0 个回复 - 698 次查看 省级能源消费总量-万吨标准煤(8种能源投入)1991-20172022-9-8 15:08 - nainfo - 现金交易版
0 个回复 - 1246 次查看 1.根据面积或者比例分割图斑 该工具实现将选定的图斑按照面积比例或者指定的面积,分割成多个图斑。各个图斑的面积用逗号分隔,比例分割设置时,用整数表示。面积分割时,最后一个图斑的面积可以不写,插件可以自动 ...2021-12-31 11:46 - 35080470 - 现金交易版
博弈论Game Theory朱·弗登博格 Drew Fudenberg让·梯若尔Jean Tirole 课后习题答案
3 个回复 - 1471 次查看 Drew Fudenberg And Jean Tirole 博弈论Game Theory 课后习题答案 博弈论Game Theory朱·弗登博格 Drew Fudenberg让·梯若尔Jean Tirole 课后习题答案 更详细的内容,请参考下面的截图说明! Drew Fudenb ...2022-6-12 16:53 - Mama-2022 - 现金交易版
Andrew Ng机器学习的十周课程
60 个回复 - 18811 次查看 先上传前两周的, 有时间上传后面的。 视频十分清楚 ,Andrew Ng,全英文字幕,对英语能力有要求。2017-8-26 17:00 - hahaha33hahaha - Forum
Andrew Hallam - Millionaire Teacher: The Nine Rules of Wealth
2 个回复 - 2418 次查看 Millionaire Teacher: The Nine Rules of Wealth You Should Have Learned in School by Andrew Hallam Most people wouldn't expect a schoolteacher to amass a million-dollar investment account. But Andre ...2015-6-23 12:58 - sakimilo - 创新与战略管理
GAME THEORY by Drew Fudenberg and Jean Tirole
20 个回复 - 13848 次查看 在论坛上搜了一下,英文版好像还没有,别处下载了一个传上来,方便大家。 PDF 文件,已经OCR识别过了,应该可以搜索。2011-3-29 14:33 - aardvark - 博弈论
Game Theory Drew Fudenberg 博弈论(弗登博格,英文版))
29 个回复 - 12719 次查看 是本论坛上流行的那个版本,但本人用acrobat 9进行了优化,并且进行了OCR文字识别,现在可以屏幕取词了。因为有了个人的劳动在里面,收一点钱。2个论坛币。2010-2-4 15:48 - oldpeter - 博弈论
【免费分享】经济学论文最好的写作者Deirdre McCloskey的《Economical Writing》
5 个回复 - 4338 次查看 上传了2个附件,一个是Deirdre McCloskey的书[/backcolor]《Economical Writing》(djvu格式),还有一个是打开其的阅读器。feather3891[/backcolor]在[论文写作规范] [/backcolor]关于学术论文写作的东拉西扯(转) ...2014-8-15 20:48 - LIXUANHANK - 学术资源/课程/会议/讲座
高分求书:Summary of High Output Management: by Andrew S. Grove | Includes Analy
5 个回复 - 2039 次查看 高分求书:Summary of High Output Management: by Andrew S. Grove | Includes Analysis 谢谢!2018-10-6 16:42 - wzq718 - 组织管理与领导力
stata 门限回归 thresholdreg 的程序下载
24 个回复 - 8316 次查看 在网上稍微整理了一下,明确了安装步骤并改正了一些小错误,象征性收一点辛苦费 【注意】楼主用的是mac版的sata14,windows没有试过,如有小伙伴发现windows下无法使用,请在评论区说一下,以免更多人损 ...2019-5-12 17:00 - Pi_kachu - 计量经济学与统计软件
【Hansen thresholdreg 命令】
46 个回复 - 15750 次查看 今天去逛Bruce.E.Hansen个人网站找matlab门限回归的code,发现了一份threshold 回归的stata program的内容,链接如下。http://www.ssc.wisc.edu/~bhansen/progs/progs_threshold.html 根据下载的文件的时间显示 ...2014-11-7 14:39 - 阿狸与桃子 - Stata专版
Helping Children Learn Mathematics 教育硕士英文原版书籍
3 个回复 - 1616 次查看 Helping Children Learn Mathematics, 11th Edition 教育硕士Master of Teaching 的指定教材,给需要的同学~~2018-1-17 12:06 - tetejiayou - 外语学习
升级到stata17se版本,但是 xtdidregress 不能用
6 个回复 - 1770 次查看 我用 xtdidregress这个函数,如下面所示:xtdidregress (syn $ctrls) (treatPolicy), group(sid) time(year) vce(cluster sid ) invalid group specification None of the groups defined by sid are treate ...2022-2-15 18:13 - 啦啦啦lzx - Stata专版
11 个回复 - 4098 次查看 thresholdtest与thresholdreg命令在stata中运行不出结果,我的样本量在9000左右,运行官网hansen2000的do文件可以出结果,是因为我的样本量问题吗,请问如何解决?2021-6-30 21:37 - 小明jill - Stata专版
21 个回复 - 7263 次查看 因为数据是截面数据 所以下了标题两个指令分析 但是需要先确定门槛数量 想知道具体的指令是什么2018-4-26 19:13 - 来笼包子 - Stata专版
关于Eiviews中Zivot-Andrews unit root检验的疑问
2 个回复 - 2714 次查看 求助各位大神!!Zivot和Andrews论文中原假设是不存在结构性突变的原假设是“不存在结构性突变的单位根过程”,备择假设为“存在结构性突变的趋势平稳过程”,但是我利用eviews进行操作的时候显示的原假设是“存在结 ...2017-5-28 12:28 - rapmonie - EViews专版
【祝贺】Isaiah Andrews获得2021年克拉克奖
106 个回复 - 48134 次查看 AEA官网发布公告,2021年克拉克奖获得者为哈佛计量经济学的 Isaiah Andrews Isaiah Andrews影响因子最大的论文是关于弱工具变量的处理问题的:《Weak Instruments in Instrumental Variables Regress ...2021-4-21 11:54 - HELLO_BABY - 真实世界经济学(含财经时事)
