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logistic regression: binary & multinomial
4 个回复 - 1242 次查看 深入讲了逻辑回归算法,对于风控建模的同学帮助比较大。当初也是因为想弄清楚逻辑回归的一些假设前提条件以降低模型风险而特意去找来的资料。分享给大家2021-12-2 13:32 - dreamflymia - 互联网金融与Fintech版
基于欧文M-柯匹逻辑学导论(第15版)习题答案+教学学习指南Introduction to Logic
12 个回复 - 5906 次查看 基于欧文M-柯匹逻辑学导论(第15版)习题答案+教学学习指南Introduction to Logic Irving M. Copi Introduction to Logic, Fifteenth Edition [15th Ed] (Complete Instructor's Resources, Solution Manual) (Sol ...2023-3-30 09:55 - 2023D - 现金交易版
Introduction to Logic[15Ed] (Complete Instructor's Resources, Solution Manual)
11 个回复 - 1381 次查看 Introduction to Logic, Fifteenth Edition [15th Ed] (Complete Instructor's Resources, Solution Manual) (Solutions) Author(s): Irving M. Copi, Carl Cohen, Victor Rodych 留言索取2023-3-11 11:07 - kawazhang - 商学院
Contrarian investment strategies : the psychological edge (2012英文版PDF)
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逻辑学导论第15版第1-14章答案+学习指南,Introduction to Logic,15e,Irving M.
2 个回复 - 2362 次查看 逻辑学导论第15版第1-14章答案+学习指南,Introduction to Logic,15e,Irving M. Copi, =Irving M. Copi, Carl Cohen, Victor Rodych - Introduction to Logic, Fifteenth Edition [15th Ed] (Complete Instructor' ...2023-6-19 15:40 - Lala-20200 - 现金交易版
frontiers in psychology投稿1个星期了还没分配主编
22 个回复 - 9890 次查看 如题!有没有大神投过frontiers的呀,或者4月投了frontiers的朋友,一起交流一下吧! 不是说速度很快的嘛?着急毕业才选了开源期刊,现在还没有动静,好愁呀2022-4-19 18:37 - Gwenpool - 学术道德监督
Asian Journal of Technology Innovation审稿速度
7 个回复 - 3280 次查看 请教下各位大神,有投过Asian Journal of Technology Innovation这本期刊,审稿速度快吗?从投稿到第一轮review出结果经历多长时间呢? 有一篇技术创新相关的文章考虑投这个期刊,着急毕业不知道审稿速度如何2022-6-21 14:56 - Magritt - 学术道德监督
Asian Journal of Technology Innovation亚洲技术创新杂志投稿
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The Impact of Log Export Restrictions on China’s Log Import
5 个回复 - 565 次查看 【作者(必填)】Zhijie Guan and Yue Zhang 【文题(必填)】The Impact of Log Export Restrictions on China’s Log Import 【年份(必填)】2023 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】https://www.nowpublishers. ...2023-9-22 08:10 - 317792209 - 求助成功区
Lecture notes on introduction Logic 逻辑学导论 讲义 14th 英文版
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基于Irving M. Copi,逻辑导论 第15版:分章习题答案 Introduction to Logic, [15th
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Measuring Technological Innovation over the Long Run
2 个回复 - 538 次查看 【作者(必填)】 [*]Bryan Kelly [*]Dimitris Papanikolaou [*]Amit Seru [*]Matt Taddy 【文题(必填)】Measuring Technological Innovation over the Long Run 【年份(必填)】2021 【全文链接或数据库名称 ...2023-5-3 17:05 - zengyitop - 文献求助专区
logit 或 probit 模型不收敛 (back up 或 not concave) 总结帖子
14 个回复 - 20662 次查看 开一个帖子记录做二元变量回归时遇到的问题: 1. logit 对应逻辑分布,probit对应标准正态分布的假设,在估计的时候使用的都是MLE最大似然估计。 2. 最大似然估计有一个特点,就是在不断迭代iteration中,寻找到 ...2021-9-29 22:03 - fengbjmu - Stata专版
Introduction to Logic: 逻辑导论入门
22 个回复 - 1946 次查看 这是一本优秀的逻辑学导论入门著作,2016年12月Routledge出版的图书,作者是Harry Gensler.书中介绍了什么是推理和有效论证,直言命题,三段论与亚里士多德传统,周延问题,数理逻辑初步,等内容。 书 名Int ...2023-4-9 10:53 - philopku - 经管书评
Frontiers in Psychology 返修,已选择拒稿的审稿人提的意见还需要回复和修改吗?
