【神经心理学介绍】 Introduction to Neuropsychology (2e) by Beaumont
12 个回复 - 985 次查看 Introduction to Neuropsychology Second Edition J. Graham Beaumont This outstanding text gives students a solid grounding in clinical and experimental neuropsychology. The author is a leadin ...2017-1-10 10:13 - cmwei333 - 经管书评
求Perry H. Beaumont的《金融工程原理》中文版
2 个回复 - 1706 次查看 下面这本《金融工程原理》,国内有中文版么? Financial Engineering Principles -- A Unified Theory for Financial Product Analysis and Valuation, by Perry H. Beaunont, PhD, Wiley.com 求中文版,谢谢 ...2014-7-22 10:17 - Hiw - 金融学(理论版)
Financial Engineering Principles[Perry H. Beaumont, PhD]
1 个回复 - 1393 次查看 Financial Engineering Principles A Unified Theory for Financial Product Analysis and Valuation Perry H. Beaumont, PhD 大家有需要的可以下载!2009-6-21 09:20 - trsh1220 - 金融学(理论版)