2 个回复 - 1257 次查看 期刊:Nonlinear Analysis 卷册:Volume 41, Issue 5 年份:1 September 2007 页码:Pages 2319-2325 篇名:Optimal output tracking control for nonlinear systems via successive approximation approach ...2010-6-5 09:26 - lygreto - 文献求助专区
1 个回复 - 1093 次查看 1. 期刊:Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 卷册:Volume 41, Issue 5 年份:1 October 2007 页码:Pages 2319-2325 篇名:Stochastic population dynamics under regime switching 作 ...2010-5-1 08:07 - lygreto - 文献求助专区
1 个回复 - 1435 次查看 1.不同规模农户生产技术效率差异及其影响因素分析——基于超越对数随机前沿生产函数与农户微观数据Technical Efficiency of Different Farmer Sizes and its Influencing Factors-Based on Stochastic Frontier Prod ...2010-4-23 15:40 - lily_merry - 文献求助专区
【感谢czshhh 】一英文文献
2 个回复 - 1766 次查看 篇名:Robust estimation of priorities in the AHP 作者:Stan Lipovetsky, and W. Michael Conklin 期刊:European Journal of Operational Research 卷册:Volume 137, Issue 1, 年份:16 Febru ...2009-10-15 21:12 - kuailemyt - 文献求助专区
感谢czshhh,走投地 英文文献2篇
4 个回复 - 1467 次查看 1 文献名:A strategic performance measurement system for firms across supply and demand chains on the analogy of ecological succession 作者: Xiao Lia, b, , , Xin Jian Gua and Zheng Gang Liub 期刊 ...2009-10-3 09:48 - threesheeps - 文献求助专区
【感谢czshhh 】一英文文献
1 个回复 - 1165 次查看 期刊:Expert Systems with Applications 卷册:Volume 36, Issue 4, 年份:May 2009, 页码:Pages 8313-8323 篇名:A method for member selection of R&D teams using the individual and co ...2009-10-2 22:54 - kuailemyt - 文献求助专区
感谢czshhh 英文文献3篇
2 个回复 - 1254 次查看 1 文献名:Integrating scientific knowledge into large-scale restoration programs: the CALFED Bay-Delta Program experience 作者: Kim A. Taylora 期刊:Environmental Science & Policy,Volume 12, Iss ...2009-10-2 18:17 - threesheeps - 文献求助专区
1 个回复 - 1271 次查看 【作者】:Yifeng Li;Xia Li;He Li;Oksana Lockridge;Guangshun Wang 【文章标题】:A novel method for purifying recombinant human host defense cathelicidin LL-37 by utilizing its inherent property of ...2009-9-30 18:40 - rcj0303 - 文献求助专区
4 个回复 - 1506 次查看 本帖最后由 浪诸葛 于 2014-7-17 08:49 编辑 1 文献名: Environmental sustainability: universal and non-negotiable. 作者:Goodland, Robert, Daly, Herman E.期刊:Ecological Applications, 1996.  6, 1 ...2008-11-13 14:50 - 0310040004 - 求助成功区
4 个回复 - 1898 次查看 1文献名:The Interaction of Population Growth and Environmental Quality 作者:, by Maureen Cropper and Charles Griffiths期刊: 卷号及页码: 电子链接:http://www.jstor.org/pss/21178382 文献名: ‘The O ...2008-10-31 18:58 - chengtibiao - 文献求助专区
3 个回复 - 1296 次查看 1文献名:Bargaining under Asymmetric Information 作者:Samuelson, W.期刊:Econometrica, V52 (4),pp.995-1005.卷号及页码:(1984)电子链接:http://www.jstor.org/pss/19111952文献名:Mobility Costs, Frictio ...2008-10-30 20:48 - hxf502 - 文献求助专区
4 个回复 - 1496 次查看 感谢1 文献名:choice, chance,and the personal distribution of income 作者: Milton Friedman期刊: The Journal of Political Economy, 1953, vol. 61, no. 4]卷号及页码: 电子链接:http://www.journals.uchi ...2008-10-30 20:43 - tjysb - 文献求助专区
4 个回复 - 1592 次查看 1文献名:The baby boom, the baby bust and the housing market: a further look at the debate 作者:G. Alperovich1 期刊:The Annals of Regional Science卷号及页码: 电子链接:http://www.springerlink. ...2008-10-30 20:45 - sadr - 文献求助专区
4 个回复 - 1689 次查看 1 文献名:Labour Pooling, Labour Poaching, and Spatial Clustering 作者:Combes, Pierre-Philippe, and Gilles Duranton期刊:Regional Science and Urban Economics 36 (2006), 1-28.电子链接:http://www.scie ...2008-11-3 13:34 - hanjia - 文献求助专区
[感谢czshhh,lemononeplus ]英文文献4篇
2 个回复 - 1547 次查看 1 文献名:Ethnic Scientic Communities and International Technology Diffusion 作者:Kerr, William,期刊:Review of Economics and Statistics 90 (2008a), 518-537.卷号及页码: 电子链接:http://www.mitpress ...2008-11-3 13:38 - sadr - 文献求助专区
5 个回复 - 1630 次查看 1 文献名:TRANSITIONAL IMPACTS OF ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY IN AN ENDOGENOUS GROWTH MODEL* 作者: BY A. LANS BOVENBERG AND SJAK A. SMULDERS' 期刊: 卷号及页码: 电子链接:http://www.jstor.org/pss/25 ...2008-10-21 22:10 - fentone - 求助成功区
[感谢Czshhh, sheepmiemie, jamiesun]英文文献2篇
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1 个回复 - 1195 次查看 案1文献名:A theory of racial diversity, segregation, and productivity 作者: Chad Sparber , a, 期刊: Journal of Development Economics卷号及页码: Volume 87, Issue 2, October 2008, Pages 210-226电子链 ...2008-10-19 20:38 - shhxf - 文献求助专区
6 个回复 - 2443 次查看 1、Price discovery and common factor models*1 Richard T. Baillie, G. Geoffrey Booth, Yiuman Tse,  and Tatyana ZabotinaJournal of Financial MarketsVolume 5, Issue 3, July 2002, Pages 309-321 2、Co ...2008-9-19 11:10 - shawfee - 文献求助专区