ConQuest 3.0 now available (Stephanou, Andrew)
5 个回复 - 5238 次查看 Dear ConQuest User, ACER is pleased to announce the recently released new edition. Those customers who purchased Conquest 2.0 from ACER after 30 September 2012 will be entitled to a free upgrade. P ...2012-5-22 16:01 - dachengruoque - IRT理论相关软件
Microeconomic Theory 作者Andreu Mas-Colell, Michael D. Whinston, Jerry R. Green
67 个回复 - 14866 次查看 Andreu Mas-Colell, Michael D. Whinston, Jerry R. Green亦被称为MWG 三人所写的Microeconomic Theory被推崇为高级微观经济学第一牛书,HARVARD、MIT等学校研究生教材。 上海财经大学出版社曾出版过该教材的英文影 ...2016-4-15 15:09 - mumle - 微观经济学
8 个回复 - 2898 次查看 Hansen教授公布的Stata压缩包,大家解压后放在自己的Stata安装目录下,尝试运行;如果提示报错,可以尝试下贴的方法,亲测可行~ https://blog.csdn.net/zhangqinlu/article/details/114690822 科研不易,无论坛 ...2021-12-30 20:23 - wjqwjqwjq - Stata专版
Labor Economics(Pierre Cahuc and Andre Zylberberg)下载
88 个回复 - 39034 次查看 这是一本比较流行的高级劳动经济学教科书,不是特别清楚,凑合着看吧。 文件太大,给个下载链接吧 http://www.enterupload.com/cch57irxwj55/cahuc_-_labor_economics.pdf.html2010-4-25 16:48 - remlus - 劳动经济学
Microeconomic theory Andreu Mas-Colell, Michael D. Whinston, Jerry R. Green
106 个回复 - 22286 次查看 Many instructors of microeconomic theory have been waiting for a text that provides balanced and in-depth analysis of the essentials of microeconomics. Masterfully combining the results of years of te ...2015-2-9 21:59 - carolyn157 - 微观经济学
Mathematical Analysis - An Introduction(数学分析导论,Andrew Browder)
9 个回复 - 7823 次查看 以上是《数学分析讲义》(陈天权)参考文献中对该教材的评价。 Mathematical Analysis - An Introduction(数学分析导论,Andrew Browder)2018-5-25 16:23 - deric_zhou - 经济金融数学专区
Estimates of Dengue Force of Infection in Children in Colombo, Sri Lanka
2 个回复 - 1729 次查看 【作者(必填)】:[/backcolor]Tam, CC[/backcolor] (Tam, Clarence C.)[/backcolor][ 1 ] ; [/backcolor]Tissera, H[/backcolor] (Tissera, Hasitha)[/backcolor][ 1,2 ] ; [/backcolor]de Silva, AM[/backcolor] (de ...2014-4-11 21:39 - youlijuanzy - 求助成功区
3 个回复 - 1575 次查看 将thresholdreg.ado 和thresholdtest.ado文件放到stata安装目录下就可以使用这两个包做门限回归啦,我试过时间序列的门限回归很成功,但好像只能做一个门限的。2021-10-28 14:08 - tywd蕉鹤 - Stata专版
无线 通信课后习题答案solution manual for wireless communications Andrea goldsmit
1 个回复 - 862 次查看 无线通信课后习题答案solution manual for wireless communications Andrea goldsmith 无线通信课后习题答案solution manual for wireless communications Andrea goldsmith 无线通信课后习题答案soluti ...2021-7-9 11:56 - Lotus_ss - 现金交易版
請問zivot and Andrews(1992)的結構轉變單根檢定
6 个回复 - 5537 次查看 請問zivot and Andrews(1992)的結構轉變單根檢定在Eviews有辦法做嗎?? 如果不行...要用哪一些軟體呢?? 謝謝解答...^_^2007-7-3 23:52 - tiked100 - EViews专版
Social legislation and social activity : being addresses delivered at the sixth
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Live the Dream by Profitably Day Trading Stock Futures by Gary Smith
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Presidential Address: Does Monetary Policy Matter? The Narrative Approach after
2 个回复 - 308 次查看 【作者(必填)】 [*]Christina D. Romer [*]David H. Romer 【文题(必填)】 Presidential Address: Does Monetary Policy Matter? The Narrative Approach after 35 Years [*] [*]【年份(必填)】 [*]AME ...2023-6-13 16:00 - hartliu - 求助成功区
Primary E-Mail Address和Primary cc Address
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Number Theory for Beginners-Andrew Weil
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Introduction to complexity theory-Oded Goldreich
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Politics 5th BY Andrew heywood PDF原版电子版
