FundamentalsofFinancialManagement, Concise Edition 9 edition 35 个回复 - 4264 次查看
2016 | ISBN-10: 1305635930 | 688 pages | PDF | 42 MB
Equipping you with a solid understanding of real-world corporate finance and financial management, Brigham/Houstons market-leading FUNDAMENTALS ...2017-9-9 16:01 - igs816 - 金融学(理论版)
首发:非扫描2015年原版FundamentalsofFinancialManagement Concise 8e,692页 15 个回复 - 3062 次查看
STRUCTURE OF THE BOOKOur target audience is a student taking hisor her first, and perhaps only, finance course. Some of these students willdecide to major in finance and go on to take courses in inves ...2015-2-20 22:50 - shyyw - 金融学(理论版)