结果:找到“fake news”相关内容13个,排序为按回复时间降序,搜索更多相关帖子请点击“高级
Flagging fake news on social media
2 个回复 - 441 次查看 【作者(必填)】 【文题(必填)】Flagging fake news on social media 【年份(必填)】 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0740624X210002772021-12-17 10:46 - 日新少年 - 求助成功区
Bad News: Why We Fall for Fake News
3 个回复 - 538 次查看 2020-9-12 07:45 - Nicolle - winbugs及其他软件专版
求全文Detection and veracity analysis of fake news via scrapping and authenticat
1 个回复 - 348 次查看 【作者(必填)】Vishwakarma, Dinesh Kumar; Varshney, Deepika; Yadav, Ashima 【文题(必填)】Detection and veracity analysis of fake news via scrapping and authenticating the web search 【年份(必填)】 ...2020-3-16 12:09 - xiaojia0459 - 文献求助专区
【学习笔记】2020/03/11-The uncomfortable truth about fake news
0 个回复 - 252 次查看 2020/03/11-The uncomfortable truth about fake news2020-3-11 10:38 - fangchouzhu - Forum
【学习笔记】fake news还是有用
2 个回复 - 263 次查看 fake news还是有用2020-2-9 18:09 - 十一号神仙 - Forum
“Fake” Tariff News
4 个回复 - 567 次查看 【作者(必填)】Julia Klevak, Joshua Livnat, Duo Pei and Kate Suslava 【文题(必填)】“Fake” Tariff News: Is Corporate America Concerned with Trade Wars?【年份(必填)】The Journal of Investing August ...2019-8-23 06:19 - huangxiaofen - 求助成功区
Detecting Fake News on Social Media
9 个回复 - 874 次查看 【作者(必填)】Kai Shu and Huan Liu, Arizona State University 【文题(必填)】Detecting Fake News on Social Media 【年份(必填)】2019 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】Morgan & Claypo ...2019-6-3 12:21 - eeabcde - 文献求助专区
Outnumbered: From Facebook and Google to Fake News and Filter-bubbles
20 个回复 - 1129 次查看 ISBN: 147294741X, 1472947436 | 2018 | EPUB | 272 pages Algorithms are running our society and we don't really know what they are up to. Our increasing reliance on technology and the internet has ...2018-4-24 11:57 - igs816 - 经管书评
【独家发布】【Tutorial】Detecting Fake News with Scikit-Learn
7 个回复 - 1051 次查看 Detecting so-called “fake news” is no easy task. First, there is defining what fake news is – given it has now become a political statement. If you can find or agree upon a definition, then you mus ...2017-9-5 02:26 - Nicolle - winbugs及其他软件专版
【独家发布】【2017新书】The Smear: How Shady Political Operatives and Fake News Control Wh
23 个回复 - 1354 次查看 如果喜欢该文档,欢迎[/backcolor]点击头像下方的“+加关注”并订阅【2017新书】文库,http://bbs.pinggu.org/forum.php?mod=collection&action=view&ctid=3238 The Smear: How Shady Political Operatives and F ...2017-6-29 12:19 - 牛尾巴 - 经管书评
Taking the fight against fake news to the classroom(706 words)
0 个回复 - 921 次查看 Taking the fight against fake news to the classroom(706 words) By Roula Khalaf ----------------------------------------------------- We may like to think otherwise but fake news is not a ne ...2017-4-17 08:15 - xujingjun - 真实世界经济学(含财经时事)
【商业故事】Mark Zuckerberg Explains How Facebook Plans to Fight Fake News
1 个回复 - 2724 次查看 source from:wsj TECH Mark Zuckerberg Explains How Facebook Plans to Fight Fake News Facebook may put in place stronger detection and warning labels, among other things By DEEPA SEETHARAMAN Nov ...2016-11-19 18:32 - william9225 - 真实世界经济学(含财经时事)
Media, fake news, and debunking
0 个回复 - 190 次查看 2005-4-13 06:14 - 投资额279 - Forum