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The Python Book 2022
1 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 440 ´Î²é¿´ Welcome to The Python Book, over the following pages you will be given an insight into the Python language. The genesis of this book has come from my experience of using and more importantly teaching ...2022-11-23 14:05 - dgdgmariner - ÏÖ½ð½»Ò×°æ
29 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 4658 ´Î²é¿´ Ò»¹²1¸ö¶àG£¬ÒòΪÎļþ½Ï¶à£¬¿ÉÄܳöÏÖ´ò¿ªºóÏÔʾÎļþ¼ÐΪ¿ÕµÄÇé¿ö£¬¶àˢм¸´ÎÎļþͼ±ê¾ÍÏÔʾ³öÀ´ÁË 133[´ÏÃ÷±´Ëþ´´Ô쳬¶îÊÕÒæµÄÃØÃÜ].pdf 132[¶Ô³å»ù½ð½¨Ä£Óë·ÖÎö-»ùÓÚMatlab].pdf 131[½ðÈÚ²úÆ·´óÈ« ...2021-3-21 21:46 - wz151400 - ÏÖ½ð½»Ò×°æ
Beautiful Visualization ¡¾Êý¾Ý¿ÉÊÓ»¯Ö®ÃÀ¡¿Ó¢ÎÄ°æ
8 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 4774 ´Î²é¿´ Beautiful Visualization ¡¾Êý¾Ý¿ÉÊÓ»¯Ö®ÃÀ¡¿Ó¢ÎÄ°æ Ò»¹²20Õ½ڣ¬Êý¾Ý¿ÉÊÓ»¯µÄáÛ·åÖ®×÷£¬ÀíÂÛÈ«Ã棬°¸ÀýÏèʵ£¬¾ø¶Ô¸É»õ¡£ ¸½ÉÏÏà¹ØͼƬ£º2015-9-4 18:10 - ÃÎÈôÎèÖ®¹ÙÊÀÇ¿ - Êý¾Ý¿ÉÊÓ»¯
Beautiful C++
6 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 947 ´Î²é¿´ Beautiful C++: 30 Core Guidelines for Writing Clean, Safe, and Fast Code2023-5-3 19:50 - xfx - CÓëC++±à³Ì
¡¾10¸ö×îÃÀÀöµÄʵÑé¡¿ The Ten Most Beautiful Experiments
21 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 1213 ´Î²é¿´ The Ten Most Beautiful Experiments by George Johnson (Author) A dazzling, irresistible collection of the ten most groundbreaking and beautiful experiments in scientific history. With th ...2017-1-10 11:12 - cmwei333 - ¾­¹ÜÊéÆÀ
ÐÅÏ¢Éè¼ÆµÄÏÈÇýÕßEdward TufteµÄ¡¶Beautiful Evidence£¨ÃÀÀöµÄÖ¤¾Ý£©¡·PDF
11 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 8499 ´Î²é¿´ Edward TufteÐÅÏ¢Éè¼ÆµÄÏÈÇýÕߣ¬Ò®Â³´óѧͳ¼ÆѧºÍÕþÖÎѧÍËÐݽÌÊÚ£¬µì¶¨ÁËÊÓ¾õ»¯¶¨Á¿ÐÅÏ¢µÄ»ù´¡¡£³ö°æÁË°üÀ¨¡¶ÊÓ¾õ½âÊÍ¡·£¬¡¶¹¹ÏëÐÅÏ¢¡·£¬¡¶¶¨Á¿ÐÅÏ¢µÄÊÓ¾õչʾ¡·£¬ºÍ¡¶Êý¾Ý·ÖÎöµÄÕþÖκÍÕþ²ß¡·£¬¡¶ÃÀÀöµÄÖ¤¾Ý¡·ÔÚ ...2017-12-24 20:25 - sensung - Êý¾Ý¿ÉÊÓ»¯
¡¾2004¡¿How to Have a Beautiful Mind
40 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 3707 ´Î²é¿´ ¡¾2004¡¿How to Have a Beautiful Mind Book ͼÊéÃû³Æ£º How to Have a Beautiful Mind Author ×÷Õߣº Edward de Bono Publisher ³ö°æÉ磺 Ebury Press Page Ò³Êý£º 240 & 126 Publishing Date ³ö°æʱ¼ä ...2015-11-3 14:39 - kychan - ¹ÜÀí¿Æѧ
¡¾³©ÏúÊéϵÁС¿Åµ½±µÃÖ÷ÐÂÊé A Beautiful Question: Finding Nature's Deep Design
