结果:找到“Spatial Variation”相关内容9个,排序为按回复时间降序,搜索更多相关帖子请点击“高级
求:quality,quantity,and spatial variation of price 中公式推导
2 个回复 - 1385 次查看 求大神关于quality,quantity,and spatial variation of price 中公式(6)是怎么推导过来的?2014-4-8 20:48 - qinming87 - 求助成功区
Spatial Variations in the Determinants and Effects of Firm Births and Deaths
2 个回复 - 532 次查看 【作者(必填)】 Peter Johnson[/backcolor] &Simon Parker[/backcolor] 【文题(必填)】 Spatial Variations in the Determinants and Effects of Firm Births and Deaths 【年份(必填)】 2006 【全 ...2018-5-10 15:29 - lily_merry - 求助成功区
[Research Paper]Spatial Poisson hurdle model for exploring geographic variation
4 个回复 - 2137 次查看 Spatial Poisson hurdle model for exploring geographic variation in emergency department visits Brian Neelon, Pulak Ghosh and Patrick F. Loebs Bivariate conditionally auto-regressive prior;Emergency ...2014-6-26 05:27 - Nicolle - winbugs及其他软件专版
Spatial variations in the relationship between economic diversity and stability
1 个回复 - 719 次查看 【作者(必填)】Steven Dellera* & Philip Watsonb 【文题(必填)】Spatial variations in the relationship between economic diversity and stability 【年份(必填)】 2015 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】htt ...2015-9-21 08:53 - zx8387 - 求助成功区
Spatial Variation in Higher Education Financing
2 个回复 - 947 次查看 John Kennanuniversity of Wisconsin-Madison and NBERMarch 2015 Abstract In the U.S. there are large di fferences across States in the extent to which college education is subsidized, and there ...2015-4-7 09:15 - sunkai_bick - 教育经济学
Assessment of temporal and spatial variations in water quality
3 个回复 - 846 次查看 【作者(必填)】Xue Li, Pengjing Li, Dong Wang, Yuqiu Wang 【文题(必填)】Assessment of temporal and spatial variations in water quality using multivariate statistical methods: a case study of the Xi ...2014-10-8 20:16 - lxxwgdxg - 求助成功区
The spatial variation of China's regional inequality in human development
1 个回复 - 704 次查看 【作者(必填)】Yingru Li 【文题(必填)】The spatial variation of China's regional inequality in human development 【年份(必填)】Regional Science Policy & Practice Volume 4, Issue 3, pages 263–278 ...2012-10-19 21:23 - 区域经济爱好者 - 求助成功区