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Textbook of Business Ethics by Andrew Crane & Dirk Matten 3rd Edition
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Politics 4th by Andrew Heywood 原版pdf
17 个回复 - 3747 次查看 Review: A remarkable textbook - and even better in this enhanced and redesigned new edition! Balanced and authoritative, and very effectively supported with informative and insightful ...2017-7-11 08:07 - beningermany - 经管书评
寻找Inverster's Dream 软件
0 个回复 - 980 次查看 想下载Invester's Dream 投资者之梦软件,证券混沌操作法里提到。有可以下载的链接吗,谢谢!2023-3-16 10:51 - krovanhlong - python论坛
【1200dpi】MWG 高级微观经济学中文(下)Microeconomic Theory Andreu Mas-Colell
10 个回复 - 7253 次查看 【1200dpi】MWG 高级微观经济学中文(下)Microeconomic Theory Andreu Mas-Colell 1200 DPI 高清扫描。 样张: 第一部分: 第二部分: 把第一部分和第二部分放到一起,用WinRAR解压。2013-2-22 01:48 - pertain - 微观经济学
Engaged Scholarship A Guide for Organizational and Social Research (Andrew H. Va
3 个回复 - 596 次查看 Engaged Scholarship A Guide for Organizational and Social Research (Andrew H. Van De Ven) Engaged Scholarship A Guide for Organizational and Social Research (Andrew H. Van De Ven) 发帖人,商 ...2022-7-5 02:12 - hugohugo0000 - Forum
《The Financier(金融家)》作者:Theodore Dreiser
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drewry数据 干散货 季报 2014
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The Individual-Opportunity Nexus. In Z. J. Acs, & D. B. Audretsch (Eds.)
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Doron Helen. - First English for All Children. Activity Book 4
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Doron Helen. - First English for All Children. Activity Book 3
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Doron Helen. - First English for All Children. Activity Book 2
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Doron Helen. - First English for All Children. Activity Book 1
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Drewry's shipping monthly
0 个回复 - 527 次查看 请问怎么获取Drewry's shipping monthly的数据? 有朋友可以分享下数据或者是经验吗? ps:怎么查询自己的学校是否购买了Drewry's shipping monthly?如果没有购买的话,还有什么获取途径呢? 谢谢各位!2023-1-19 19:00 - huangli2001 - 世界经济与国际贸易
Dynamic Programming and the Calculus of Variations Edited by Stuart E. Dreyfus
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Macroeconomics (8th Edition) Andrew B. Abel, Ben Bernanke, Dean Croushore
79 个回复 - 15753 次查看 This book is intended for the intermediate macroeconomics course. This book is also suitable for all readers interested in the field of macroeconomics. Abel, Bernanke, and Croushore present macroecon ...2014-11-23 05:52 - 大家开心 - 宏观经济学
andrew browder--mathematical analysis
1 个回复 - 1206 次查看 andrew browder--mathematical analysis2016-10-14 02:42 - parriston - 爱问频道
Financing Basic Income: Addressing the Cost Objection
12 个回复 - 758 次查看 English | PDF | 2017 | 122 Pages | ISBN : 3319542672 | 5.5 MB This Palgrave Pivot argues that basic income at a decent level is, in fact, affordable. The contributors approach the topic from the ...2017-7-7 16:59 - igs816 - 经管书评
2022年大众银行Dreieich eG企业数据分析
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History of economic thought-Colander, David C. Landreth, Harry
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【探索善良与残酷的根源】Children & Animals
