Currency Power: Understanding Monetary Rivalry
21 个回复 - 1011 次查看 2015 | ISBN: 0691167850 | English | 304 pages | PDF Monetary rivalry is a fact of life in the world economy. Intense competition between international currencies like the US dollar, Europe's euro, ...2018-11-19 10:49 - igs816 - 经管书评
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伯南克新书 21st Century Monetary Policy
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A model of unconventional monetary policy
12 个回复 - 2348 次查看 【作者(必填)】 Gertler, M. & Karadi, P. 【文题(必填)】 A model of unconventional monetary policy 【年份(必填)】 2011 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/a ...2014-3-28 09:29 - peter - 求助成功区
Monetary Theory and Policy第四版
18 个回复 - 5896 次查看 2020-10-17 20:19 - 甲某人 - 宏观经济学
Monetary Policy, Inflation, and the Business Cycle Jordi Galí
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【独家】A Monetary and Fiscal History of the United States, 1961–2021
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Modeling monetary economies
5 个回复 - 1725 次查看 Modeling Monetary economies Fourth Edition Bruce Champ Scott Freeman Joseph Haslag University of Missouri-Columbia Cambridge Universtiy Press, 20162018-6-13 11:09 - Jessyqian - 金融学(理论版)
中英文版,《美国货币史》(A Monetary History of the United States, 1867-1960)
178 个回复 - 55136 次查看 中文版,自己重新做过的,增加封面,书签等 经济学大师弗里德曼经典著作,美联储主席伯南克、多位诺贝尔经济学奖得主倾情推荐,世界银行高级副行长林毅夫教授盛赞 随着我国经济发展 ...2009-7-29 19:03 - fainshare - 经济史与经济思想史
[感谢]文献 Tobin, James (1969). A General Equilibrium Approach to Monetary Theory. J
9 个回复 - 5661 次查看 [感谢]Award上传文献 Tobin, James (1969). "A General Equilibrium Approach to Monetary Theory". Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking 1.1: 15-29. Many Thanks [此贴子已经被作者于2008-4-9 20:55:45编辑过]2008-4-8 08:37 - 崔顺伟 - 求助成功区
跪求Carl E Walsh MONETARY THEORY and POLICY 3rd ED 习题解答
2 个回复 - 3465 次查看 如题。急需SOLUTIONS MANUAL for Carl E Walsh MONETARY THEORY and POLICY 3rd ED , 要第三版的SOLUTIONS MANUAL!! 帮美国朋友找的, 坛子里找到第二版的,但朋友说没啥帮助,需第三版!哪位大神有,可联系我we ...2016-5-14 11:01 - NYCGZLY - 爱问频道
Monetary Stimulus amidst the Infrastructure Investment Spree
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The SOE Channel of Monetary Policy Transmission
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call for papers!!(Challenges for Monetary Policy Actions and Communication )
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教材交流讨论] modeling monetary economies 构建货币经济学模型 课后练习答案
21 个回复 - 5676 次查看 This upper-level undergraduate textbook, now in its second editon, approaches monetary economics using the classical paradigm of rational agents in a market setting. Too often monetary economics has b ...2012-12-1 11:54 - 李梦晗 - 长春理工大学经济管理学院
Modeling Monetary Economies, 3 edition
13 个回复 - 1847 次查看 Modeling Monetary Economies, 3 edition2013-2-28 10:45 - wanc10 - 长春理工大学经济管理学院
The Voice of Monetary Policy
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Handbook of Monetary Economics, 2010年,1600余页,高清PDF
78 个回复 - 9762 次查看 **** 本内容被作者隐藏 ****2014-10-11 21:42 - ahnulxy - 宏观经济学
Handbook_of_Monetary_Economics Friedman&Woodford 货币经济学手册 文字版可复制
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Handbook of Monetary Economics 第三卷 两本原书的电子版 高清
9 个回复 - 3814 次查看 跟论坛上已有的不同:A、B两册是分开的,两册都有各自的封皮的,总之就是原书的电子版(非扫描)。 基本信息 [*]出版社: North Holland; 1 (2010年11月29日) [*]丛书名: Handbook of Monetary Economics [*]精 ...2011-10-22 00:43 - yiyangguo - 宏观经济学
货币经济学手册第三册 Handbook of Monetary Economics 3A-B
25 个回复 - 10932 次查看 货币经济学手册第三册 2010年出版,你懂的。 压缩包里是各章的pdf文件。是出版社高清电子版,不是扫描版。 文件来源:http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/handbooks/15734498 另外,10天以后降为10个币。 ...2011-2-9 16:07 - jie0621 - 宏观经济学
Handbook of Monetary Economics
7 个回复 - 1802 次查看 经典的货币经济学手册原版高清2017-12-15 12:37 - 1515650175 - 宏观经济学
6 个回复 - 3745 次查看 HANDBOOK OF MONETARY ECONOMICS by Benjamin M. Friedman (Editor), Michael Woodford (Editor), 2010 详细介绍见 https://www.amazon.com/Handbook-Monetary-Economics-vols-Set/dp/0444534709 ...2016-11-7 12:23 - anita1111 - 宏观经济学
macroeconomic policy - demystifying monetary and fiscal policy (3ed 2016)
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Keynes's Monetary Theory (CUP)