79 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 8690 ´Î²é¿´ 2015Äê×îг©ÏúÊ飬½µ¼Û³öÊÛ3Ì죬ÏëÒªËæʱ¸ú×Ù×îкÃÊ飬Çëµã»÷Í·ÏñÏ·½¡°¼Ó¹Ø×¢¡±¡£¹Ø×¢³É¹¦ºó£¬²é¿´ÕâÀï¼´¿É£ºÈý²½×ß°Ñǧ±¾ºÃÊé¡°Ò»Íø´ò¾¡¡±£¡¡£ ŵ±´¶ûÎïÀíѧ½±µÃÖ÷¡¢MIT½ÌÊÚFrank WilczekÔÚÁ¿×ÓÎïÀíѧ·½Ãæ×ö ...2016-1-10 00:20 - wwqqer - ÊÀ½ç¾­¼ÃÓë¹ú¼ÊóÒ×
¡¾¶À¼Ò·¢²¼¡¿Beautiful Soup Documentation
4 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 764 ´Î²é¿´ **** ±¾ÄÚÈݱ»×÷ÕßÒþ²Ø ****2020-6-7 01:51 - Nicolle - winbugs¼°ÆäËûÈí¼þר°æ
¡¾¶À¼Ò·¢²¼¡¿The Beautiful Cure : The Revolution in Immunology
4 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 828 ´Î²é¿´ The Beautiful Cure : The Revolution in Immunology and What It Means for Your Health **** ±¾ÄÚÈݱ»×÷ÕßÒþ²Ø **** The immune system holds the key to human health. In The Beautiful Cure, leading imm ...2020-3-14 22:26 - Nicolle - winbugs¼°ÆäËûÈí¼þר°æ
Beautiful SoupÊÇʲô£¿
0 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 297 ´Î²é¿´ Beautiful SoupÊÇÒ»¸öPython¿â£¬Ëü½«HTML»òXMLÎĵµ½âÎöΪÊ÷½á¹¹£¬ÒÔ±ãÓÚ²éÕÒºÍÌáÈ¡Êý¾Ý¡£Ëüͨ³£ÓÃÓÚ´ÓÍøÕ¾ÉÏץȡÊý¾Ý¡£¼ÙÉèÄúÕÒµ½ÁËһЩÏÔʾÓëÄúµÄÑо¿Ïà¹ØµÄÊý¾ÝµÄÍøÒ³£¬ÀýÈçÈÕÆÚ»òµØÖ·ÐÅÏ¢£¬µ«ÊÇûÓÐÌṩÈκÎÖ±½ÓÏ ...2022-10-27 11:31 - ÎÒÊÇСſ²Ë - Êý¾Ý·ÖÎöÓëÊý¾ÝÍÚ¾ò
Beautiful Soup³öÏÖÒì³£Ôõô´¦Àí£¿
0 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 310 ´Î²é¿´ ´íÎó´¦Àí´¦ÀíÁ½ÖÖÀàÐ͵ĴíÎóºÜÖØÒª¡£ÕâЩ²»Êǽű¾ÖеĴíÎ󣬶øÊÇƬ¶Î½á¹¹ÖеĴíÎóµ¼ÖÂBeautiful SoupµÄAPIÅ׳ö´íÎó¡£Ò»¸öAttributeErrorµ±µã·ûºÅûÓÐÕÒµ½ÐֵܱêÇ©µ±Ç°HTML±ê¼Ç½«±»Å׳ö¡£ÀýÈ磬Èç¹ûÌض¨´úÂë¶ÎûÓÐê±ê ...2022-10-27 11:29 - ÎÒÊÇСſ²Ë - Êý¾Ý·ÖÎöÓëÊý¾ÝÍÚ¾ò
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0 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 583 ´Î²é¿´ BeautifulSoupÊÇÒ»ÖÖ¿ÉÒÔ´ÓhtmlºÍxm lÖпìËÙÌáÈ¡ÄÚÈݵÄpython¿â£¬¹²ÓÐËÄÖÖÀàÐÍ£¬¶ÔÓÚÅÀ³æ½âÎöÀ´Ëµ£¬Ö÷ÒªÓÃÆäÖеıéÀúÎĵµÊ÷ºÍËÑË÷ÎĵµÊ÷¡£ À´×ÔBeautifulSoupµÄ¹Ù·½µÄÒ»¸öʾÀý£¬Ê¹ÓõÄÊÇHTMLÎı¾ The Dormouse¡¯s s ...2022-5-31 09:45 - AIUÈ˹¤ÖÇÄÜѧԺ - Êý¾Ý·ÖÎöʦ£¨CDA£©×¨°æ
0 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 979 ´Î²é¿´ #!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Mon Dec 27 13:52:57 2021 @author: apache """ from bs4 import BeautifulSoup html = """ The Dormouse's story The Dormou ...2021-12-27 14:26 - shadowaver - pythonÂÛ̳
0 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 397 ´Î²é¿´ ÄãÌ«ÃÀÁË£¡£ºYou are so beautiful£¡ ºÃ¼òµ¥£¬µ«ÊÇСµ¥´ÊÒ²ÓдóÖǻۡ£ 01 beautiful (especially of a woman or girl) very pleasant to look at£¨ÓÈָŮ×Ó»òÅ®º¢£©Æ¯ÁÁµÄ£¬ÃÀÀöµÄ Àý¾äShe looked stunn ...2021-9-15 04:18 - ÑîÃ÷·² - ÍâÓïѧϰ
Thank you, for being the most beautiful one in my heart.