8 个回复 - 3516 次查看 最近在Frontiers in Psychology投稿一篇文章,送审了5个审稿人,两个意见还没回来,另外三个都提了修改意见。其中审稿人3建议拒绝,而且提了很多很多问题。我想问一下,这位已经拒稿的审稿人的意见还需要回复吗?2022-9-29 09:03 - 最好的小培培 - 爱问频道
求助文献Effects of pricing schemes and platform types on platform-based logistic
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Handbook of Silicon Wafer Cleaning Technology, Third Edition
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Research Methodology in Applied Economics
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Research Methodology in Applied Economics
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Research Methodology in Applied Economics
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逻辑回归(Logistic Regression)(二)代价函数推导过程 代码实现
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Logic, Programming and Prolog, 2nd Edition
1 个回复 - 261 次查看 Logic, Programming and Prolog, 2nd Edition 作者: Ulf Nilsson / Jan Maluszynski 出版社: Wiley 出版年: 1995 页数: 294 定价: USD 75.00 装帧: Paperback ISBN: 97804719599602023-10-18 05:35 - wxwpxh - IT基础
transportation and freight logistic, RMIT University
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Logic Programming Operational Semantics and Proof Theory
1 个回复 - 290 次查看 Logic Programming Operational Semantics and Proof Theory 作者: James H. Andrews 出版社: Cambridge University Press 出版年: 1993-1-29 页数: 116 装帧: Hardcover ISBN: 9780521432191 ...2023-10-1 12:25 - wxwpxh - IT基础
Spatial effects of technology market development on energy efficiency
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The Art of Reasoning : An Introduction to Logic, Fifth Edition
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The role of technological progress and renewable energy deployment in green econ
1 个回复 - 278 次查看 【作者(必填)】Muhammad Mohsin a[/backcolor], Farhad Taghizadeh-Hesary b c, Nadeem Iqbal d, Hayot Berk Saydaliev e f 【文题(必填)】The role of technological progress and renewable energy deployment ...2023-10-10 22:55 - wlou64 - 求助成功区
Logic as Algebra (Dolciani Mathematical Expositions)
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课后题答案行为金融学(Solution Manual) BEHAVIORAL FINANCE_Psychology, Decision-
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流行病学导论Introduction of Epidemiology-北大
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copi的逻辑学导论英文彩色14版introduction to logic
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kalat 心理学导论Introduction_to_Psychology英文原版11e
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请问International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology这个期刊怎么样呀?
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Structure and Randomness: Pages from Year One of a Mathematical Blog
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International Journal of Technology Management 这个期刊简直慢到怀疑人生!
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Logic and Computation
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Solution Manual to A Modern Formal Logic Primer, Volume I & II
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Emotional mimicry as social regulation. Personality and Social Psychology Review
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《影响力》英文版《Influence——The Psychology of Persuasion
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Textbook of clinical trials in oncology a statistical perspective
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Mastering One Stock - Beyond Fundamental, Technical and Stock Market Psychology
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The Psychology of Money
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The Impacts of Digital Technologies on Successful Aging in Non-Work and Work Dom
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An Introduction to Formal Logic
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详见正文:Influence of Psychological Factors on College Students' Smoking
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How to use MDSPCA on Fetal Health data(using Logistic Regression Prediction)
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基于深度学习的量化投资python代码 SVM,Logistic,Network
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第7版Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market
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An Introduction to Homological Algebra
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Introduction to Higher-Order Categorical Logic
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Complex Topological K-Theory :Efton Park
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Psychology and Personal Growth
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The psychology of money, mobi
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Groupthink: Psychological Studies of Policy Decisions and Fiascoes
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