1990-2922年A股上市公司债务违约风险数据整理(1990-2022年) 违约概率 事后债务违约
4 个回复 - 2030 次查看 债务违约风险Z-Score 计算说明[hr] 选择基于中国企业所构建的Z-score模型来衡量样本企业的债务违约风险,其中Z-score模型具体如下: Z-score=0.517-0.46x(负债总额/资产总额)+0.388x(营运资金/资产总额)+ 9 ...2023-6-7 14:52 - momingqimiao7 - 现金交易版
International Macroeconomics Solutions - Robert C.Feenstra
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3 个回复 - 591 次查看 全球金融中心指数”(Global Financial Centers Index,GFCI)是全球最具权威的国际金融中心地位的指标指数。由英国智库Z/Yen集团和中国(深圳)综合开发研究院共同编制。2007年3月开始,该指数开始对全球范围内的46 ...2023-3-28 08:56 - wodeai863130 - 现金交易版
Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics_Nguyen
19 个回复 - 3059 次查看 This is the first half of a text for a two semester course in mathematical statistics at the senior/graduate level for those who need a strong background in statistics as an essential tool in their ca ...2015-4-17 20:53 - lasgpope - 量化投资
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【独家发布】Data Science for Financial Econometrics by Nguyen Ngoc Thach, Vladik Krein
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【独家发布】干货!2021年中日机器视觉行业龙头企业对比:日本Keyence VS 中国天准科技
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3 个回复 - 840 次查看 第29期全球金融中心指数报告(中文)-ZYen_CDI_58页_2mb2021-3-23 17:33 - wangjx_ - 行业分析报告
99 个回复 - 11295 次查看 最近看到很多坛友对边际效用递减规律和无差异曲线进行讨论,看得出来讨论的相当激烈,鄙人也来阐述一下自己对这些方面的见解和观点。 很多经济学学者在运用经济学规律时,往往都不太注重规律得以成立 ...2019-9-23 23:04 - 冥想苦行者 - 马克思主义经济学
Macroeconomics Theories and Policies - Richard T. Froyen - 10th - Global Edition
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Richard Froyen的Macroeconomics:Theories and Policies.
13 个回复 - 5585 次查看 Richard Froyen的Macroeconomics:Theories and Policies. 英文电子版。第九版。2010-1-5 14:44 - xiuyi01 - 宏观经济学
Princes of the Yen
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Macroeconomics theories and policies Richard froyen
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Richard Froyen的Macroeconomics:Theories and Policies. solution manual!!!!
4 个回复 - 2467 次查看 跪求Richard Froyen的Macroeconomics:Theories and Policies. solution manual!!!!2013-6-5 23:25 - xiiao4 - 宏观经济学
求 Richard Froyen的Macroeconomics:Theories and Policies. 英文电子版。第九或十版
1 个回复 - 826 次查看 求 Richard Froyen的Macroeconomics:Theories and Policies. 英文电子版。第九或十版 论坛已有的那个需要14阅读权限,麻烦各位帮个忙了,新手。(http://bbs.pinggu.org/thread-3164236-1-1.html)2016-1-14 01:50 - 1234567try - 宏观经济学
The Claims of Common Sense Moore, Wittgenstein,Keyens
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Macroeconomics: Theories and Policies Richard T. Froyen TENTH EDITION
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【商业故事】‘Pokémon Go’ success hit by yen as Nintendo warns on profits
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求助Currency Competition and Foreign Exchange Markets: The Dollar, the Yen
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Dollar extends gains vs yen after US jobless data
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jMonkeyEngine 3.0 Beginner's Guide
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0 个回复 - 8276 次查看 开始/控制面板/日期、时间、语言和地区设置/区域和语言选项/自定义/货币/把 两横的人民币复制粘贴到 货币符号(S):后面选项中/确定,excel中人民币符号就是两横“¥”了。2015-4-24 08:38 - matlab-007 - Excel
4 个回复 - 1487 次查看 大家对这个期刊怎么看? 我只知道是个普通期刊, 导师一作,发到普刊导师会不会心理上觉得学生拉低了她的水平? 好纠结啊2015-3-23 16:00 - 无聊论者 - 学术道德监督
