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0 个回复 - 204 次查看 全球世界各国1960-2022健康65岁人口少儿老年抚养比婴儿死亡数吸烟率消瘦发生率超重率营养不良患病率等 数据来源:WB世界银行世界发展指标WDI 数据期间:1960-2022 数据范围:全球200多个国家和地区 世界发展指 ...2023-10-14 18:14 - yusb - 现金交易版
数理金融教学讲义Mathematical Finance. Theory Review and Exercises,2nd
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Barra模型专题文献,Barra Model
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Systemic Risk计算的5种VaR算法matlab代码
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高级计量经济学:ICRG政治风险指数International Country Risk Guide:综合面板数据
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【学习笔记】求助:The top ten operational risks:a survival guide for inv ...
3 个回复 - 948 次查看 求助:The top ten operational risks:a survival guide for investment management firms and hedge funds,Miller and Lawton 2010 请问谁有这个资料呀?2020-1-20 22:42 - Chenyu_van - Forum
Quantitative Enterprise Risk Management电子版,有愿意一起摊的吗
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求购Quantitative Enterprise Risk Management, Hardy & Saunders
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基于MATLAB的金融工程模型计算,GARCH & 风险组合VaR( Value at Risk计算)
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Fixed Income Securities: Valuation, Risk and Risk Management
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MATLAB 最新的意大利学者TommasoBelluzzo-SystemicRisk-2b4ebd0程序分享
11 个回复 - 2753 次查看 这个是一个MATLAB 可以计算 CoVaR SRISK finance-network 的程序;他分享在MATHWORK 公司的程序分享网站以及github网站。 前后有好几个版本,四月份我下载的其他版本。然后最新的这个版本,还可以计算 finance ...2019-9-20 18:29 - tulipsliu - MATLAB等数学软件专版
An Introduction to Computational Risk Management of Equity-Linked Insurance
24 个回复 - 1431 次查看 2018 | ISBN-10: 1498742165 | 402 Pages | PDF The quantitative modeling of complex systems of interacting risks is a fairly recent development in the financial and insurance industries. Over the ...2018-7-8 17:19 - igs816 - 经管书评
Actuarial Mathematics for life contingent risks 3rd edition
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国际国家风险指数International Country Risk Guide(ICRG)1984-2020
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求“Integrating Variable Risk Preferences, Trust, and Transaction Cost Economics
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国际国家风险指数International Country Risk Guide (ICRG)2018
9 个回复 - 4602 次查看 国际国家风险指数International Country Risk Guide (ICRG)的数据,包含政治风险指数、金融风险指数和经济风险指数三个都有,数据时间是2007-2018年数据,有2018年的数据。并且已经分类汇总计算好风险值。2021-3-8 12:35 - xyq0918 - 现金交易版
风险控制矩阵理论与应用指南(Risk control matrix)
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大数据风险管理和控制(Risk Management & Control with Big Data)
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GAS and GARCH based value-at-risk modeling of precious metals
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Extreme risk spillover network: application to financial institutions
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Nudging with care: the risks and benefits of social information
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Debt maturity structure and the quality of risk disclosures
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GAS and GARCH based value-at-risk modeling of precious metals
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Exchange rate return predictability in times of geopolitical risk
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书籍分享-quantative risk management
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Extreme and Inference for Tail Gini Functionals With Applications in Tail Risk M
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Estimates of marginal survival for dependent competing risks based on an assumed
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Climate Risk and Capital Structure
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Risks of Sector Rotation Strategies - 行业轮动策略的风险
1 个回复 - 289 次查看 The purpose of this study is to gain a better understanding of the sources of global pricing, or rather “nondomestic” pricing, that are documented in Diermeier andSolnik [2000]. We focus here on i ...2023-9-10 17:25 - 745954790 - 金融工程(数量金融)与金融衍生品
Quantitative Risk Management: Concepts, Techniques and Tools Revised Edition
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Priced risk in corporate bonds
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FRM二级operational risk资料
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如何用SAS进行归因危险度分析(attributable risk)?
5 个回复 - 2793 次查看 看了一篇文章 “point and interval estimates of partial population attributable risks in cohort studies: examples and software" 里面举了一个例子: 根据这个计算出multivariate attributable risks ...2020-12-14 13:12 - yu9954 - SAS专版
【资源分享】国际国家风险指数International Country Risk Guide_1984-2016
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100 Excel Simulations: Using Excel to Model Risk, Investments, Genetics, Growth
31 个回复 - 3311 次查看 English | November 1st, 2016 | ISBN: 1615470484 | 227 Pages | PDF Covering a variety of Excel simulations, from gambling to genetics, this introduction is for people interested in modeling future ...2018-10-30 23:35 - igs816 - Excel
Credit Risk of Quantitative Enterprise Risk Management, Hardy & Saunders
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The Hedge Fund Edge: Maximum Profit/Minimum Risk Global Trend Trading Strategies
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Score-driven exponentially weighted moving averages and Value-at-Risk forecastin
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Currency Redenomination Risk
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FIN522 Advanced Risk Management And Derivatives,MSF
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Creditor rights, information sharing, and bank risk taking
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Climate Regulatory Risks and Executive Compensation
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Handbook of Quantitative Finance and Risk Management
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Climate risk气候风险专题、移民专题研究相关文献及相关数据整理
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【独家发布】【2015】Systemic Risk, Crises, and Macroprudential Regulation
58 个回复 - 6191 次查看 如果您喜欢我的帖,就请加“+关注”哦 马上抢沙发 希望您喜欢我的免费发布 支持我 加我 关注我http://bbs.pinggu.org/z_guanzhu.php?action=add&fuid=3727866 【2015】Systemic Risk, Crises, and Macropruden ...2015-12-23 17:46 - kychan - 管理科学
Skewness and the Relation Between Risk and Return
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Risk Measurement Performance of Alternative Distribution Functions
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Extreme risk spillover of the oil, exchange rate to Chinese stock market: Eviden
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国际物流和供应链金融和风险管理Finance and Risk Management for International
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Evidence from a long-term experiment that collective risks change
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【求助】SAS floating absolute risk计算
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MATH G4082 Risk Management and Regulation,VaR,风险管理与监管
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Foundations of Quality Risk Management
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Bubble behaviors in nickel price: What roles do geopolitical risk
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Financial Risk Modelling and Portfolio Optimization with R
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A View Inside Corporate Risk Management
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Woerner S , Egger D J . Quantum Risk Analysis[J]. npj Quantum Information.2019.p
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Risk Modeling: Practical Applications of Artificial Intelligence
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Fixed Income Securities: Valuation, Risk, and Risk Management Solution Manual
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【经典教材系列】风险价值入门 An Introduction to Value-at-Risk 第五版
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Collaboration Risk and the Choice to Consolidate Local Government Services.
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The Impact of Shareholder Litigation Risk on Equity Incentives: Evidence from a
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Model-based measurement of latent risk in time series with applications
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政治风险指数Political Risk Services International Guide (PRS)1996-2020年
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Boom‐Baby CEOs, Career Experience, and Risk Taking: A Natural Experiment Using
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大牛Robert Jarrow新作!The Economic Foundations of Risk Management
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the handbook of corporate financial risk management
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Handbook of Quantitative Finance and Risk Management
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Handbook of Quantitative Finance and Risk Management
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