2 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 807 ´Î²é¿´ Thank you, for being the most beautiful one in my heart.ллÄ㣬ÔøÊÇÎÒ×îÃÀµÄÐÄÊ¡£2021-1-19 20:56 - ÑîÃ÷·² - ÍâÓïѧϰ
0 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 962 ´Î²é¿´ ±¾°ì·¨ÊÇ×î»ù´¡Ò²ÊÇÔÚÅÀÈ¡Á´¼ÒÊý¾ÝÖÐ×îÈÝÒ×ÉÏÊֵĴúÂë ```python # ÐèÒªÏÈ°²×°²¢µ¼ÈërequestsºÍbs4Á½¸ö¿â£¬reÊÇpython×Ô´ø£¬¿ÉÒÔÖ±½Óµ¼Èë import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import re # Á´¼ÒµÄ ...2021-1-17 10:51 - cwjcw81 - pythonÂÛ̳
1 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 1319 ´Î²é¿´ ±¾°ì·¨ÊÇ×î»ù´¡Ò²ÊÇÔÚÅÀÈ¡Á´¼ÒÊý¾ÝÖÐ×îÈÝÒ×ÉÏÊֵĴúÂë # ÐèÒªÏÈ°²×°²¢µ¼ÈërequestsºÍbs4Á½¸ö¿â£¬reÊÇpython×Ô´ø£¬¿ÉÒÔÖ±½Óµ¼Èë import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import re # Á´¼ÒµÄ¶þÊÖ·¿»ù´¡Ò³ÃæÖ» ...2021-1-5 13:34 - cwjcw81 - pythonÂÛ̳
"beautiful bird"²»ÊÇ¡°ÃÀÀöµÄÄñ¡±£¡
4 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 1940 ´Î²é¿´ "bird"ÔÚÎÒÃǵÄÓ¡ÏóÀ붼ÊÇ"Äñ"µÄÒâ˼£¬ÆäʵÕâ¸öµ¥´Ê²»½ö½öÖ»ÓÐÕâÒ»¸öÒâ˼Ŷ¡£ birdÓ¢ ÃÀ n. Äñ;ÇÝ;¹ÃÄï;æ¤;ijÀàÈË;(ÓÈÖ¸)¹Å¹ÖµÄÈË£¬²»Ñ°³£µÄÈËvi. ¹Û²ìºÍ±æÈÏÄñ;²¶Äñ;´òÄñ ËùÒÔ"beautiful bird"Æäʵָ¡° ...2020-11-27 17:51 - ÑîÃ÷·² - ÍâÓïѧϰ
¡¾Ñ§Ï°±Ê¼Ç¡¿38¡¢book£¬ the most beautiful sound of human beings¡£ -- lev ...
1 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 365 ´Î²é¿´ 38¡¢book£¬ the most beautiful sound of human beings¡£ -- levin Ê顪¡ªÈËÀà·¢³öµÄ×îÃÀÃîµÄÉùÒô¡£¡ª¡ªÀ³ÎÄ2020-10-26 10:18 - Àîã庮521521 - Forum
0 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 1356 ´Î²é¿´ ÔÚPythonÖÐʹÓÃBeautifulSoup¹ÎÈ¡eBay ¾¡¹ÜÑÇÂíÑ·Êǵç×ÓÉÌÎñÊг¡µÄÁìµ¼Õߣ¬µ«eBayÔÚÔÚÏßÁãÊÛÐÐÒµÖÐÈÔÕ¼ÓÐÏ൱µÄ·Ý¶î¡£ÔÚÏßÏúÊÛµÄÆ·ÅÆÒ²Ó¦¸ÃÔÚeBayÉϼà¿Ø¼Û¸ñ£¬ÒÔ»ñÈ¡¾ºÕùÓÅÊÆ¡£ ¶¨ÆÚ´ÓeBay´ó¹æÄ£ÌáÈ¡Êý¾Ý¶ÔÓÚÊý¾Ý ...2020-9-11 20:29 - ʱ¹âÓÀºÛ - Êý¾Ý·ÖÎöÓëÊý¾ÝÍÚ¾ò
¡¾Ñ§Ï°±Ê¼Ç¡¿Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like aut ...
0 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 269 ´Î²é¿´ Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn leaves. ÉúÈçÏÄ»¨Ö®Ñ¤Àã¬ËÀÈçÇïÒ¶Ö®¾²ÃÀ¡£2020-8-7 06:16 - ccwwccww - Forum
¡¾Ñ§Ï°±Ê¼Ç¡¿Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like aut ...
