2 个回复 - 2036 次查看 采掘-石油行业研究报告,有需要的朋友可以下载。[/backcolor] 各行业研报持续更新,详情请关注汇总贴:[/backcolor]近期发的各行业券商研报汇总(不定期更新)[/backcolor] [/backcolor]2014-11-18 09:54 - whx1785 - 行业分析报告
6 个回复 - 2190 次查看 The time when there is total displacement of light crude oil imports into US Gulf Coast refineries is now very close. The substitutability of other imports is more limited, inducing a period o ...2013-2-18 16:23 - bigfoot0518 - 行业分析报告
5 个回复 - 1478 次查看 初步结论 1I石油行业信贷背景知识 3一、石油行业概述 3二、国际石油行业的发展状况和特征分析 32II从石油行业特点看信贷特点 64一、从石油行业PEST分析看信贷特点 64二、石油行业总资产、销售收入、利润总额与GDP相关 ...2007-10-8 07:19 - 12楼 - 行业分析报告
2 个回复 - 2096 次查看 SUDAN’S OIL INDUSTRY Facts and Analysis, April 2008 1 COUNTRY PROFILE 05 1.1 Conflict, Peace and Oil 05 1.2 Economy 08 1.3 CPA and Oil-related Provisions 12 2 SUDAN’S OIL INDUSTRY 16 2.1 Co ...2010-8-24 20:03 - urakee - 行业分析报告
1 个回复 - 1249 次查看 Investment summary 3 Cautious on oil reforms 3 Upstream better placed 5 Forecast changes 6 Stock ratings 7 Oil subsidy reform 9 New proposal 9 What has not changed yet 10 What could drive chan ...2009-10-20 10:39 - bigfoot0518 - 行业分析报告
1 个回复 - 1237 次查看 Table of Contents Corporate Impacts of Peak Oil ......................................................... 3 ConocoPhillips – Upgrade Focus and Oil Growth ........................ 11 ExxonMobil – ...2009-10-20 10:26 - bigfoot0518 - 行业分析报告
1 个回复 - 1524 次查看 【出版时间及名称】:2010年1月欧洲石油行业研究报告 【作者】:荷兰国际集团 【文件格式】:PDF 【页数】:43 【目录或简介】: Contents Investment case 3 – Value crea ...2010-2-3 00:10 - bigfoot0516 - 行业分析报告
6 个回复 - 2551 次查看 【出版时间及名称】:2010年4月全球石油行业研究报告 【作者】:瑞士信贷 【文件格式】:pdf 【页数】:44 【目录或简介】: The Next Cycle Could Be Different ■ Change ...2010-4-19 14:32 - bigfoot0516 - 行业分析报告
1 个回复 - 2000 次查看 【出版时间及名称】:2010年2月北欧石油行业研究报告 【作者】:Mackie Research 【文件格式】:PDF 【页数】:44 【目录或简介】: Viking could be the next Cardium: With ...2010-2-19 18:22 - bigfoot0516 - 行业分析报告
0 个回复 - 1839 次查看 【出版时间及名称】:2010年2月土耳其石油行业研究报告 【作者】:汇丰银行 【文件格式】:PDF 【页数】:52 【目录或简介】: Improving business environment provides s ...2010-2-27 21:52 - bigfoot0517 - 行业分析报告
0 个回复 - 1074 次查看 Worries (demand, margins, fx losses) continue, but we think a better picture for next 12 months is not yet priced in 􀀗 Upgrade Turcas to OW (V) (from UW (V)), TP up to TRY4.25, given redu ...2009-7-16 16:20 - bigfoot0516 - 行业分析报告
1 个回复 - 1118 次查看 Indian Oil SectorToo Much Priced In; Further Re-rating of R&M Sector Depends onLower Oil PXStrong government is a plus, but… — Indian oil stocks have strongly rallied duringthe past week o ...2009-5-26 11:18 - bigfoot0518 - 行业分析报告
0 个回复 - 1251 次查看 Pan-Euro OilsDiscontinuity and downshiftOil & gasWe downgrade Repsol-YPF from Buy to HOLD (and cut our targetprice from2009-2-7 09:58 - bigfoot0518 - 行业分析报告
0 个回复 - 1234 次查看 We believe that the Turkish oil and gassector is relatively immune to the globaldemand slowdown􀀗 The sector is exposed to the creditcrunch in the short term, but we expectit to cope wellh ...2009-1-27 12:03 - bigfoot0518 - 行业分析报告
0 个回复 - 1520 次查看 Oil & gasWe have fundamentally remodelled for all of the Pan-Europeanoil majors. Higher price assumptions imply higher cost inflation; increasedexploration, capital and R&D spend; and volume effec ...2008-7-23 10:04 - bigfoot0517 - 行业分析报告
花旗银行 - 亚洲石油行业研究报告(56页)
1 个回复 - 2176 次查看 如果购买后不能下载就告诉我你的电邮,我发给你。 [此贴子已经被作者于2008-7-21 21:38:16编辑过]2008-7-19 22:29 - alexcao10 - 行业分析报告