0 个回复 - 590 次查看 中国金融期货交割交易情况期权合约汇总统计-中国期货统计年鉴数据整理服务 1、数据来源:中国期货统计年鉴2021-2012 2、时间跨度:2012-2020年面板数据 3、区域范围:上市公司 4、指标说明: 手工整理了最 ...2022-5-13 17:28 - 千里鸟数据 - 现金交易版
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(第二弹)区域间投入产出表清洗+调平+NVC价值链指标(python+R code)
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R in Action, Third Edition Data analysis and graphics with R and Tidyverse
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Business Analytics Data Analysis and Decision Making 7 商业分析:数据分析和决策
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【全球版】Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 6th Global Edition, David C. Lay
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Environmental Science and Pollution Research 投稿经验分享
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Environmental Science and Pollution Research经验分享
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史蒂文·泰迪里斯(Steven Tadelis)博弈论导论讲义,Game Theory An Introduction:香
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分组回归时显示option if not allowed
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Visio 教程+素材+安装包
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Intermediate Accounting 14Edition:清华大学中级财务会计本科学习资料
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Financial Managerial Accounting:The Basis for Business Decisions:北大光华学习
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Business_Analysis_and_Valuation (952页,英文)
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Repeated Games and Reputation+Game Theory: Analysis of Conflict+Game Theory
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The Theory of the Firm and International Trade An Introduction: 北大光华 马捷
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Lecture notes on introduction Logic 逻辑学导论 讲义 14th 英文版
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Fixed Income Securities: Valuation, Risk and Risk Management
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International Trade 4th Edition by Robert C. Feenstra清晰版
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金融衍生工具 :北大光华王东老师主讲,Options, Futures, & Other Derivatives
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18 个回复 - 3847 次查看 (国际贸易)【若无法下载,在购买后可以在下方评论区留下邮箱】 (国际经济学) 注: 大家不要下载错了哈! Feenstra的《international trade》与其《international economics》有差异。前者有中文译本,中国人 ...2022-6-13 23:19 - zanika - 世界经济与国际贸易
John C. Hull - Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives 第11版:第1-16章 课后习
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Algorithms For Dummies, 2nd Edition 2022
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请教一下大家,用Stata合并两个数据时出现invalid file specification
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