1 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 439 ´Î²é¿´ Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn leaves¡£ ÉúÈçÏÄ»¨Ö®Ñ¤Àã¬ËÀÈçÇïÒ¶Ö®¾²ÃÀ¡£¡ª¡ª Ì©¸ê¶û2020-7-3 10:39 - Àîã庮521521 - Forum
¼±ÇóÃÀ¹úÒÁÀûŵÒÁ´óѧ˶ʿÂÛÎÄ¡ª¡°I want to share a beautiful journey with my frie
0 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 421 ´Î²é¿´ ¡¾×÷Õß(±ØÌî)¡¿Du, Xin ¡¾ÎÄÌâ(±ØÌî)¡¿¡°I want to share a beautiful journey with my friends!¡± ¡ª Chinese Millennial travelers' sharing of travel videos via social media and their tourism experiences ...2020-2-15 20:45 - ¸»À¼¿ËÁÖµ¤²¼ÀÊ - ÎÄÏ×ÇóÖúרÇø
¡¾Ñ§Ï°±Ê¼Ç¡¿there was a beautiful girl in that class. °àÉÏÓиöƯÁÁÅ®º¢
2 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 335 ´Î²é¿´ there was a beautiful girl in that class. °àÉÏÓиöƯÁÁÅ®º¢2020-2-15 07:46 - xinlixi - Forum
¡¾Ñ§Ï°±Ê¼Ç¡¿Young and beautiful
1 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 264 ´Î²é¿´ Young and beautiful2020-2-5 22:41 - 1437_1580452357 - Forum
¡¾Ñ§Ï°±Ê¼Ç¡¿ 4.¡¶ÃÀÀöÐÄÁé¡· A Beautiful Mind Ô¼º²
2 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 574 ´Î²é¿´ 4.¡¶ÃÀÀöÐÄÁé¡· A Beautiful Mind Ô¼º²2019-8-29 11:24 - ÇóÕæÖÁÉÆ - Forum
¡¾Ñ§Ï°±Ê¼Ç¡¿Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations.
1 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 843 ´Î²é¿´ Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations.2020-1-19 08:50 - ÄãÃÈ°Ö°Ö - Forum
¡¾Ñ§Ï°±Ê¼Ç¡¿To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don\'t need to b ...
2 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 448 ´Î²é¿´ To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don\'t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself. ÕæÕýµÄÃÀ¾ÍÊÇ×ö×Ô¼º£¬Äã²»ÐèÒª±»±ðÈËÈÏ¿É£¬ÄãÖ»ÐèÒª½ÓÊÜ×îÕæʵµÄ×ÔÎÒ¡£2020-1-10 04:25 - artra2012 - Forum
иè | Finally // beautiful stranger-Halsey
1 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 524 ´Î²é¿´ Your eyes so crystal green[/backcolor]ÄãµÄÑÛ´äÂÌÈç±Ì[/backcolor]Sour apple baby but you taste so sweet[/backcolor]Æ»¹ûËáɬÄãÈ´¿É¿ÚÎÞ±È[/backcolor]You got hips like Jagger and two left feet[/backcolor] ...2019-12-12 11:07 - ÑîÃ÷·² - ÐÝÏйàË®
иè | Beautiful Ghosts-Taylor Swift
0 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 324 ´Î²é¿´ Follow me home if you dare to [/backcolor]Èç¹ûÄãÓе¨Á¿ ÄǾ͸úÎһؼҰÉI wouldn't know where to lead youÖ»ÊÇÎÒÒ²²»ÖªµÀÒª´øÄãÈ¥ÍùºÎ·½Should I take chances when no one took chances on me?µ±Ã»ÓÐÈË¿´ºÃÎÒʱ ...2019-11-25 07:57 - ÑîÃ÷·² - ÐÝÏйàË®
иè | Beautiful Ghosts-Taylor Swift
0 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 324 ´Î²é¿´ Follow me home if you dare to [/backcolor]Èç¹ûÄãÓе¨Á¿ ÄǾ͸úÎһؼҰÉI wouldn't know where to lead youÖ»ÊÇÎÒÒ²²»ÖªµÀÒª´øÄãÈ¥ÍùºÎ·½Should I take chances when no one took chances on me?µ±Ã»ÓÐÈË¿´ºÃÎÒʱ ...2019-11-19 08:31 - ÑîÃ÷·² - ÐÝÏйàË®
¡¾Ñ§Ï°±Ê¼Ç¡¿Truth is beautiful. Without doubt, and so are lies. ÕæÀíÊÇÃÀ ...
0 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 628 ´Î²é¿´ Truth is beautiful. Without doubt, and so are lies. ÕæÀíÊÇÃÀµÄ£»ºÁÎÞÒÉÎÊ£¬»ÑÑÔÒ²ÊÇÈç´Ë¡£2019-10-24 06:56 - ccwwccww - Forum
¡¾Ñ§Ï°±Ê¼Ç¡¿Guide to Create Beautiful Graphics in R£¬Ë­ÓÐÂð£¿
0 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 537 ´Î²é¿´ Guide to Create Beautiful Graphics in R£¬Ë­ÓÐÂð£¿2019-9-12 00:34 - Æ¥ÂíÇàÉÀ - Forum
¡¾Ñ§Ï°±Ê¼Ç¡¿You will leave life even more beautiful than you entered it.
