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Solutions Manual to Rudins Principles of Mathematical Analysis (Roger Cooke)
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非平衡面板数据xtunitroot fisher使用问题
8 个回复 - 5226 次查看 我的数据是非平衡面板,时间序列有gaps,要检验单位根应该是用xtunitroot fisher varname, {dfuller | pperron} lags(#) [option]。但是,我用命令 xtunitroot fisher varname,dfuller lags(1)做时,总是显示: per ...2016-4-7 15:54 - Caraqh - Stata专版
18 个回复 - 38470 次查看 很多人在面板数据不知道如何用命令检测协整,包括LLC、HT、Breitung、IPS、Fisher等结果,其实非常简单只需要遵循以下两步: 第一步:安装 xtuniroot命令, ssc install xtunitroot 第二步:如何检验,命令为 ...2013-6-4 00:17 - 蓝色波纹 - Stata专版
统计套利经典实操教材 Statistical arbitrage.. Algorithmic trading insights and te
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Dimitris G. Manolakis-Hyperspectral Imaging Remote Sensing课后习题答案
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Arbitrage theory in continous time
1 个回复 - 487 次查看 有Arbitrage theory in continous time 第三版本的电子版 需要的回我{:0_271:}2020-4-2 16:47 - 15320716777 - 爱问频道
【Handbook of Antitrust Economics】
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为什么安装了xtunitroot命令,但是IPS、LLC等检验都是“test IPS not allowed“”
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:Introduction To Probability by Dimitri Bertsekas And John N Tsitsiklis
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Arbitrage Theory in Continuous Time - PDF, Solution Manual+新增第三版3rd
206 个回复 - 72028 次查看 附件内含: 1. Tomas Björk: Arbitrage Theory in Continuous Time, 2004, 2nd edition, Oxford UP 这本书的清晰扫描版,不是论坛上比较流行的那个带黑边版,我加好了书签。虽然说是扫描的,但是很清楚,而 ...2009-12-22 19:21 - nicame09 - 金融工程(数量金融)与金融衍生品
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最优化方法课件Dimitris Bertsimas 教授
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Citron Reports on Evergrande Real Estate Group Ltd.
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Merger Arbitrage: A Fundamental Approach to Event-Driven Investing
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International Arbitrage- Chapter 7 - Indiana University
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The Bond Arbitrage
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Arbitrage 1 Exchange rate arbitrage
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Arbitrage - UNT
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Arbitrage Theory
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风险管理的数学方法:CreditRisk Model 学习课件+经典案例实证分析解读
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统计套利策略综述:Statistical Arbitrage Pairs Trading Strategies
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套利 arbitrage
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Platform antitrust in China
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costly arbitrage
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Arbitrage Theory in Continuous Time-Bjoerk
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无套利隐含波动率曲面论文Building arbitrage-free implied volatility
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Data Economy and Antitrust Regulation
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Springer Finance Series之CreditRisk+ in the Banking Industry
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Arbitrage Theory in Continuous Time & Stochastic Calculus for Finance I II
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Arbitrage Theory in Continuous Time (Bjork)
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Arbitrage Theory in Continuous Time 4th edition
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Microeconomitrics:Methods and Applications A.Colin Cameron and Pravin K.TRivedi
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Introduction to the Mathematics of Finance - Arbitrage and Option Pricing
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Introduction to Linear Optimization byDimitris
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19 个回复 - 5412 次查看 本书是在MIT开设概率论入门课程的基础上编写的,内容全面,例题和习题丰富,结构层次性强,能够满足不同读者的需求。书中介绍了概率模型、离散随机变量和连续随机变量、多元随机变量以及极限理论等概率论基本知识,还 ...2021-8-12 23:42 - AaronZhangY - 金融学(理论版)
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Keith N. Hylton - Antitrust Law and Economics
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第5版Economics of Regulation and Antitrust
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Antitrust: Taking on Monopoly Power from the Gilded Age to the Digital Age (2021
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Risk Arbitrage: An Investor's Guide 2nd Edition
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概率导论(Dimitri P.Bertsekas著 第2版 )习题解答
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