5 个回复 - 668 次查看 Children & Animals: Exploring the Roots of Kindness & Cruelty by Frank R Ascione (Author) Animal abuse has been an acknowledged problem for centuries, but only within the past few decades h ...2016-10-15 06:06 - cmwei333 - 经管书评
吴恩达机器学习课后作业源码及笔记,Andrew Ng
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【在第三帝国下成长】Children To A Degree - Growing Up Under the Third Reich
5 个回复 - 598 次查看 Children To A Degree - Growing Up Under the Third Reich (Book 1) by Horst Christian (Author) Based on a true story about a young boy growing up under the Third Reich. Karl Veth, the olde ...2016-11-4 18:00 - cmwei333 - 经管书评
【儿童与青少年的精神分裂】Psychotic Disorders in Children and Adolescents
3 个回复 - 486 次查看 Psychotic Disorders in Children and Adolescents Robert L. Findling, S. Charles Schulz, Javad H. Kashani & Elena Harlan Psychotic disorders can be misunderstood or misdiagnosed by clinicians ...2016-11-2 16:13 - cmwei333 - 经管书评
【美国梦】The American Dream: A Short History of an Idea that Shaped a Nation
22 个回复 - 1790 次查看 The American Dream: A Short History of an Idea that Shaped a Nation by Jim Cullen (Author) "The American Dream" is one of the most familiar and resonant phrases in our national lexicon, so ...2016-10-26 08:05 - cmwei333 - 经管书评
DK 2017 最新儿童百科全书 Children's Encyclopedia
4 个回复 - 630 次查看 DK 2017 最新儿童百科全书 This engaging, traditional-style general reference book for kids ages 7–9 encompasses all that DK is about: age-appropriate, jargon-free text accompanied by detailed i ...2019-1-18 15:12 - dabaoyang - 经管书评
最新的家庭经济学教材Economics of the Family (Pierre-Andre Chiappori)
12 个回复 - 6254 次查看 家庭经济学好像一直没有经典的教材,现在这方面的权威、哥伦比亚大学的教授Pierre-Andre Chiappori等三人的专著Economics of the Family 出版了,可以作为这方面的研究生教材,特地传上来和大家分享。2014-5-15 00:09 - wangttyou - 国民经济管理
英文原版 mobi kindle 《How Children Succeed》
2 个回复 - 379 次查看 《How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity, and the Hidden Power of Character》 Why do some children succeed while others fail? The story we usually tell about childhood and success is the one abou ...2019-6-16 23:53 - sluosapher - 经管书评
Addressing Performance Tensions in Multiteam Systems
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4 个回复 - 1767 次查看 请问大家利用hansen的thresholdreg命令做截面数据门槛回归时,回归结果中对于门槛变量的系数是否报告?具体在哪个位置报告出来呢? 以下是thresholdreg命令的回归命令及结果,GDP为门槛变量,但是无论是OLS回归结果 ...2022-10-27 13:57 - 6+11 - Stata专版
0 个回复 - 462 次查看 数据为Drerey德路里国际航运市场月度报告,里面有很多干货数据,主要是各大货种近期的贸易情况以及各类船型的运力情况。近几年每月的报告都有。包括但不限于:1、各类船型的总运力、新订单、新造船价格、航运指数等, ...2022-10-25 21:16 - chaoslegion - 现金交易版
Practical Vim, Second Edition Edit Text at the Speed of Thought by Drew Neil
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The Hundred-Year Marathon: China's Secret Strategy to Replace America as the
31 个回复 - 5678 次查看 One of the U.S. government's leading China experts reveals the hidden strategy fueling that country's rise - and how Americans have been seduced into helping China overtake us as the world's leading s ...2015-5-4 05:48 - 大家开心 - 经管书评
Business Economics by N. Gregory Mankiw, Mark P. Taylor, and Andrew Ashwin
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A History of Financial Crises: Dreams and Follies of Expectations
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博弈论经典教材:Game Theory; Drew Fudenberg, Jean Tirole; MIT Press, 1991
37 个回复 - 15814 次查看 博弈论经典教材: Game Theory; Drew Fudenberg, Jean Tirole; MIT Press, 1991 只有27页,根本就不是整本书。请读者们慎重下载!2009-12-11 22:49 - opt_uestc - 博弈论