灵 - EViews专版
产业组织Industrial Organisation北大国家发展研究院汪浩老师(CCER初试专业课资料)
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Practice Makes Perfect English Conversation
5 个回复 - 337 次查看 English Conversation 作者: Jean Yates, PhD 出版社: McGraw-Hill Education 原作名: Practice Makes Perfect: English Conversation, Premium Third Edition 3rd Edition 出版年: 2020-3-25 页数: 192 装 ...2024-1-1 23:37 - liarh - 经管书评
Data Visualisation With R: 111 Examples (2nd Edition)
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Method and tools for insurance price and revenue optimisation
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CCER产业组织Industrial Organisation:课件+试题+作业及答案,产业组织学
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销售人员薪酬架构设计 Sales compensation design
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A systematic approach of determining compensation and allocation
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中国科学技术史 李约瑟 science and civilisation in china
3 个回复 - 4946 次查看 如果 您对 计量识别,尤其是工具变量特别钟情的话,读完胜冗子先生的系列丛书,你会发现有太多的资料可用! 资料说明: 1. 语言:英文;2. 内容: 红色斜体 为本人没有找到的版本(也算求助吧)。3. 文件编号如有错 ...2015-3-25 09:40 - jianxiaoxi - 劳动经济学
Data Visualisation with R 100 Examples R语言数据可视化2017新书,是R语言学习的好
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Analysis of the synchronisation of energy consumption
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Chief Financial Officer Co-option and Chief Executive Officer Compensation
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PSM模型中出现The balancing property is not satisfied,应该怎么办
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Practice Based Optimisation of Bus-Train Timetable Coordination
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求助《Numbers and Figures: Six Math Conversations Starting from Scratch》
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Climate Regulatory Risks and Executive Compensation
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Executive Compensation Tied to ESG Performance
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Portfolio optimisation under flexible dynamic dependence modelling
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Customer satisfaction during COVID-19 phases: the case of the Venetian hospitali
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产业组织理论 泰勒尔 Industrial Organisation:上财学习资料整理
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From the Fringe to the Fore: Labor Unions and Employee Compensation
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Peter Spirtes《Causation, Prediction, and Search 第二版 (1993)》
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企业薪酬管理体系(compensation management system)三部曲
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顾客满意指数统计表与分析(customer satisfaction)CSI,Excel
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如何让你薪酬设计方案(基于KSF)更具激励性?salary, compesation system
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Analysis of the synchronisation of energy consumption
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You, Me, and Trading : A Conversational Guide On the Psychology of Trading
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Internationalisation of small to medium-sized manufacturing firms
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The contribution of alternative types of care on life satisfaction
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求书:Human Desire and Economic Satisfaction: Essays on the Frontiers of Economi
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Optimisation techniques for economists,Instructor's Manual Essential Mathe
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全球化及其经济后果 Globalisation and its Economic Consequences
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Lap time optimisation of a racing go-kart
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The Use of HR Policies and Job Satisfaction of Older Workers
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Accounting Performance Goals in CEO Compensation Contracts
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【自然系统,Wiley 生物地理学】 Natural Systems : The Organisation of Life (2016)
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Esg-Linked Executive Compensation and Managerial Talent
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CEO excess compensation: the impact of compensation committee
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CEO Compensation and Sustainability Reporting
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【独家发布】【2016新书】The Intelligent Conversationalist: 31 Cheat Sheets That Will Show
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Executive compensation and environmental performance
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CSR-contingent executive compensation contracts
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Executive compensation, environmental performance, and sustainable banking
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Executive compensation indexed to corporate social responsibility
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Executive compensation and environmental performance
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【早期孩童教育,知识与关系】Conversation Analysis and Early Childhood Education
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WORK5003 Management and Organisations:澳大利亚悉尼大学学习资料整理
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【薪资手册:薪资策略和设计的最新指导】The Compensation Handbook (5th Edition)
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Does regulating executive compensation impact insider trading?
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【刑法的对话,牛津大学出版社】 Criminal Law Conversations
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Influence of dynamic pricing of perishable food products on customer satisfactio
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求“Does Option Compensation Increase Managerial Risk Appetite?”
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求“Does Option Compensation Increase Managerial Risk Appetite?”
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组织行为学 Oganisational behaviour:在清华的学习资料整理
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When Investors Can Talk to Firms, Is It a Meaningful Conversation?
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crucial conversation
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Compensation, 14th Edition 最新版 EPUB 格式
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【金融危机系列】金融化与金融危机 Financialisation and the Financial and Economi
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The compensation handbook, 中文版
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Who did it matters: Executive equity compensation and financial reporting fraud
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The novel is a stinging satire on American politics.
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Sociological Paradigms and Organisational Analysis
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Partner-specific adaptations, performance, satisfaction, and loyalty in third-pa
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Executive Compensation, Sustainable Compensation Policy, Carbon Performance
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美国国债定价的Canadisation算法的一种变体 L'evy过程驱动的选项
0 个回复 - 217 次查看 摘要翻译: 本文介绍了由L\'evy过程驱动的有限到期美式期权的定价算法。这个想法是调整卡尔的“加拿大化”方法,参见。Carr[9](也见Bouchard et al[5]),这样调整的算法对于任何L\'evy过程是可行的,其在独立的指数分 ...2022-4-9 21:30 - 何人来此 - Forum