A Yen for Change: Why the Yen as a Reserve Currency is Not Far-fetched
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The Chinese In Southeast Asia And Beyond by Ching-Hwang Yen
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求The Internationalization of Currencies: An Appraisal of the Japanese Yen
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2 个回复 - 1742 次查看 China's trust industry has had a phenomenal run... Assets under management grew by 7 times from 2007 to 2012, exceeding 10 trillion RMB by end of 2013 Q3 ...but is facing unprecedented challen ...2014-2-7 20:20 - jobecho - 行业分析报告
20120531 Follow Me 385 China to Start Direct Yuan-Yen Trading
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Yen Intervention and Yuan Adjustment
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UBS--The real reason why yen appreciation needs to be --100831
0 个回复 - 1756 次查看 The real reason why yen appreciation needs to be stopped 􀂄 Executive summary Yen appreciation needs to be stopped because a higher yen could impede a transition from an export-led to a se ...2010-9-1 17:31 - slava_xu - 行业分析报告
[推荐]《双赢之道》(by史蒂文.J.布拉姆斯(Steyen J.Brams) 艾伦.D.泰勒(Alan.D.Taylor))
1 个回复 - 2036 次查看 书名:双赢之道 作者:史蒂文.J.布拉姆斯(Steyen J.Brams) 艾伦.D.泰勒(Alan.D.Taylor) 出版社: 中国人民大学出版社 推荐理由: 本书设计独特而巧妙,它把数学方法应用实际问题的解决,为合理解小到生活琐事、大 ...2006-12-27 22:53 - lingshow - 休闲灌水
S. R. K. Iyengar, R. K. Jain, "Numerical Methods"
2 个回复 - 1415 次查看 Numerical Methods 简介:This book is based on the experience and the lecture notes of the authors while teaching Numerical Analysis for almost four decades at the Indian Institute of Technol ...2009-10-16 09:42 - trdzw - 经济金融数学专区
Takatoshi Ito的论文之四 On Determinants of the Yen Weight
0 个回复 - 1504 次查看 东亚各国货币篮子中隐含的日元权重,On Determinants of the Yen Weight in the Implicit Basket System in East Asia,by Takatoshi Ito,Keisuke Orii,发表于April, 2006,Abstract: After the Asian currency cr ...2009-6-18 17:11 - zhaohailei - 世界经济与国际贸易
小川英治Eiji Ogawa论文之十三 The Japanese yen as an international currency
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哈佛大学肯尼迪学院教授Frankel的论文之四 Is Japan Creating a Yen Bloc
0 个回复 - 1423 次查看 日本是否创造了日元区?Is Japan Creating a Yen Bloc?,写于July 8, 1994, Abstract The paper reaches seven conclusions regarding the Yen Bloc that Japan is reputed to be forming in East Asia and the P ...2009-6-18 14:43 - zhaohailei - 世界经济与国际贸易
Investment risk management-Yen Yee Chong
2 个回复 - 2080 次查看 Wiley Finance SeriesTable of Contant 1 Introduction to Investment Risk. Dream versus rude awakening. Book structure. 2 The Beginning of Risk. Risk and business. Cas ...2008-1-17 07:21 - lyqg - 计量经济学与统计软件
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[求助]人大的经济 哪个专业比较好啊 学长们帮帮忙啊 我是准备考研了 我的邮箱是niyeniye@163.com 可以时常联系啊 !
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[求助]人大的经济 哪个专业比较好啊 学长们帮帮忙啊 我是准备考研了 我的邮箱是niyeniye@163.com 可以时常联系啊 !
0 个回复 - 1957 次查看 人大的经济 哪个专业比较好啊  学长们帮帮忙啊  我是准备考研了   我的邮箱是niyeniye@163.com   可以时常联系啊  !2008-7-27 17:40 - yahala - 创业论坛
人大的经济 哪个专业比较好啊 学长们帮帮忙啊 我是准备考研了 我的邮箱是niyeniye@163.com 可以时常联系啊 !
0 个回复 - 2247 次查看 人大的经济 哪个专业比较好啊  学长们帮帮忙啊  我是准备考研了   我的邮箱是niyeniye@163.com   可以时常联系啊  !2008-7-27 17:33 - yahala - 行为经济学与实验经济学