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Modeling monetary economies
5 个回复 - 1711 次查看 Modeling Monetary economies Fourth Edition Bruce Champ Scott Freeman Joseph Haslag University of Missouri-Columbia Cambridge Universtiy Press, 20162018-6-13 11:09 - Jessyqian - 金融学(理论版)
教材交流讨论] modeling monetary economies 构建货币经济学模型 课后练习答案
21 个回复 - 5665 次查看 This upper-level undergraduate textbook, now in its second editon, approaches monetary economics using the classical paradigm of rational agents in a market setting. Too often monetary economics has b ...2012-12-1 11:54 - 李梦晗 - 长春理工大学经济管理学院
Modeling Monetary Economies, 3 edition
13 个回复 - 1837 次查看 Modeling Monetary Economies, 3 edition2013-2-28 10:45 - wanc10 - 长春理工大学经济管理学院
Modeling Monetary Economies 4th Solutions
9 个回复 - 2645 次查看 Modeling Monetary Economies 4th Edition的配套学习手册及答案2020-4-3 21:35 - ZSwcd102 - 宏观经济学
Modeling Monetary Economies 4th Edition
20 个回复 - 12875 次查看 Modeling Monetary Economies 4th Edition 构建货币经济学模型 第四版 英文版2018-3-29 14:43 - 王明溪 - 宏观经济学
[首发]萨金特和基德兰德推荐 Modeling Monetary Economies
11 个回复 - 8316 次查看 适合高年级本科生和研究生的一本货币经济学、货币银行学教科书,诺奖得主基德兰德、萨金特、西姆斯多次将本书用作本科以及MBA货币银行学课程的主要参考书。 2011年第三版,出版社高清电子书,非扫描。 ...2011-10-28 08:03 - midi51 - 宏观经济学
Modeling Monetary Economics 4th Ed by Champ, Freeman, Haslag
2 个回复 - 4384 次查看 The approach of this text is to teach monetary economics using the classical paradigm of rational agents in a market setting. Too often monetary economics has been taught as a collection of facts abou ...2018-4-17 14:17 - 公子喜 - 宏观经济学
Modeling Monetary Economies Third Edition 构建货币经济学模型第三版课后答案
19 个回复 - 15551 次查看 Instructor’s Manual for Modeling Monetary EconomiesThird Edition 我看论坛里还没有传第三版答案的,我老师给我的我就传上来了,是全的。英文版。2015-10-28 05:36 - sunyenan - 金融学(理论版)
modeling monetary economies 构建货币经济学模型 课后练习答案
528 个回复 - 66376 次查看 这是我在国外老师发的书本答案,PDF格式的,基本的问题答案都有,顺便也把中文和英文版的书发了给大家分享 This upper-level undergraduate textbook, now in its second editon, approaches monetary economic ...2012-5-26 03:51 - vigo625 - 金融学(理论版)
《Modeling monetary economies (构建货币经济学模型)》 中英文书和1到5章部分答案
9 个回复 - 5649 次查看 最近在学这本书,把有的资料都发上来吧,希望大家喜欢。 第一次发帖,象征性收个钱。2013-3-13 09:49 - tiamojuan - 金融学(理论版)
构建货币经济学模型 PDF Modeling Monetary Economies
32 个回复 - 17356 次查看 作者:(美)布鲁斯·坎普(Bruce Champ),(美)斯科特·弗里曼(Scott Freeman) 作者简介 布鲁斯·坎普(Bruce Champ)是克利夫兰联邦储备银行的经济学家,曾在弗吉尼 亚理工学院,爱荷华大学,西安大略大学 ...2010-6-11 15:58 - terrytai - 金融学(理论版)
Dynamic Limited Dependent Variable Modeling and U.S. Monetary Policy
4 个回复 - 705 次查看 【作者(必填)】GEORGE MONOKROUSSOS 【文题(必填)】Dynamic Limited Dependent Variable Modeling and U.S. Monetary Policy 【年份(必填)】March 2011 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】http://onlinelibrary.wi ...2017-1-3 16:51 - 2行者8805 - 求助成功区
modeling monetary economies 英文版答案
