2 个回复 - 489 次查看 1.资料名称:上市公司管理层短视指标(2007-2022年)包含Stata计算代码2.数据范围: 将研发支出削减(∆R&D)作为管理层短视行为的度量指标,具体地,∆R&D为公司t年的研发支出减去t-1年的研发支出并除以 ...2023-6-1 14:16 - 可布奇诺 - 现金交易版
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4 个回复 - 2625 次查看 command legend is unrecognized 总是报这个,请教大家2023-4-9 12:49 - tenwym - Stata专版
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合作博弈教材 Introduction to the Theory of Cooperative Games,by Bezalel Peleg,
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问:sci查重 包括 figuer legend 部分吗?
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0 个回复 - 279 次查看 1 论文标题:基于StyleGAN2的柯尔克孜族纹样的生成研究 2 作者信息:冯政辉, 米高峰*:陕西科技大学设计与艺术学院,陕西 西安 3 出处和链接:冯政辉, 米高峰. 基于StyleGAN2的柯尔克孜族纹样的生成研究[J]. 设 ...2023-9-20 09:29 - 2019hansi - 论文版
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Employment Protection Legislation, Multinational Firms, and Innovation
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英文第二版 ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis (Use R!)
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stata中legend的外部指令去哪下载?Findit 后也不知道点哪什么可以下载,求指导。
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Coherence, strategy and legitimacy – variations of a theme in the case of EU–C
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stata连接表格出现variable college was byte
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【成功的大学写作,最新版,800+页】 Successful College Writing (2016, 6e)
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Michel Chevalier and the Saint-Simonian legacy: Early roots of modern cross-nati
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CPCU 530: Navigating the Legal Landscape of Insurance
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stata画图 怎么取消legend的边框
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stata12 的legend函数的使用问题
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logl is not defined or is an illegal command in ....
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xlabel legend title is unrecognized
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Prolegomena on Coevolution: A Framework for Research on Strategy and New Organiz
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Seems Legit: An Investigation of the Assessing and Sharing of Unverifiable Messa
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