结果:找到“python arch”相关内容32个,排序为按回复时间降序,搜索更多相关帖子请点击“高级
在险价值及风险预算,Garch族,条件VaR ES+模型代码 in Python, 条件风险价值
6 个回复 - 2680 次查看 在险价值及风险预算,Garch族,条件VaR ES+模型代码 in Python 1.Demo.ipynb 2.Python在险价值及风险预算,Garch族,条件VaR ES.pdf 3.在险价值,VaR,Value at Risk.doc2020-5-31 13:32 - Mujahida - 现金交易版
Python Crash Course 3rd-No Starch
9 个回复 - 2773 次查看 Python Crash Course 3rd-No Starch2022-10-30 09:41 - thinking2009 - python论坛
10 个回复 - 6829 次查看 基于LSTM与GARCH族混合模型预测股票波动率的Python操作代码 [/backcolor] LSTM; GARCH; 股票波动率; Python[/backcolor] 学习了金融数据分析这门课,对Python这个工具又有了新的认识,真是太强大了!本小白的报 ...2021-6-26 11:38 - 瑾曦。 - python论坛
Python Architecture Patterns-Packt (2022)
0 个回复 - 929 次查看 Python Architecture Patterns-Packt (2022)2022-9-30 14:30 - thinking2009 - python论坛
3 个回复 - 1577 次查看 2021-4-12 17:53 - 風芮柘 - python论坛
Object-Oriented Python-No Starch Press(2021)
2 个回复 - 1144 次查看 Object-Oriented Python-No Starch Press(2021)2021-12-17 16:53 - thinking2009 - python论坛
Python Deep Learning_ Exploring deep learning techniques, neural network archite
9 个回复 - 2487 次查看 Author(s): Ivan Vasilev, Daniel Slater, Gianmario Spacagna, Peter Roelants, Valentino Zocca Publisher: Packt Publishing, Year: 2019 Description: Exploring an advanced state of the art deep ...2019-1-19 10:44 - bztian - python论坛
【2019新书】Clean Architectures in Python
7 个回复 - 2050 次查看 About the BookThe clean architecture is the opposite of spaghetti code, where everything is interlaced and there are no single elements that can be easily detached from the rest and replaced witho ...2019-1-22 09:53 - jasonwu24 - python论坛
clean architectures in python
2 个回复 - 1232 次查看 The clean architecture is the opposite of spaghetti code, where everything is interlaced and there are no single elements that can be easily detached from the rest and replaced without the whole syste ...2019-1-22 21:06 - hewenxiang - python论坛
Introduction to Data Science for Social and Policy Research (Python & R)
30 个回复 - 3332 次查看 304 pages | Sep 2017 | English | ISBN-10: 1107540259 | PDF | 22 MB Real-world data sets are messy and complicated. Written for students in social science and public management, t ...2017-10-31 22:08 - igs816 - 量化投资
1 个回复 - 1162 次查看 多因子garch-midas模型!!! 4列宏观经济因子数据,一列收益率数据,最终希望得到日频波动率数据,以及各因子的权重系数2023-4-21 14:59 - yrtsss - 计量经济学与统计软件
2 个回复 - 1087 次查看 https://yz.chsi.com.cn/zsml/zyfx_search.jsp2022-10-10 10:13 - ania1 - 悬赏大厅
3 个回复 - 2145 次查看 基于LSTM与GARCH族混合模型预测股票波动率的Python操作代码 LSTM; GARCH; 股票波动率; Python 学习了金融数据分析这门课,对Python这个工具又有了新的认识,真是太强大了!本小白的报告是基于哈工大硕士论文田晓丹 ...2021-6-26 11:25 - 瑾曦。 - python论坛
0 个回复 - 609 次查看 这篇文章主要介绍了Python中elasticsearch插入和更新数据的实现方法,需要的朋友可以参考下 首先,我的索引结构是酱紫的。存储以name_id为主键的索引,待插入或更新数据为:一般会有有两种操作: 以下图片为个人见 ...2021-5-31 19:20 - AIU人工智能学院 - 数据分析与数据挖掘
0 个回复 - 939 次查看 Elasticsearch是一个分布式、Restful的搜索及分析服务器,Apache Solr一样,它也是基于Lucence的索引服务器,但我认为Elasticsearch对比Solr的优点在于: 轻量级:安装启动方便,下载文件之后一条命令就可以 ...2021-5-25 14:55 - AIU人工智能学院 - 数据分析与数据挖掘
求助 GARCH-VaR python代码
1 个回复 - 1190 次查看 求助大神,我想要GARCH-VaR的python 代码!!!2019-12-13 15:53 - 智障青年 - 悬赏大厅
0 个回复 - 1556 次查看 python如何实现garch-DCC2019-12-5 14:45 - whdx2016 - 金融工程(数量金融)与金融衍生品
15 个回复 - 5782 次查看 如题,求ARCH,GARCH的学习资料和代码,代码必须是python的,中文的最好,英文的也可以~~~ 第一次发帖,不知道能不能追加币,可以的话如果资料详尽,可以再加50币~~~2016-9-11 23:50 - hnjyzdc - 悬赏大厅
Software Architecture with Python (True PDF)
28 个回复 - 4095 次查看 English | 2017 | ISBN: 1786468522 | 557 Pages | True PDF | 11 MB This book starts off by explaining how Python fits into an application architecture. As you move along, you will understand the ar ...2017-7-7 17:16 - igs816 - 量化投资
Software Architecture with Python (Epub)
30 个回复 - 3796 次查看 Packt | 2017 | ISBN 978-1-78646-852-9 | 556 pages | Epub | 4.1 Mb Key Features Identify design issues and make the necessary adjustments to achieve improved performance Understand practical ar ...2017-5-31 10:04 - igs816 - 量化投资
[Research Paper]Scikit-learn: Machine Learning in Python
11 个回复 - 1446 次查看 **** 本内容被作者隐藏 ****2016-7-26 05:27 - Nicolle - winbugs及其他软件专版
[Research Paper]Pyomo: modeling and solving mathematical programs in Python
17 个回复 - 1851 次查看 Pyomo: modeling and solving mathematical programs in Python**** 本内容被作者隐藏 ****2016-5-1 21:14 - Nicolle - winbugs及其他软件专版
[Research Paper]Python Optimization Modeling Objects (Pyomo)
12 个回复 - 1492 次查看 Python Optimization Modeling Objects (Pyomo) Pyomo leverages the capabilities of the Coopr software, which integrates Python packages for defining optimizers, modeling optimization**** 本内容被作者隐 ...2016-5-1 21:09 - Nicolle - winbugs及其他软件专版
[有问有答]Is there R/Python Package for Hierarchical Bayes?
8 个回复 - 2232 次查看 Hierarchical Bayes models are commonly used in Marketing, Political Science, and Econometrics. Yet, the only package I know of is bayesm, which is really a companion to a book (Bayesian Statistics and ...2014-5-5 23:32 - Nicolle - python论坛