1 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 1045 ´Î²é¿´ You will leave life even more beautiful than you entered it.2019-9-10 05:58 - ³äʵÿһÌì - Forum
0 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 431 ´Î²é¿´ pythonÖÐBeautifulSoup¿âÈýÖÖÑ¡ÔñÆ÷ʹÓÃ×ܽá2019-9-4 21:33 - W160726221430PW - Forum
¡¾Ñ§Ï°±Ê¼Ç¡¿The truth is a beautiful and terrible thing, and should ther ...
0 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 555 ´Î²é¿´ The truth is a beautiful and terrible thing, and should therefore be treated with great caution. ÕæÏàÊÇÒ»ÖÖÃÀÀöÓÖ¿ÉŵĶ«Î÷£¬ÐèÒª¸ñÍâ½÷É÷µØ¶Ô´ý¡£2019-8-18 20:54 - ccwwccww - Forum
¡¾Ñ§Ï°±Ê¼Ç¡¿It\'s another beautiful summer day. We don\'t want to wa ...
1 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 331 ´Î²é¿´ It\'s another beautiful summer day. We don\'t want to waste it. Elizabeth and I went to St. vital mall. the original plan was to let her crawl with other babies in the playground. Unfortunately, it wa ...2019-8-5 07:52 - Àí²ÆʦMary4064 - Forum
¡¾Ñ§Ï°±Ê¼Ç¡¿¡°The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be ...
1 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 313 ´Î²é¿´ ¡°The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart¡±2019-7-29 21:10 - ´Ó1Íòµ½Ò»ÒÚ - Forum
ggplot2: Guide to Create Beautiful Graphics in R
102 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 17180 ´Î²é¿´ ggplot2: Guide to Create Beautiful Graphics in R This book contains 6 parts providing step-by-step guides to create easily beautiful graphics using the R package ggplot2. The first part provides a ...2016-6-21 00:13 - Óæ·ò - RÓïÑÔÂÛ̳
иèËÙµÝ | Beautiful People (feat. Khalid)
1 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 640 ´Î²é¿´ We are, we are, we are[/backcolor]ÎÒÃÇÊÇ...[/backcolor]LA on a Saturday night in the summer[/backcolor]Âåɼí¶Ê¢ÏÄÐÇÆÚÁùµÄÒ¹Íí[/backcolor]Sun down and they all come out[/backcolor]½¾ÑôÍ˳¡¿¡ÄÐÃÀÅ®³ö¶¯[ ...2019-7-3 14:39 - ÑîÃ÷·² - ÐÝÏйàË®
¡¾Ñ§Ï°±Ê¼Ç¡¿Keep smiling, because life is a beautiful thing and there is ...
2 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 706 ´Î²é¿´ Keep smiling, because life is a beautiful thing and there is no reason not to smile. ±£³Ö΢Ц£¬ÒòΪÉú»îÊÇÈç´ËÃÀºÃ£¬Ã»ÀíÓɲ»±£³Ö΢Ц¡£2019-7-3 00:29 - jessie68us - Forum
ÃÀÀöµÄè¶ù Beautiful Cats-Portraits of champion breeds
2 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 491 ´Î²é¿´ ​English | June 20th, 2019 | ISBN: 1782401067 | 112 Pages | EPUB | 18.01 MB Revered by the ancient Egyptians, beloved by the witches of Salem, and now celebrated in this delightful collecti ...2019-6-23 06:14 - richartleo - ÐÝÏйàË®
big is beautiful - debunking the myth of small business (2018)
6 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 972 ´Î²é¿´ big is beautiful - debunking the myth of small business (2018) (.epub)2018-9-14 21:31 - loneshark - Ͷ×ÊÈË£¨ÊµÎñ°æ£©
ggplot2: Guide to Create Beautiful Graphics in R
3 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 1818 ´Î²é¿´ 2016-7-29 05:26 - verbatim - RÓïÑÔÂÛ̳
Is small still beautiful? A comparative study of rice farm size and productivity