10 个回复 - 2247 次查看 此份答案是modeling monetary economies第三版英文版答案,完整无误2018-3-22 17:52 - 翔翥苍穹 - 灌水吧
【Modeling Monetary Economies 3rd Ed.】构建货币经济学模型 Champ, Freeman, Hasl
9 个回复 - 5799 次查看 This textbook is designed to be used in an advanced undergraduate course. The approach of this text is to teach monetary economics using the classical paradigm of rational agents in a market setting. ...2015-1-15 00:29 - moonemma - 宏观经济学
Modeling Monetary Economics
8 个回复 - 4358 次查看 Modeling Monetary Economics 2th edition by champs & Freeman2010-9-15 09:38 - wuyucredit - 金融学(理论版)
求“Macroeconomic Modeling for Monetary Policy Evaluation”
1 个回复 - 569 次查看 【作者(必填)】 [*]Jordi Galí [*]Mark Gertler 【文题(必填)】 Macroeconomic Modeling for Monetary Policy Evaluation 【年份(必填)】 2007 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】https://www.aeaweb.org/a ...2018-5-18 16:44 - 2066891135 - 求助成功区
The Real Effects of Monetary Shocks in Sticky Price Models: A Sufficient Statist
7 个回复 - 495 次查看 【作者(必填)】Alvarez, Fernando, Hervé Le Bihan, and Francesco Lippi. 【文题(必填)】The Real Effects of Monetary Shocks in Sticky Price Models: A Sufficient Statistic Approach 【年份(必填)】Ame ...2017-10-13 14:55 - xzguan - 求助成功区
a model of the international monetary system
2 个回复 - 354 次查看 【作者(必填)】 Emmanuel Farhi and Matteo Maggiori 【文题(必填)】 A Model of the International Monetary System 【年份(必填)】 2018.2 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】Quarterly Journal of Economics2019-7-22 16:58 - 影歌4036 - 求助成功区
modeling monetary economies 4th 求
5 个回复 - 2150 次查看 【作者(必填)】Champ 【文题(必填)】modeling monetary economies 4th 【年份(必填)】2016 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】2017-6-11 10:27 - anitasun - 文献求助专区
请问有modeling monetary economics第三版的习题答案吗
3 个回复 - 1962 次查看 多谢啦2016-2-22 12:51 - ypr93 - 宏观经济学
Modeling Monetary Economies Third Edition 构建货币经济学模型第三版课后答案
1 个回复 - 1679 次查看 我下星期考试 非常需要这本书的solution2017-2-16 04:15 - maxmoney - 金融学(理论版)
Modelling impact of monetary policy on stock market liquidity a dynamic copula~~
1 个回复 - 950 次查看 《Modelling impact of monetary policy on stock market liquidity: a dynamic copula approach》 此篇论文发表在2015年Applied Economics Letters上。作者使用Symmetrized Joe-Clayton copula模型来分析中国股票 ...2017-1-27 00:09 - DuShu16 - 金融学(理论版)
Modeling Monetary Economies 英文课件 高清ppt下载
2 个回复 - 1372 次查看 Modeling Monetary Economies 英文课件 (高级宏观教材)ppt课件,已导出成pdf格式,高清 非常适合英文不好的同学配套教材使用,既学英语又学宏观经济学2016-12-25 23:03 - 我思故我赖 - 微观经济学
【金融模型】 Dynamic Modeling of Monetary and Fiscal Cooperation Among Nations
16 个回复 - 1703 次查看 Dynamic Modeling of Monetary and Fiscal Cooperation Among Nations Authors: Joseph Plasmans, Jacob Engwerda, Bas van Aarle, Giovanni di Bartolomeo, Tomasz Michalak Dynamic Modeling of Monetar ...2016-12-17 19:34 - cmwei333 - 金融学(理论版)
