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Deloitte:Global economic outlook - 2nd quarter 2009
42 个回复 - 2418 次查看 In this issue of the quarterly Global economic outlook, Deloitte Research economists offer the following perspectives on the global situation: [*]A critique of the Obama economic plan and a moderatel ...2009-7-15 13:55 - penbaggio - 行业分析报告
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Deloitte-2018.08-5G The chance to lead for a decade
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Deloitte China Unicorn-2018.09-5G Reshaping the industries
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AmCham China中国美国商会 德勤Deloitte-2019.03-中国商务环境调查报告(双语)
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德勤 Deloitte 忠告海外面试不要犯的六大常见错误
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德勤报告 Deloitte Review 官网免费下载
2 个回复 - 658 次查看 https://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/insights/us/articles/6279_deloitte-review-25/DI_Deloitte-Review-25.pdf2019-12-19 04:11 - lucifer19951016 - 行业分析报告
这几年搜集的四大面试题 PwC KPMG EY Deloitte
2 个回复 - 1578 次查看 之前上学的时候整理的各种文档,东西太多,打包传到百度云了。链接和密码都在附件的图片中,希望对大家有帮助,加油!2017-6-12 06:08 - 猪肉冰儿 - 经管类求职与招聘
Deloitte Digital分析
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Deloitte Review 官网免费下载
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Deloitte-2019.01-Bullseye Football Money League Sports Business
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德勤的重大技术趋势研究报告系列Deloitte Tech Trends
1 个回复 - 737 次查看 2020版,请去官网下载 https://www2.deloitte.com/us/en/insights/focus/tech-trends.html 历年版本可官网查阅或搜索站内帖子。2020-3-15 12:44 - slimdell - 行业分析报告
Deloitte-Sep 2017-Automation is here to stay...but what about your workforce
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Deloitte-July17-Bling it on What makes a millennial spend moreYoungLuxuryShoppe
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Monitor Deloitte Casebook consulting case interview book德勤_摩立特咨询案例面试
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5 个回复 - 1338 次查看 来源:德勤 格式:pdf 页数:62页 摘要: 2015年度上市金融资产管理公司分析报告研究分析了我国资产管理公司面临的主要挑战。 1999年,作为中国金融体制改革的一项重要举措,国务院在借鉴国际经验的基础上,通过 ...2016-6-9 16:21 - iamhzh87 - 行业分析报告
Deloitte-2019.01-2019 Retail Outlook Transition ahead
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Deloitte-2019.04-Global Powers of Luxury Goods 2019 Bridging the gap between...
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Deloitte-2019.04-Asia-Pacific fInancial services regulatory outlook 2019
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Deloitte-2019.04-2019 Global Human Capital Trends Leading the social enterprise
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Deloitte-2019.03-Voice of Asia
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Deloitte-2019.03-AI and Risk Management Innovating with Confidence
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Deloitte-2018.12-Banks on the move Midwestern China
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Deloitte-2018.12-Inclusion through distribution
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Deloitte-2019.03-The robots are waiting Are you ready to reap the benefits
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Deloitte-2019.04-ESports graduates to the big leagues
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Deloitte -2018.10-Global Powers of Luxury Goods 2018 Highlights
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Deloitte-2018.07-2018全球奢侈品力量調查報告-摘要版 形塑中的產業未來
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Deloitte-2019 Banking and Capital Markets Outlook_ Reimagining transformation
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【独家发布】金融服务新格局解读人工智能如何改变金融服务生态系统 - Deloitte
2 个回复 - 1044 次查看 本文为金融科技和互联网金融系列文库独家免费发布。想获得更多最新的金融科技和互联网金融资讯,请订阅金融科技和互联网金融系列汇总 文库,我会持续更新~喜欢的就点赞,回帖关注我就是我分享好资料的最大的动力, ...2019-6-14 01:11 - gdm401 - 互联网金融与Fintech版
Deloitte 勤業衆信-2019.03-2019零售力量與趨勢展望 轉型在即
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Deloitte-2019.05-The adoption of disruptive technologies in the consumer...
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Deloitte-2019.05-Accelerating digital transformation in banking Global consumer
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Deloitte-2019.04-Semiconductors Next Wave Opportunities&Winning strategies
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Deloitte-2019.04-Save-to-transform as a catalyst for embracing digital ...
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Deloitte-2018.10-The New Frontier Bring the Digital Revolution to ..
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Deloitte-2019.03-Ten years on from the crisis Financial Markets
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Deloitte-2019.04-Embracing a digital future
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Deloitte-2019.04-Decoding the Outline Development Plan for Greater Bay Area
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Deloitte-2018.09-Double your intelligence ... double productivity in Finance
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Deloitte-2019.02-Global Powers of Retailing 2019 Highlights
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Deloitte-2019.01-The top 10 issues transforming the future of mining
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Deloitte-2019.01-Global Powers of Retailing 2019
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Deloitte-2019.01-Success personified in the 4th Industrial Revolution
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Deloitte -2019.01-Chinese consumers at the forefront of digital technologies
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Deloitte - Illustrative disclosures for Banks under IFRS 7 as amended by IFRS 9
2 个回复 - 997 次查看 International GAAP Bank Limited — Illustrative disclosures under IFRS 7 as amended by IFRS 9 These financial statements illustrate the presentation and disclosure requirements of a bank that is n ...2019-2-8 18:46 - ottohans - Forum
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Deloitte-2018.03-An open and innovative Asia For a world of greater prosperity
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Deloitte-2018.07-Building brands in the digital age Facebook Australia
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Deloitte-2018.05-Challenges and opportunities in global battery storage markets
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Deloitte-2019.01-Technology, Media, and Telecommunications Predictions 2019
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Deloitte-2018.12-Spectrum portfolios in a 5G world
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德勤deloitte-关键时刻 VI-数字化时代的预测-181217
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Deloitte AliResearch-2018.05-Six Major Changes in Science and Technology
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Deloitte-2018.09-The Future of the Automotive Value Chain 2025 and beyond
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Deloitte-2018.11-The Future of the Automotive Value Chain Supplier industry
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Deloitte-2018.11-New retail reinvigorates China's imports
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Deloitte IAS IFRS Summary
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investment report, deloitte
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求 2016 Deloitte Trueblood Case Solution Case 16-1 The Audit of SSM
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deloitte Trueblood case studies
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