3 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 544 ´Î²é¿´ ¡¾×÷Õß(±ØÌî)¡¿Jianying Wang ¡¾ÎÄÌâ(±ØÌî)¡¿Is small still beautiful? A comparative study of rice farm size and productivity in China and India ¡¾Äê·Ý(±ØÌî)¡¿2015 ¡¾È«ÎÄÁ´½Ó»òÊý¾Ý¿âÃû³Æ(Ñ¡Ìî)¡¿ ...2019-6-10 00:26 - bofeng - ÇóÖú³É¹¦Çø
small is beautiful
7 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 1413 ´Î²é¿´ ¸ÐÐËȤµÄ¿ÉÒÔ¶Á¶Á¿´£¡2012-10-17 18:31 - ·ãľ¾ÅÌì - ¾­¹ÜÊéÆÀ
Soccermatics: Mathematical Adventures in the Beautiful Game Pro-Edition
24 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 2197 ´Î²é¿´ David Sumpter, ISBN: 1472924126, 1472924142 | 2017 | EPUB | 352 pages | 4 MB Soccer is the most mathematical of sports¨Criddled with numbers, patterns, and shapes. How to make sense of them? The ...2017-6-30 21:57 - igs816 - ¾­¹ÜÊéÆÀ
4 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 793 ´Î²é¿´ [¼Ü¹¹Ö®ÃÀ].Beautiful.Architecture.ÎÄ×Ö°æ2017-6-1 09:32 - µ÷ƤС³ó - ÐÝÏйàË®
6 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 854 ´Î²é¿´ PythonÃÈÐÂһö£¬×î½ü½Ó´¥Á˵ãÅÀ³æ£¬×öÁËÒ»¸öBeautifulSoupµÄ±Ê¼Ç£¬markdownÓïÑÔתpdfµÄ£¬ÉèÖÃÁËh5êÌø¡£×Ô¾õµÄ»¹ÊDZȽÏʵÓõģ¬¶¼ÊǼǼ³£ÓõŦÄÜ¡£×îºó£¬Ò²Çë»Ø¸´Ò»Ï£¬ÎÒ²»»áÉèÖûظ´¿É¼û¡£ Ò²Çë´ó¼Ò¶à¶àÉÏ´«×Ô ...2018-12-30 12:05 - zhuming1992 - pythonÂÛ̳
beautiful country burn again (2018)
4 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 521 ´Î²é¿´ beautiful country burn again - trump's rise to power, and the state of the country that voted for him (2018) (.epub)2018-11-30 09:59 - loneshark - Ͷ×ÊÈË£¨ÊµÎñ°æ£©
¡¾´óÊý¾ÝϵÁС¿Beautiful Data
77 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 4295 ´Î²é¿´ 2009Äê¾­µä½Ì²Ä£¬½µ¼Û³öÊÛÆÚÒѹý¡£Ï²»¶Õâ±¾Êé¾ÍÇë¡°¹Ø×¢¡±ÎÒ°É£¨http://bbs.pinggu.org/z_guanzhu.php?action=add&fuid=452766£©¡£¹Ø×¢³É¹¦ºó£¬²é¿´ÕâÀï¼´¿É£ºÈý²½×ß°Ñǧ±¾ºÃÊé¡°Ò»Íø´ò¾¡¡±£¡¡£»¶Ó­¶©ÔÄwwqqerÎĿ⣡ ...2016-3-16 08:32 - wwqqer - ¾­¹ÜÊéÆÀ
That beautiful report card you want starts from
0 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 406 ´Î²é¿´ Re: understand the thinking logic of the propositional person, understand your own thinking logic. Even if the propositional person or you are not the headline. But at least the test result is a good ...2018-11-10 15:58 - fmsu_§ñ - ÐÝÏйàË®
The beautiful report card you want starts with understanding the proposition per
0 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 166 ´Î²é¿´ [ ±¾Ìû×îºóÓÉ fmsu_§ñ ÓÚ 2018-11-18 19:06 ±à¼­ ] Re: understand the thinking logic of the propositional person, understand your own thinking logic. Even if the propositional person or you are not the ...2018-11-10 15:55 - fmsu_§ñ - ÐÝÏйàË®
beautiful day
0 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 436 ´Î²é¿´ yesterday today tomorrow2018-10-9 22:24 - agneswrx - ÐÝÏйàË®
Alboukadel Kassambara_Guide to Create Beautiful Graphics in R
5 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 664 ´Î²é¿´ Alboukadel Kassambara_Guide to Create Beautiful Graphics in R2018-7-4 08:19 - chenvitor - ¾­¹ÜÊéÆÀ
How Numbers Work: Discover the strange and beautiful world of mathematics
30 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 1036 ´Î²é¿´ English | May 1st, 2018 | ASIN: B072FVMJP4, ISBN: 1473670357 | 224 Pages | EPUB Think of a number between one and ten. No, hang on, let's make this interesting. Between zero and infinity. Even i ...2018-5-17 16:18 - igs816 - ¾­¹ÜÊéÆÀ