求一道题的答案构建货币经济学模型 modeling monetary economies里面的
1 个回复 - 2066 次查看 如题 是第四章 4.3题 Consider two identical countries, a and b, in our standard overlapping generations model. In each country, the population of every generation is 200, and each young person wants ...2014-10-15 15:35 - Iris11225 - 金融学(理论版)
求文献:Monetary Policy Rules and Business Cycle in China: Bayesian DSGE Model S
3 个回复 - 1137 次查看 求文献:Monetary Policy Rules and Business Cycle in China: Bayesian DSGE Model Simulation2013-10-23 21:07 - pinker - 悬赏大厅
Modeling Monetary Economies 高清PDF下载
15 个回复 - 6380 次查看 Modeling Monetary Economies Bruce Champ and Scott Freeman 著,第二版,清晰度很高。 Preface Part I. Money 1. A simple model of money 2. Barter and commodity money 3. Inflation 4. Internation ...2009-11-25 23:24 - xyfeng85 - 金融学(理论版)
Optimal Monetary Policy in a Model of Money and Credit
1 个回复 - 605 次查看 【作者(必填)】PEDRO GOMIS-PORQUERAS and DANIEL SANCHES 【文题(必填)】Optimal Monetary Policy in a Model of Money and Credit 【年份(必填)】2013 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】http://onlinelibra ...2016-7-26 09:43 - felu00015 - 求助成功区
modeling monetary economies solution
0 个回复 - 669 次查看 现在没有论坛币,有没有好心人给我一个下载链接。在线等挺急的。2016-4-19 10:11 - jialunhuang - 灌水吧
Modeling Monetary Economies, 3e
1 个回复 - 856 次查看 教科书 有画重点的2016-2-17 04:45 - ivy369 - 计量经济学与统计软件
[感谢!]Rules, discretion and reputation in a model of monetary policy
4 个回复 - 1135 次查看 【作者(必填)】Robert J. Barro∗, David B. Gordon∗ 【文题(必填)】Rules, discretion and reputation in a model of monetary policy 【年份(必填)】1983 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】http ...2011-12-10 10:02 - aolei - 求助成功区
monetary policy experiments in an agent-based model with financial friction
1 个回复 - 642 次查看 【作者(必填)】Domenico Delli Gatti, Saul Desiderio 【文题(必填)】monetary policy experiments in an agent-based model with financial friction 【年份(必填)】2014 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】S ...2015-3-15 14:51 - 我是笛子 - 求助成功区
跪求《Modeling Monetary Economices》第三版的课后习题答案!!
1 个回复 - 1696 次查看 跪求《Modeling Monetary Economices》第三版的课后习题答案!!中文版的(《构建货币经济学模型》)也可以!!!2013-11-1 07:58 - xxyzwt - 金融学(理论版)
modeling monetary economies 3rd edition课后题答案
4 个回复 - 4711 次查看 如题求modeling monetary economies 3rd edition的课后题答案!!!论坛上的那篇有课后答案的帖子所提供的是HW1-9的不知道哪位老师的作业题的答案······还是法语的title 似乎·····2013-2-24 08:13 - violet00cn - 求助成功区
SpringerBook:Dynamic Modeling of Monetary and Fiscal Cooperation Among Nations
1 个回复 - 932 次查看 【作者(必填)】Authors: [*]Joseph Plasmans, [*]Jacob Engwerda, [*]Bas van Aarle, [*]Giovanni di Bartolomeo, [*]Tomasz Michalak 【文题(必填)】 Dynamic Modeling of Monetary and Fiscal Cooperati ...2014-12-6 21:43 - qijiongli - 求助成功区
跪求modeling monetary答案
1 个回复 - 809 次查看 跪求啊跪求啊2014-11-18 08:13 - 乐216 - 微观经济学
Modeling Monetary Economies 中英文版,does anybody got it?
