结果:找到“work experience”相关内容28个,排序为按回复时间降序,搜索更多相关帖子请点击“高级
请问CFPS怎么算years of work experience
1 个回复 - 1191 次查看 请问CFPS怎么算years of work experience啊,从第一份工作开始算总的工作经历年数的话 CFPS2016_MAINJOB和egc2011_a_1..10都没找到啊 求大佬们解答,毕业论文急用2019-11-6 18:22 - jyjdt70+ - 数据交流中心
Changing experiences of work dirtiness
2 个回复 - 730 次查看 【作者(必填)】Schaubroeck, J. M., Lam, L. W., Lai, J. Y. M., Lennard, A. C., Peng, A. C., & Chan, K. W 【文题(必填)】Changing experiences of work dirtiness, occupational disidentification, and empl ...2022-2-15 10:11 - superzhousi - 求助成功区
AOM:正式版From Employee-experienced High-involvement Work System to Innovation
1 个回复 - 616 次查看 【作者(必填)】 Yixuan Li, Mo Wang, Danielle D. van Jaarsveld, Gwendolyn K. Lee and Dennis G. Ma 【文题(必填)】 From Employee-experienced High-involvement Work System to Innovation: An Emergence-bas ...2019-1-20 00:31 - yinhezhiwang - 求助成功区
Regular Member Work Experience(Big 4)
0 个回复 - 650 次查看 四大的审计和财务咨询,在申请regular member的时候也可以算作是qualified work experience,详情可以参考: 审计: Conduct diligence procedure to support the professional opinion given to the annual fin ...2018-10-8 11:17 - nicolasyxm - Forum
AOM: From Employee-Experienced High-Involvement Work System to Innovation
1 个回复 - 599 次查看 【作者(必填)】Yixuan Li 【文题(必填)】 From Employee-Experienced High-Involvement Work System to Innovation: An Emergence-Based Human Resource Management Framework 【年份(必填)】 ACAD MANAGE J Jul ...2018-2-8 12:59 - yinhezhiwang - 求助成功区
Practical experiences with an adaptive neural network short-term load forec..
0 个回复 - 294 次查看 摘要:An adaptive neural network based short-term electric load forecasting system is presented. The system is developed and implemented for Florida Power and Li...http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/iel1/59/8 ...2018-1-31 14:30 - 人工智能-AI - 人工智能论文版
Engagement and Positive Experience at Work: An Ethical Leadership
2 个回复 - 877 次查看 【作者(必填)】Stephen Teo,Diep Nguyen,Steven Grover,David Pick 【文题(必填)】Engagement and Positive Experience at Work: An Ethical Leadership Perspective 【年份(必填)】ACAD MANAGE PROC January 2 ...2017-12-26 10:50 - deer11 - 求助成功区
From Employee-Experienced High-Involvement Work System to Innovation: An Emergen
2 个回复 - 722 次查看 【作者(必填)】Yixuan 【文题(必填)】From Employe 【年份(必填)】2017 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】http://amj.aom.org/cotract2017-11-15 04:36 - qj8866 - 求助成功区
From Employee-Experienced High-Involvement Work System to Innovation: An Emergen
1 个回复 - 700 次查看 【作者(必填)】 [*]Yixuan Li, [*]Mo Wang, [*]Danielle van Jaarsveld, [*]Gwendolyn K. Lee, [*]and Dennis Ma 【文题(必填)】 From Employee-Experienced High-Involvement Work System to Innovati ...2017-7-19 16:59 - 宁静的城np - 求助成功区
Working in research teams: Lessons from personal experiences
1 个回复 - 591 次查看 【作者(必填)】 [*]Thomas W. Lee and [*]Terence R. Mitchell 【文题(必填)】 Working in research teams: Lessons from personal experiences【年份(必填)】 2011 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】2016-4-4 16:09 - 323191599 - 求助成功区
Developing leaders’ strategic thinking through global work experience: The mode
2 个回复 - 727 次查看 【作者(必填)】Dragoni, Lisa; Oh, In-Sue; Tesluk, Paul E.; Moore, Ozias A.; VanKatwyk, Paul; Hazucha, Joy 【文题(必填)】Developing leaders’ strategic thinking through global work experience: The mo ...2015-7-22 01:04 - andon - 求助成功区
Gender, social support and the experience of work-family conflict
0 个回复 - 811 次查看 【作者(必填)】 AntaniA, Ayman R 【文题(必填)】 Gender,social support and the experience of work-family conflict 【年份(必填)】 2003 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】2015-7-17 09:16 - noricerice - 文献求助专区
申请证书了,请问work experience的填写有讲究吗?