3 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 1853 ´Î²é¿´ Çë½Ìһϣ¬ ÎÒÔÚÓÃpythonµÄbeautifulsoupÈ¥ÅÀÈ¡Êý¾Ýʱ Èç¹ûÅÀÏÂÀ´µÄ´úÂëÀÓÐÒ»¶ÎÊÇ×¢ÊͱêÇ©£¬¾ÍÊÇÕâÖÖ£º2017-12-20 15:37 - yangjia1980lz - pythonÂÛ̳
cannot import name 'beautifulsoup'
2 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 1710 ´Î²é¿´ python °²×°µÄÊÇ anaconda3 £¬python3.6.1 , beautifulsoup ÒѾ­°²×°²¢Éý¼¶£¬ from bs4 import beautifulsoup Õâ¾ä»°£¬×ÜÊÇÌáʾ£ºcannot import name 'beautifulsoup'£¬¿´¹ý°Ù¶ÈÖÐËùÓÐÕâ¸öÎÊÌâµÄ½â¾ö·½·¨£¬ÈÔȻû·¨½â ...2017-10-3 19:51 - xjtiger - pythonÂÛ̳
3 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 1586 ´Î²é¿´ Python³õѧÕߣ¬Çë°ï°ï棬ÏÂÃ漸ÐдúÂ룺def get_links(url): resp = request.get(url) soup = bs.BeautifulSoup(resp.text, 'lxml') body = soup.body ÔÚ soup = bs.BeautifulSoup(resp ...2017-4-7 01:15 - feng_2long - pythonÂÛ̳
ÇóÒ»¸öPython3 Beautiful Soup4µÄÈ¡ÍøÒ³±í¸ñ´æcsvµÄÀý×Ó
2 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 1688 ´Î²é¿´ ÈçÌ⣬ÇóÒ»¸öÀý×Ó£¬±¾ÈËС°×£¬²»ÒªÌ«¸´ÔÓ£¬Å¿´²»¶® ÎÒ¿´µ½ÓÐÒ»±¾½Ð pythonÍøÂçÊý¾Ý²É¼¯ µÄÊ飬ÎÞÄÎÊéÉϵĴúÂ붼ÊÇ2.XµÄ£¬²»¼æÈÝ3.X£¬ÎÒ×Ô¼ºÒ²ÊÔͼдÁËһЩ£¬Ð´²»ÏÂÈ¥ÁË¡£Çó´óÉñ°ïÖú¡£ ±ÈÈ磬ÏÂÃæ´úÂëµÄÄǸöÍøÒ³£¬ ...2017-7-13 17:01 - Solokovski - pythonÂÛ̳
[Python Library]BeautifulScraper
3 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 978 ´Î²é¿´ BeautifulScraperSimple wraper around BeautifulSoup[/backcolor] for HTML parsing and urllib2 for HTTP(S) request/response handling. BeautifulScraper also overrides some of the default handlers in urlli ...2017-7-7 21:51 - Lisrelchen - winbugs¼°ÆäËûÈí¼þר°æ
ÇóEBook ¡±Beautiful Pictures from the Gallery of Phinance¡°
0 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 956 ´Î²é¿´ ¡¾×÷Õß(±ØÌî)¡¿Robert Prechter ¡¾ÎÄÌâ(±ØÌî)¡¿Beautiful Pictures from the Gallery of Phinance[/backcolor] ¡¾Äê·Ý(±ØÌî)¡¿September 12, 2003 ¡¾È«ÎÄÁ´½Ó»òÊý¾Ý¿âÃû³Æ(Ñ¡Ìî)¡¿https://www.amazon.com/B ...2017-2-27 21:20 - edwardzxh - ÎÄÏ×ÇóÖúרÇø
A Beautiful Mind
1 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 1752 ´Î²é¿´ ×îÔ粩ÞÄÂÛÑо¿ÊÇ´ÓÁãºÍ²©ÞÄ¿ªÊ¼¡£±ÈÈç½»Ò×ÖÐÌÖ¼Û»¹¼Û£¬¶Ô·½¶à׬һ¿é£¬ÎÒ¾ÍËðʧһ¿é£¬¶Ô·½Ëðʧһ¿é£¬ÎҾͶà׬һ¿é£¬ÀûÒæ×ÜÁ¿²»±ä¡£ µ«ÊÇËæ×ÅÀäսʱÆÚ´ó¹ú²©ÞĵijöÏÖ£¬ÈËÃǶÔÁãºÍÄ£ÐÍ¿ªÊ¼¸Ðµ½²»Âú¡ª¡ªÈç¹û°Ñ¶Ô ...2017-1-12 09:40 - °ü²»Í¬ - Âí¿Ë˼Ö÷Òå¾­¼Ãѧ
¡¾´óÊý¾Ý£¬ÔƼÆËã¡¿ Beautiful Data : The Stories Behind Elegant Data Solutions
18 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 2361 ´Î²é¿´ Beautiful Data The Stories Behind Elegant Data Solutions By Toby Segaran, Jeff Hammerbacher In this insightful book, you'll learn from the best data practitioners in the field just how wide ...2017-1-1 11:16 - cmwei333 - ½ðÈÚѧ£¨ÀíÂ۰棩
How R Searches and Finds Stuff - O Beautiful Code
3 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 937 ´Î²é¿´ How R Searches and Finds Stuff - O Beautiful Code2016-12-7 18:32 - ·ÉÌìÐþÎè6 - RÓïÑÔÂÛ̳
ÇóÖúÓ¢ÎÄͼÊé Inequalities with Beautiful Solutions
2 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 2043 ´Î²é¿´ ¡¾×÷Õß(±ØÌî)¡¿ Vasile Cirtoaje , Vo Quoc Ba Can , Tran Quoc Anh ¡¾ÎÄÌâ(±ØÌî)¡¿ Inequalities with Beautiful Solutions ¡¾Äê·Ý(±ØÌî)¡¿ 2009 ¡¾È«ÎÄÁ´½Ó»òÊý¾Ý¿âÃû³Æ(Ñ¡Ìî)¡¿2015-4-30 16:24 - ±±¹ÌÒþ - ÇóÖú³É¹¦Çø
