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我的课本下载(免费)industrial organization: a strategic approach
24 个回复 - 6479 次查看 找这本书好久了。。希望可以帮到大家^_^2009-3-19 15:33 - ciciyn - 博弈论
Industrial Organization - A Strategic Approach
4 个回复 - 1527 次查看 2017-1-17 22:03 - prayfreedom - 微观经济学
跪求一份industrial organization a strategic approach课后题答案
2 个回复 - 1708 次查看 小弟今年刚学IO, 需求一份答案 要church和wares版本的,感激不尽2016-7-31 01:09 - panqiyuan - 新手入门区
求助Industrial Organization A Strategic Approach Solutions Manual
1 个回复 - 1974 次查看 求助 Solution Manual for Industrial Organization: A Strategic Approach, by Church2016-11-15 09:22 - Whosepinggu - 文献求助专区
16 个回复 - 8159 次查看 清晰。 Contents I Foundations 1 1 Introduction 3 1.1 A More Formal Introduction to IO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1.1.1 The Demand for Industrial Organization . . . . . . ...2010-4-3 09:25 - evivrus - 产业经济学
必买经典:Industrial Organization-A Strategic Approach(2000, Church & Ware)
14 个回复 - 4989 次查看 权威教材,不用多说了,用得到的同学知道,超清晰版!谢谢购买! [此贴子已经被作者于2007-12-19 2:34:38编辑过]2007-12-17 02:11 - neowarp - 微观经济学
Industrial Organization: A Strategic Approach
6 个回复 - 8195 次查看 Industrial Organization: A Strategic Approachby Jeffrey Church and Roger Ware迄今为止,我学到的最好的一门产业组织经济学课本,适用于研究生,本科生,和热爱微观经济学的朋友们。里面非常多的小模型,与现实生 ...2010-11-19 17:03 - rchit - 微观经济学
〈IO好書免費分享__Industrial Organization: A Strategic Approach
4 个回复 - 2857 次查看 Church & Ware 2000__Industrial Organization_A Strategic Approach.pdf 下載網站:http://homepages.ucalgary.ca/~jrchurch/page4/page4.html Instructor's Manual (需要密碼才能進入) IO Teaching Links ...2009-9-15 15:28 - 096001 - 产业经济学
Industrial Organization: A Strategic Approach
1 个回复 - 2923 次查看 MA IO课程firms and markets 教科书,高清英文版带搜索! Industrial Organization: A Strategic Approach by Jeffrey Church and Roger Ware 非常经典,值得一看!2010-2-28 09:43 - wlrobert - 产业经济学
Industrial Organization: A Strategic Approach 出版社版电子书
0 个回复 - 1806 次查看 Industrial Organization: A Strategic Approach Jeffrey Church 名校教材。 不贵的,1k多页的 McGraw-Hill出版,非扫描版本。附勘误表。2009-11-14 06:55 - freedom_alone - 博弈论
经典教材,Industrial Organization: A Strategic Approach
0 个回复 - 1396 次查看 绝版经典教材下载,Industrial Organization: A Strategic Approach By Jeffery Church and Roger Ware2009-10-28 19:10 - elynwinter - 博弈论
[下载]Industrial Organization: Strategic Approach
2 个回复 - 2430 次查看 书名:Industrial Organization: Strategic Approach作者:Jeffery Church and Roger Ware看到这里绝大部分东西下载都需要现金 唉~看看自己腰包-空的。这本书是我的教材,提供的这个版本是电子版,英文。 [ ...2007-11-28 07:18 - lovetif - 博弈论