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applied statistics and the sas programming language, 5th SAS应用统计分析罗纳德科
2 个回复 - 525 次查看 目前可以买到中文版,价格相对原版便宜很多。此书的内容简单且实用,其风格不同于一般的SAS教程。无论是新手还是高手都会从众获益匪浅,印象很深的是在13章中,详细介绍高效编程的秘籍,与低效编程对比,一一罗列。作 ...2023-4-11 11:02 - wanglaoshi - SAS专版
14 个回复 - 4169 次查看 这本书实在是太贵了,相信很多人都需要,我也常常受益于这个论坛,故而将该书籍第五版扫描版,还是比较清晰的,以比较低的论坛币分享给各位需要的人士,希望大家珍惜资源,继续支持论坛建设!(附件为该书的下册) ...2017-1-8 14:36 - 3292364591 - SAS专版
Applied Statistics and the SAS Programming Language 第五版 扫描版
9 个回复 - 5597 次查看 Applied Statistics and the SAS Programming Language 第五版 扫描版 里面的sas程序部分扫描的不是很清楚,不过这本书的所有code都可以从下面的出版社主页上下载。 code下载地址2016-6-25 07:05 - keanupy - SAS专版
求2本书:Applied Statistics and the SAS Programming Language
3 个回复 - 2535 次查看 有谁能提供电子版的非常感谢,email: papamao512@gmail.com1。Applied Statistics and the SAS Programming Languageby Ronald P, and Smith, Jeffrey K Cody Paperback: 592 pagesPublisher: Prentice Hall; 5 ed ...2007-10-13 00:48 - papamao - 计量经济学与统计软件
免费在线版《Applied Multivariate Statistics with SAS Software, Second Edition》
22 个回复 - 3537 次查看 **** 本内容被作者隐藏 ****2013-7-1 00:24 - chenjieren - 商业数据分析
[已解决] Applied Statistics and the SAS Programming Language
4 个回复 - 3437 次查看 求这本书: Ron Cody and Jeffrey K. Smith的 Applied Statistics and the SAS Programming Language 谢谢!2010-4-28 22:04 - pinggutu - 求助成功区
求:Applied Medical Statistics Using SAS
12 个回复 - 2581 次查看 ~ Geoff Der (作者), Brian S. Everitt (作者) [*]出版社: Chapman & Hall/CRC; Revised (2012年10月30日) [*]精装: 559页 [*]语种: 英语 [*]ISBN: 1439867976 [*]条形码: 97814398679762014-5-12 16:43 - 唐宋元清 - 求助成功区
Applied medical statistics using SAS
7 个回复 - 3130 次查看 Written with medical statisticians and medical Researchers in mind, this Intermediate-Level Reference Explores the medical use of the SAS for the Analyzing Data. Applied Medical Statistics Using SAS ...2014-7-8 19:48 - sangbsdk - 商业数据分析
Applied Statistics and the SAS Programming Language
5 个回复 - 2146 次查看 《Applied Statistics and the SAS Programming Language》(fourth edition) Ronald P.Cody Jeffrey K. Smith2018-4-7 23:05 - 952019901 - SAS专版
[下载]Applied statistics and the SAS programming language
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Applied statistics and the SAS programming language 第五版
13 个回复 - 5036 次查看 各位大侠: 急求 Applied statistics and the SAS programming language 第五版 第四版已经有了, 所以不用了 关于第五版,版上的很多链接都试了,很多下了,格式不对 都打不开, 如果有人有 ...2010-8-29 10:38 - yilin2288 - SAS专版
Applied statistics and the SAS programming language 5th Edition
10 个回复 - 3379 次查看 这本书实在是太贵了,相信很多人都需要,我也常常受益于这个论坛,故而将该书籍第五版扫描版,还是比较清晰的,以比较低的论坛币分享给各位需要的人士,希望大家珍惜资源,继续支持论坛建设!2017-1-8 14:26 - 3292364591 - SAS专版
请问网上是否可以找到applied statistics and the SAS programming languages 5th
1 个回复 - 1075 次查看 请问网上是否可以找到applied statistics and the SAS programming languages 5th,似乎大量的都是第四版,而且这本书影印版也没有么2016-10-9 21:31 - zrx1188 - SAS专版
Programs and Data from Applied Statistics and the SAS Programming
2 个回复 - 1242 次查看 SAS统计应用--code 欢迎下载哈2016-9-5 15:43 - 無淚寶貝﹏ - 数据分析与数据挖掘
Applied Statistics and the SAS Programming Language 第五版下载
14 个回复 - 9109 次查看 下载地址 http://depositfiles.com/files/hemfjnl27 错了,下了看了还是第四版djvu,再找吧 程序下载地址: http://www.prenhall.com/cody/2011-9-4 16:23 - zhangbl - SAS专版
Applied Multivariate Statistics with SAS Software
22 个回复 - 5279 次查看 [/Point]2008-12-23 13:35 - xinsun_2 - 计量经济学与统计软件
[下载]Applied Multivariate Statistics with SAS Software
11 个回复 - 4952 次查看   目录及介绍见下链接 PDF格式清晰版,Copyright © 1999 by SAS Institute Inc. ,共360页。 [此贴子已经被作者于2008-8-27 22:24:57编辑过]2008-8-27 22:23 - fischchen - 商业数据分析
[Lecture Notes]David Hitchcock Applied Multivariate Statistics using SAS and R
17 个回复 - 3818 次查看 Instructor:David Hitchcock, associate professor of statistics Syllabus: (Word document) or (pdf document) Office: 209A LeConte College Phone: 777-5346 E-mail: hitchcock@stat.sc.edu [*]Curr ...2015-3-25 09:53 - Nicolle - winbugs及其他软件专版
Applied Statistics and the SAS Programming Language 第五版 书中范例程序
5 个回复 - 2828 次查看 Applied Statistics and the SAS Programming Language 第五版 书中范例程序2014-7-30 03:06 - wh7064rg - SAS专版