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21st Century Monetary Policy The Federal Reserve from the Great Inflation to COV
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Petronet Lng企业分析报告
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Economic Management in a Volatile Environment: Monetary and Financial Issues
26 个回复 - 3840 次查看 Since the 1990s, several emerging market economies (EMEs) have, to varying degrees, embraced the process of 'financial globalisation', broadly defined as a set of policies that involve allowing for gr ...2015-2-15 23:19 - 大家开心 - 世界经济与国际贸易
The international credit channel of U.S. monetary policy transmission to develop
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Monetary policy announcements and market interest rates’ response
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[高级宏观] 高清 Monetary Theory and Policy, Third Edition-Carl E. Walsh
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Central Bankers at the End of Their Rope? Monetary Policy and the Coming Depress
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【国际政经系列】ECB行长作序 欧盟的诞生 Making the European Monetary Union
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IMF: Monetary and Financial Statistics Manual 2016
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【2018新书】Crisis in the European Monetary Union: A Core-Periphery Perspective
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Modeling Monetary Economies 4th Solutions
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Carl E. Walsh, Monetary Theory and Policy, 3 Ed
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【经典教材系列】Financial Markets, Banking, and Monetary Policy
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the deficit myth - modern monetary theory and the birth of the people's economy
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Mogran Stanely:The Global Monetary Analyst
20 个回复 - 1935 次查看 全球央行货币政策分析(11月份) 出版时间及名称】:20091118 【作者】:摩根斯坦利 【文件格式】:PDF 【页数】:22 【目录或简介】MS FAYRE puts the current fair value f ...2009-11-19 09:38 - ziweixiao - 行业分析报告
【2020新书】Economic Theory and the Roman Monetary Economy
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2011A model of unconventional monetary policy, Gertler and Karadi 公示推导
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Modeling Monetary Economies 4th Edition
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Monetary policy, inflation and the Business Cycle
23 个回复 - 8010 次查看 Monetary policy, inflation and the business cycle by Gali Table of Contents:Preface ix CHAPTER 1: Introduction 1 CHAPTER 2: A Classical Monetary Model 15 CHAPTER 3: The Basic New Keynesia ...2012-4-20 07:58 - richardgu26 - 宏观经济学
Monetary Economics货币经济学:学习资料
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【经典教材系列】现代货币理论 Modern Monetary Theory
129 个回复 - 6555 次查看 如果喜欢,就请“加关注”我吧(点击头像下方,http://bbs.pinggu.org/z_guanzhu.php?action=add&fuid=452766)。关注成功后,查看这里即可:三步走,把千本好书“一网打尽”!。 欢迎订阅wwqqer文库! 欢迎订阅 ...2016-12-24 08:49 - wwqqer - 宏观经济学
【文献data】Monetary policy uncertainty and stock returns in G7 and BRICS
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【经典教材系列】New Contributions to Monetary Analysis
64 个回复 - 2813 次查看 如果喜欢,就请“加关注”我吧(点击头像下方,http://bbs.pinggu.org/z_guanzhu.php?action=add&fuid=452766)。关注成功后,查看这里即可:三步走,把千本好书“一网打尽”!。 欢迎订阅wwqqer文库! 欢迎订阅 ...2016-10-8 18:39 - wwqqer - 宏观经济学
ChronoNet:一种用于异常脑电的深度递归神经网络 识别
0 个回复 - 373 次查看 摘要翻译: 通过分析脑电图(EEG)可以诊断癫痫等脑相关疾病。然而,手工分析脑电图数据需要训练有素的临床医生,并且是一个已知的相对较低的评分者之间协议(IRA)的程序。此外,数据量和新数据的出现速度使人工解释成为 ...2022-3-6 20:36 - 可人4 - Forum
Gali《Monetary Policy, Inflation, and the Business Cycle》有没有solution manual
7 个回复 - 7244 次查看 这本书的课后答案谁有啊???求一份谢谢!!!2013-7-12 15:42 - rockzzm - 宏观经济学
Sectoral Heterogeneity and Monetary Policy
2 个回复 - 1185 次查看 【作者(必填)】 [*]Jonathan Kreamer 【文题(必填)】 Sectoral Heterogeneity and Monetary Policy【年份(必填)】 2022 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】https://www.aeaweb.org/articles?id=10.1257/mac.2019 ...2022-4-27 14:45 - Jer0me - 求助成功区
Carl E. Walsh《Monetary Theory and Policy》第二版习题解答
