5 个回复 - 2016 次查看 请问在indicate选项中正确地表示交互固定效应应该怎么写?2022-6-17 19:43 - 分田分地真忙 - Stata专版
我的stata软件识别不了如下命令indicate() star()
8 个回复 - 7029 次查看 我在使用如下命令进行DID分析的时候,总是显示“option / not allowed”esttab OLS_DID FE_DID, ar2(%9.3f) b(%9.3f) t(%9.3f) nogap compress ///indicate("Year=_Iyear*") star(* 0.1 ** 0.05 *** 0.01)求大神解惑 ...2019-3-5 18:21 - Evanism0316 - Stata专版
【学习笔记】She Has indicated oN several occasions that she don\'t fav ...
1 个回复 - 590 次查看 She Has indicated oN several occasions that she don\'t favor emulating others2020-5-12 23:42 - elenaj - Forum
【学习笔记】On Monday, President Donald Trump indicated he would support ...
0 个回复 - 158 次查看 On Monday, President Donald Trump indicated he would support easing coronavirus restrictions “a lot sooner than three or four months,” the amount of time doctors and public health experts have recom ...2020-3-25 06:22 - trainshao - Forum
瑞银UBS Evidence Lab inside:satellite imagery indicates slower refining capacit
2 个回复 - 643 次查看 瑞银UBS Evidence Lab inside:satellite imagery indicates slower refining capacity growth in China 20190911 欢迎订阅论坛文库"BAFE文摘"查看更新和旧帖2019-12-3 02:28 - ottohans - 行业分析报告
【学习笔记】c14 -describe the nature of bonds and indicate the accountin ...
0 个回复 - 216 次查看 c14 -describe the nature of bonds and indicate the accounting for bond issuances -describe the accounting for the extinguisher of debt -explain the accounting for long-term notes payable -describe the ...2019-11-16 10:55 - miseryangel - Forum
【学习笔记】C7 Cash and receivables -indicate how to report cash and re ...
0 个回复 - 330 次查看 C7 Cash and receivables -indicate how to report cash and related items -define receivables and understand accounting issues related to their recognition -explain accounting issues related to valuatio ...2019-11-8 10:23 - miseryangel - Forum
【学习笔记】The decline of literature indicates the decline of a nation; ...
0 个回复 - 409 次查看 The decline of literature indicates the decline of a nation; the two keep in their downward tendency. 文学的衰落表明一个民族的衰落。这两者走下坡路的时间是齐头并进的。2019-8-27 06:45 - ccwwccww - Forum
美赛C题中的indicated substance是什么意思?
0 个回复 - 917 次查看 美赛C题中的indicated substance是什么意思?2019-1-25 20:46 - ldtjwenjing - 灌水吧
Does High Stock Return Synchronicity Indicate
1 个回复 - 477 次查看 【作者(必填)】Shuo Kan Stephen Gong 【文题(必填)】Does High Stock Return Synchronicity Indicate High or Low Price Informativeness? Evidence from a Regulatory Experiment 【年份(必填)】2017 【全文 ...2018-10-4 13:12 - fxq2327 - 求助成功区
Do Dividend Payments Indicate Higher Earnings Quality? An International Analysis
0 个回复 - 726 次查看 【作者(必填)】Wen He, Lilian Ng, Nataliya Zaiats, and Bohui Zhang 【文题(必填)】Do Dividend Payments Indicate Higher Earnings Quality? An International Analysis 【年份(必填)】2016 【全文链接或 ...2016-10-19 10:24 - xmwise - 文献求助专区
In Python, how do I indicate I'm overriding a method?
2 个回复 - 1042 次查看 详情: **** 本内容被作者隐藏 ****2014-9-17 18:53 - 狂热的爱好者 - python论坛
请教:为什么变量名governmance indicater输入不了SPSS?在线等
5 个回复 - 9604 次查看 请大家指点一下啊!谢谢噢 在SPSS数据录入的时候,当输入变量名为governmance indicater和regime type时,显示为variable name contains an illegal character呢?2010-8-12 16:30 - a-moon82815 - SPSS论坛