100论坛币悬赏求书:Applied Statistics and the SAS Programming Language 5th
2 个回复 - 1122 次查看 100论坛币悬赏求书:Applied Statistics and the SAS Programming Language 5th. 请大家多多帮忙啊!!!急用此书,谢谢大家!!!2013-1-18 11:51 - wqf_cufe - 休闲灌水
Prentice Hall - Applied Statistics and the SAS Programming Language, 4th Edition
4 个回复 - 2523 次查看 Prentice Hall - Applied Statistics and the SAS Programming Language, 4th Edition   SAS是金融统计分析和数据挖掘必须要用的软件2009-8-20 19:50 - hsf12 - 商业数据分析
求书: 《Applied statistics and the SAS programming language》第五版
12 个回复 - 5068 次查看 请问谁有这本书的第五版?2009-8-28 12:43 - pobel - SAS专版
【求书】 Applied statistics and the SAS programming language 第五版
26 个回复 - 5995 次查看 作者: Ron P. Cody / Jeffrey K. Smith 出版社: Prentice Hall 出版年: 2005-4-9 页数: 592 谢谢! 附件为Applied statistics and the SAS programming language 第四版,有需要的拿去啊。2011-8-22 17:19 - bourn - SAS专版
Applied Statistics and the SAS Programming Language
8 个回复 - 2697 次查看 <P>Applied Statistics and the SAS Programming Language (4th Edition)</P> <P><BR></P>2007-8-15 09:32 - hbzxy - 商业数据分析
13 个回复 - 5999 次查看 [此贴子已经被作者于2006-6-8 19:38:40编辑过]2006-6-8 14:43 - stjack - 计量经济学与统计软件
重金求书:Applied statistics and the SAS programming language,fifth edition
4 个回复 - 2478 次查看 100币求Applied statistics and the SAS programming language, fifth edition by R. P. Cody,2010-2-1 16:22 - maniacus - SAS专版
求Cody & Smith, Applied Statistics and SAS Programming Language, 5th Edition
1 个回复 - 4916 次查看 求Cody & Smith, Applied Statistics and SAS Programming Language, 5th Edition这本书的电子版教材,希望有资源者慷慨相助!2010-6-19 14:58 - 数学诗人 - 经管书评
求助 Applied statistics and the SAS programming language, by R. P. Cody
6 个回复 - 2560 次查看 各位大侠,哪位有Applied statistics and the SAS programming language, by R. P. Cody? 谢了!2009-2-8 10:19 - egtlife - SAS专版
绝对好的 SAS 经典教材 “Applied Statistics and the SAS Programming Language”
18 个回复 - 7035 次查看 本帖最后由 wanghaidong918 于 2013-1-13 12:33 编辑2005-9-4 03:54 - zhicheng - 商业数据分析
Applied Multivariate Statistics with SAS Software, Second Edition
1 个回复 - 2075 次查看 share with you.2009-11-26 02:37 - pp6y - MATLAB等数学软件专版
谁有Applied Statistics and the SAS Programming Language第五版电子版吗?
1 个回复 - 2310 次查看 <P>找了很久都没找到。哪位大虾能不能送我一份?谢谢了。</P>2007-8-15 08:17 - hbzxy - SAS专版
谁可以共享Applied Statistics and the SAS Programming Language的第5版?
5 个回复 - 3453 次查看   哪位专家可以共享Applied Statistics and the SAS Programming Language的第5版电子书? 第四版在本站就已经有了. 先谢谢您的对我和整个社区的贡献.  2007-10-20 05:28 - accel - SAS专版
重金求书Applied Statistics and the SAS Programming Language, fifth Edition
7 个回复 - 2728 次查看 Applied Statistics and the SAS Programming Language, Fifth Edition 第五版2010-2-4 10:00 - maniacus - SAS专版
look for Applied Multivariate Statistics with SAS Software
1 个回复 - 1532 次查看 <p>Who has the book Applied Multivariate Statistics with SAS Software? Can you kindly post it on the web? I could not open the old post.</p><p>Thank you</p>2008-11-18 09:56 - fufusix - SAS专版
[分享]Applied Statistics and the SAS Programming Language
6 个回复 - 3901 次查看 DownLoad it Yourself,ok! http://www.uploading.com/?get=9B4IE3SR2006-6-12 08:06 - DreadNight - 计量经济学与统计软件
Applied Multivariate Statistics with SAS (2nd ed) SAS 程序
7 个回复 - 1864 次查看 有人提供了书,这里给出这本书的程序,共同学习。 Applied Multivariate Statistics with SAS (2nd ed) SAS 程序2009-9-19 11:55 - tongjixue2005 - 商业数据分析
Applied Multivariate Statistics with SAS (2nd ed)
4 个回复 - 1678 次查看 Preface ix Commonly Used Notation xiii 1 Multivariate Analysis Concepts 1 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Random Vectors, Means, Variances, and Covariances 2 1.3 Multivariate Normal Distribution 5 1.4 Sa ...2009-7-24 17:56 - calab0220 - 商业数据分析
who has Applied Multivariate Statistics with SAS&reg; Software, Second Editi
1 个回复 - 1434 次查看 As titled. Could you please post on the web?Thanks!2008-11-18 12:15 - fufusix - SAS专版
求SAS的好书!Applied Statistics and the SAS Programming Language
4 个回复 - 2681 次查看 绝对好的 SAS 经典教材 “Applied Statistics and the SAS Programming Language” 哪位有这本书,贴上来吧!2006-6-3 05:05 - pla748 - SAS专版