8 个回复 - 6011 次查看 今年5月FRM2级 11212过,到7月刚好也满2年工作经验了,平常工作中涉及到风险的部分局限于本部门的操作风险。 GARP对work experience 的要求是尽量risk related, 请问填写是否有讲究?审核不通过的概率大么?2014-6-26 09:12 - sharontse - CFA、CVA、FRM等金融考证论坛
High performance work systems and employee experience of work in the service
3 个回复 - 855 次查看 【作者(必填)】 Bill Harley 【文题(必填)】 High Performance Work Systems and Employee Experience of Work in the Service Sector: The Case of Aged Care 【年份(必填)】 British Journal of Industrial R ...2014-10-3 22:02 - yinhezhiwang - 求助成功区
Market Orientation, Networks,and Export Performance:Chinese Firms Experience(
0 个回复 - 1418 次查看 Market Orientation, Networks,and Export Performance:Chinese Firms Experience(市场定位、网络和出口表现:中国企业的经验)研究了跨国公司如何通过网络与市场定位等非市场战略进入新兴市场2014-4-28 10:12 - huang5475 - 创新与战略管理
Studying a master’s degree vs. having work experience
1 个回复 - 132 次查看 Studying a master’s degree vs. having work experience Written by Juan Carlos Cera Source: http://www.studyineurope.eu/faq/masters-degree-vs-work-experience Maybe you have seen a very interes ...2013-8-30 04:56 - reduce_fat - 院校申请
Impact of job experience and ability on job knowledge, work sample performance
1 个回复 - 950 次查看 【作者(必填)】Schmidt, Frank L.; Hunter, John E.; Outerbridge, Alice N. 【文题(必填)】Impact of job experience and ability on job knowledge, work sample performance, and supervisory ratings of job ...2013-7-26 09:00 - lyh853 - 求助成功区
Role of social support in the experience of stress at work.
1 个回复 - 1156 次查看 【作者(必填)】 Ganster, Daniel C.; Fusilier, Marcelline R.; Mayes, Bronston T. 【文题(必填)】 Role of social support in the experience of stress at work. 【年份(必填)】 1986 【全文链接或数据库名 ...2013-7-1 11:55 - zaijian1009 - 求助成功区
Alcatel financial work experiencese shared for yours review
0 个回复 - 1072 次查看 how to set up financial policy according to co. 's situation... how to handle smoothly interal controlling in financial area... how to carry out the budget and forecast.....2012-9-19 08:24 - andersonma - 经管类求职与招聘
Share Working Experiences?
10 个回复 - 463 次查看 Does anyone want to share your working experiences with others here? Please post your comments below. Thanks for your cooperation. By the way, I am still seeking for a full-time job now, so I cann ...2012-5-20 13:25 - reduce_fat - Forum
已求Mood, Blood Pressure, and Heart Rate at Work: An Experience-Sampling Study
4 个回复 - 1443 次查看 题名:Mood, Blood Pressure, and Heart Rate at Work: An Experience-Sampling Study作者:Remus Ilies Nikos Dimotakis and David Watson 来源:Journal of Occupational Health Psychology Volume 15, Issue 2, ...2010-12-27 19:33 - shewoqishuini - 求助成功区
解答在校生在CFA3级过程中的working experience问题
0 个回复 - 1696 次查看 这个问题其实只要在所有的working experience空格处填“N/A”,就可以了,大家可以是试试。2010-9-18 14:56 - harryfan - CFA、CVA、FRM等金融考证论坛
CFA3级报名貌似要working experience
7 个回复 - 4095 次查看 今天登上报名网址,发现报3级的过程中要填写working experience,不填就不能报。请问一下,如果是学生的话,working experience可以自己编吗?CFA协会具体有哪些要求啊?2010-7-28 10:13 - warrenzhang - CFA、CVA、FRM等金融考证论坛
Early-Career Work Experience and Gender Wage Differentials
0 个回复 - 1212 次查看 劳经英文论文2010-6-20 13:04 - vanhongbin - 劳动经济学
大三,刚过FRM,请问WORK Experience 的要求
2 个回复 - 2009 次查看 小弟刚过FRM FULL, 目前是大三,今天收到邮件说五年内必须提交两年的professional work, 这个WORK是有什么要求吗? consultant、analyse之类的好工作才 ...2010-1-6 14:26 - csyjoseph - CFA、CVA、FRM等金融考证论坛
[求助] work experience requirement in CFA
1 个回复 - 3946 次查看 e大家都是怎样才能满足CFA 48 months 的Work Experience ?是不是好多CFA Institute 都不认?我在国内一个公司做过会计? 不知道这个工作经验算吗?CFA Institute 是怎样Check 我们在国内的经验的?谢谢大家了! [此 ...2008-8-19 22:18 - shirleyxing - CFA、CVA、FRM等金融考证论坛