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[首发]萨金特和基德兰德推荐 Modeling Monetary Economies
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Modeling Monetary Economics 4th Ed by Champ, Freeman, Haslag
2 个回复 - 4404 次查看 The approach of this text is to teach monetary economics using the classical paradigm of rational agents in a market setting. Too often monetary economics has been taught as a collection of facts abou ...2018-4-17 14:17 - 公子喜 - 宏观经济学
MOCONET:基于卷积的三维MPRAGE图像运动校正 神经网络方法
0 个回复 - 399 次查看 摘要翻译: 目的:抑制MR图像中的运动伪影是一项具有挑战性的任务。本文的目的是利用数据驱动的深度学习方法开发一种独立的新技术来抑制MR图像中的运动伪影。方法:采用深度学习卷积神经网络(CNN)去除脑MR图像中的运 ...2022-4-8 17:25 - mingdashike22 - Forum
Modeling Monetary Economies Third Edition 构建货币经济学模型第三版课后答案
19 个回复 - 15606 次查看 Instructor’s Manual for Modeling Monetary EconomiesThird Edition 我看论坛里还没有传第三版答案的,我老师给我的我就传上来了,是全的。英文版。2015-10-28 05:36 - sunyenan - 金融学(理论版)
Tobin J . A General Equilibrium Approach To Monetary Theory
0 个回复 - 404 次查看 Tobin J . A General Equilibrium Approach To Monetary Theory[J]. Journal of Money, Credit & Banking (Ohio State University Press), 1969, 1(1)2022-3-23 16:14 - a092721 - Forum
0 个回复 - 157 次查看 摘要翻译: 本文提出了一种新的方法和基于约束的目标函数来解决与光通信网络设计有关的两个问题,即同步光网络环分配问题(SRAP)和环内同步光网络设计问题(IDP)。这些网络拓扑问题可以表示为一个具有容量约束的图划分 ...2022-3-7 19:08 - mingdashike22 - Forum
Money, Interest, and Prices : An Integration of Monetary and Value Theory
1 个回复 - 1205 次查看 【作者(必填)】 Don Patinkin【文题(必填)】Money, Interest, and Prices : An Integration of Monetary and Value Theory - 2nd Edition 【年份(必填)】1989 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】1989 | ISBN:0262 ...2018-11-19 15:36 - wuyu0405 - 文献求助专区
The Future of Money and of Monetary Policy-人口、债务与货币
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Monetary Policy, Inflation and the Business Cycle(Gali 2015)
35 个回复 - 12388 次查看 如题,经典教材。较2008版有新内容,新在何处,下载后比对学习一下即知。 PDF版本。足够清晰。 CHAPTER 1 Introduction CHAPTER 2 A Classical Monetary Model CHAPTER 3 The Basic New Keynesian Model ...2017-6-18 16:09 - dengyfman - 宏观经济学
Money and monetary stability in Europe, 1300–1914
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求助:The Transmission of Monetary Policy Shocks
0 个回复 - 247 次查看 【作者(必填)】 [*]Silvia Miranda-Agrippino [*]Giovanni Ricco 【文题(必填)】The Transmission of Monetary Policy Shocks 【年份(必填)】2021 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】https://www.aeaweb.org/art ...2021-11-30 18:38 - zjying2000 - 文献求助专区
Market-preserving fiscal federalism in the American monetary union
1 个回复 - 553 次查看 【作者(必填)】 McKinnon 【文题(必填)】 Market-preserving fiscal federalism in the American monetary union 【年份(必填)】 1997 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters ...2021-11-16 15:28 - 高雄伟 - 求助成功区
Liquidity, Monetary Policy, and the Financial Crisis: A New Monetarist Approach
4 个回复 - 733 次查看 【作者(必填)】Williamson S.D. 【文题(必填)】Liquidity, Monetary Policy, and the Financial Crisis: A New Monetarist Approach 【年份(必填)】2012 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】Liquidity, Monetar ...2021-11-16 11:50 - 晨_曦_ - 求助成功区
Monetary Policy, Real Activity, and Credit Spreads: Evidence from Bayesian Proxy
3 个回复 - 796 次查看 【作者(必填)】 [*]Dario Caldara和Edward Herbst 【文题(必填)】 Monetary Policy, Real Activity, and Credit Spreads: Evidence from Bayesian Proxy SVARs 【年份(必填)】 2019 【全文链接或数据库名称( ...2021-11-17 22:19 - oppo1234 - 求助成功区
Monetary policy in the context of COVID-19
2 个回复 - 1353 次查看 RBC 文章2021-10-21 18:47 - qifans - 宏观经济学
A regime-switching approach to estimating the nonlinear quantity-based monetary
1 个回复 - 588 次查看 【作者(必填)】 XU ZHANG ET AL. 【文题(必填)】 A regime-switching approach to estimating the nonlinear quantity-based monetary policy rule in China[/backcolor]【年份(必填)】 2017 【全文链接或数据库 ...2021-10-14 11:21 - zx8387 - 求助成功区
modeling monetary economies 构建货币经济学模型 课后练习答案
528 个回复 - 66621 次查看 这是我在国外老师发的书本答案,PDF格式的,基本的问题答案都有,顺便也把中文和英文版的书发了给大家分享 This upper-level undergraduate textbook, now in its second editon, approaches monetary economic ...2012-5-26 03:51 - vigo625 - 金融学(理论版)
《Modeling monetary economies (构建货币经济学模型)》 中英文书和1到5章部分答案
9 个回复 - 5661 次查看 最近在学这本书,把有的资料都发上来吧,希望大家喜欢。 第一次发帖,象征性收个钱。2013-3-13 09:49 - tiamojuan - 金融学(理论版)