2 个回复 - 1710 次查看 Modeling Monetary Economies 中英文版 谁现在手上有PDF的?急需现在要!2012-6-26 08:05 - 1054543096 - 金融学(理论版)
modeling monetary economices 第三版答案
0 个回复 - 836 次查看 谁有modeling monetary economies 第三版的答案啊 虽然看了第二版 但是还有些题目没有在里面2014-10-20 07:34 - max1110su - 金融学(理论版)
modeling monetary economies里面的题
0 个回复 - 2618 次查看 Consider two identical countries, a and b, in our standard overlapping generations model. In each country, the population of every generation is 200, and each young person wants money balances worth 5 ...2014-10-15 18:31 - Iris11225 - 金融学(理论版)
求解 modeling monetary economies里面的题 在第四章
0 个回复 - 1326 次查看 Consider two identical countries, a and b, in our standard overlapping generations model. In each country, the population of every generation is 200, and each young person wants money balances worth ...2014-10-15 15:43 - Iris11225 - 金融学(理论版)
求Champ & Freeman的Modelling Monetary Economics的答案
3 个回复 - 3452 次查看 请问谁有Champ & Freeman的Modelling Monetary Economics这本书的答案? 不胜感激!2010-5-1 17:55 - Pavarotti - 宏观经济学
求助英文文献 Monetary and fiscal policy interactions in a micro-founded model of
3 个回复 - 1109 次查看 【作者(必填)】 [*]Roel M.W.J. Beetsma [*]Henrik Jensen 【文题(必填)】 Monetary and fiscal policy interactions in a micro-founded model of a monetary union 【年份(必填)】 Volume 67, Issue 2, ...2012-12-4 07:53 - ddx2009 - 求助成功区
求文献A New Keynesian model for analysing monetary policy in Mainland China
1 个回复 - 672 次查看 A New Keynesian model for analysing monetary policy in Mainland China2013-10-22 14:08 - nkyzh - 求助成功区
急求文献《A model of the monetary sector with and without binding capital requir
2 个回复 - 799 次查看 A model of the monetary sector with and without binding capital requirements2013-10-21 21:48 - nkyzh - 求助成功区
Testing the monetary model of exchange rate determination: a closer look at pane
2 个回复 - 890 次查看 【作者(必填)】David E. Rapacha, , Mark E. Woharb, 【文题(必填)】Testing the monetary model of exchange rate determination: a closer look at panels 【年份(必填)】2004 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填 ...2013-9-17 22:56 - 灰色鸟genan - 求助成功区
Signalling in a Model of Monetary Policy with Incomplete Information   
3 个回复 - 825 次查看 【作者(必填)】 巴罗 【文题(必填)】 Signalling in a Model of Monetary Policy with Incomplete Information    【年份(必填)】 1986 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】http://www.jstor.org/discover/10.2 ...2012-12-28 21:25 - jinyizhe282 - 求助成功区
Modeling Monetary Economies (高清)英文 经典
7 个回复 - 3385 次查看 RReview "This is simply the best book on monetary theory with which I am familiar. I cannot emphasize strongly enough how this book belongs in the curriculum of advanced undergraduates. There is no ac ...2011-1-14 11:12 - 匿名 - 金融学(理论版)
Dynamic Modeling of Monetary and Fiscal Cooperation Among Nations
0 个回复 - 1002 次查看 Dynamic Modeling of Monetary and Fiscal Cooperation Among Nations (Dynamic Modeling and Econometrics in Economics and Finance) Authors: Bas van Aarle, Giovanni di Bartolomeo, Jacob Engwerda, Jose ...2011-8-13 03:32 - minihihigirl - 宏观经济学
求: Constructing and Estimating a Realistic Optimizing Model of Monetary
0 个回复 - 1287 次查看 求经典文章:Kim, J. (2000), “Constructing and Estimating a Realistic Optimizing Model of Monetary Policy,”Journal of Monetary Economics 45, 329-359. 谢谢!急需!!2010-1-18 15:59 - wangfaxian - 宏观经济学
那位好心人有signaling in a model of monetary policy with incomplete information, oxofr
0 个回复 - 2578 次查看 求助论文一篇 ,那位好心人有signaling in a model of monetary policy with incomplete information, oxofrd economic paper , by Vickers, 5个论坛币求助2009-1-20 07:37 - ddkfbb - 微观经济学