Beautiful JavaScript: Leading Programmers Explain How They Think
3 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 843 ´Î²é¿´ **** ±¾ÄÚÈݱ»×÷ÕßÒþ²Ø ****2016-11-24 09:04 - ReneeBK - JAVAÓïÑÔ¿ª·¢¼¼Êõ
Çóggplot2: Guide to Create Beautiful Graphics in R
15 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 5564 ´Î²é¿´ ¡¶Complete Guide to 3D Plots in R¡·ºÍ¡¶ggplot2: Guide to Create Beautiful Graphics in R¡·µÄÍêÕû°æpdfË­ÓУ¿2016-5-10 22:15 - Ä«Ãû - RÓïÑÔÂÛ̳
Four Beautiful Python, R, MATLAB, and Mathematica plots with LaTeX
0 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 1382 ´Î²é¿´ 1. MATLAB plotting with LaTeXFirst, here¡¯s an example using Plotly¡¯s MATLAB API. This is a visualization of Bessel Functions of the first kind, solutions for a differential equation. It¡¯s a useful ...2016-10-18 10:41 - janyiyi - LATEXÂÛ̳
1 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 977 ´Î²é¿´ 2016-3-23 05:22 - oldgreece - Êý¾Ý·ÖÎöÓëÊý¾ÝÍÚ¾ò
3 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 1084 ´Î²é¿´ 2016-3-22 15:38 - oldgreece - Êý¾Ý¿ÉÊÓ»¯
¡¾2010¡¿Beautiful Visualization: Looking at Data through the Eyes of Experts
49 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 6988 ´Î²é¿´ Beautiful Visualization: Looking at Data through the Eyes of Experts by Julie Steele, Noah Iliinsky Visualization is the graphic presentation of data -- portrayals meant to reveal complex in ...2013-8-13 21:12 - leonkd - Êý¾Ý¿ÉÊÓ»¯
¡¾2013¡¿Beautiful JavaScript: Leading Programmers Explain How They Think
21 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 2800 ´Î²é¿´ Èç¹ûÄúϲ»¶ÎÒµÄÌû£¬¾ÍÇë¼Ó¡°+¹Ø×¢¡±Å¶ ÂíÉÏÇÀɳ·¢ Ï£ÍûÄúϲ»¶ÎÒµÄÃâ·Ñ·¢²¼ Ö§³ÖÎÒ ¼ÓÎÒ ¹Ø×¢ÎÒ http://bbs.pinggu.org/z_guanzhu.php?action=add&fuid=3727866 ¡¾2013¡¿Beautiful JavaScript: Leading Prog ...2015-11-22 01:36 - kychan - JAVAÓïÑÔ¿ª·¢¼¼Êõ
Beautiful JavaScript
2 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 840 ´Î²é¿´ 2015-11-13 08:43 - Nicolle - JAVAÓïÑÔ¿ª·¢¼¼Êõ
Football: Fitness and finance change face of the beautiful game
0 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 946 ´Î²é¿´ Football: Fitness and finance change face of the beautiful game By Simon Kuper Football, for most of its history, was not a thinking sport. --------------------- Just as oil was part of th ...2015-8-23 09:35 - xujingjun - ÕæʵÊÀ½ç¾­¼Ãѧ(º¬²Æ¾­Ê±ÊÂ)
Getting Started with Beautiful Soup
13 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 2603 ´Î²é¿´ Getting Started with Beautiful Soup Build your own web scraper and learn all about web scraping with Beautiful Soup Book Description Beautiful Soup is a Python library designed for quick turnar ...2015-5-3 09:49 - Nicolle - winbugs¼°ÆäËûÈí¼þר°æ
Beautiful Code: Leading Programmers Explain How They Think (Theory in Practice (
3 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 1644 ´Î²é¿´ How do the experts solve difficult problems in software development? In this unique and insightful book, leading computer scientists offer case studies that reveal how they found unusual, carefully de ...2015-7-4 18:40 - nelsoncwlee - Á¿»¯Í¶×Ê