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熊彼特 经济发展理论 英文 the theory of economic development
9 个回复 - 7175 次查看 英文文献2018-3-24 21:07 - westingweb - 发展经济学
A Theory of Economic Development 【英文原版】
22 个回复 - 7487 次查看 这是Gustav Ranis和John. C. H. Fei(费景汉)在《The American Economic Review》上面发表的‘A Theory of Economic Development ’英文原版。国内没有任何一本教科书对其模型的数学推导作了最详细的引入,所以想要弄 ...2010-1-9 18:22 - matrix_matrix - 发展经济学
a theory of economic development
2 个回复 - 991 次查看 2019-4-17 14:45 - 蝈蝈@幸福.com - 微观经济学
A Theory of Economic Development(拉尼斯-费景汉模型原文)
5 个回复 - 3272 次查看 A Theory of Economic Development2014-3-3 08:48 - yiruodongchuan - 农林经济学
高价求Thirlwall 《Economics of Development: Theory and Evidence》 第九版 英文
1 个回复 - 1644 次查看 高价求 Thirlwall 《Economics of Development: Theory and Evidence》 第九版 英文书2018-8-1 21:28 - 靖难起兵 - 发展经济学
[免费]Stiglitz-Economics of Information and The Theory of Economic Development
5 个回复 - 2821 次查看 Economics of Information and The Theory of Economic Development NBER WORKING PAPER SERIES Joseph E. Stiglitz Working Paper No. 1566 February 19852010-10-8 09:01 - colinkane - 博弈论
Economics of Information and the Theory of Economic Development
1 个回复 - 1090 次查看 Economics of Information and the Theory of Economic Development2013-1-25 11:43 - iamfortunate - 宏观经济学
Schumpeter The Theory of Economic Development
24 个回复 - 17130 次查看 英文原版扫描 The theory of economic development: an inquiry into profits, capital, credit, interest, and the business cycle [/td][/tr] [/table] Bibliographic information Title The ...2012-3-14 05:10 - rickycy - 国民经济管理
高价求Thirlwall 《Economics of Development: Theory and Evidence》 第九版 英文
0 个回复 - 883 次查看 高价求Thirlwall 《Economics of Development: Theory and Evidence》 第九版 英文书2018-8-1 21:37 - 靖难起兵 - 发展经济学
新人 求The Theory of Economic Development.pdf
0 个回复 - 1042 次查看 熊彼特的,啊啊啊啊啊2015-12-31 18:41 - xj19940202 - 新手入门区
Legal Theory of Economic Power: Implications for Social and Economic Development
7 个回复 - 1487 次查看 In this provocative book Calixto Salomao Filho builds a strong case for why economic power cannot be considered a mere market phenomenon. Taking the forgotten realities and effects of these power stru ...2015-11-9 05:35 - 大家开心 - 制度经济学
The O-Ring Theory of Economic Development(人力资本模型)
1 个回复 - 4952 次查看 The O-Ring Theory of Economic Development(人力资本模型与解析)2015-3-20 18:55 - hust稻草人 - 发展经济学
Gustav Ranis and john C.H.Fei, “A Theory of Economic Development”
5 个回复 - 2214 次查看 Gustav Ranis and john C.H.Fei, “A Theory of Economic Development”, American Economic Review, vol(51),No.4,1961, pp533-565.2013-3-5 10:41 - 小白鼠 - 经济史与经济思想史
【感谢hr0916】倾囊求英文书 熊彼特 theory of economic development
14 个回复 - 6146 次查看 倾囊了,150币求此书,要英文的,谢谢! 中文:熊彼特《经济发展理论》 英文:schumpeter- the theory of economic development 1934 以下是介绍 http://books.google.com/books?id=-OZwWcOGeOwC&printsec ...2010-1-25 00:23 - fumagic - 文献求助专区
A Theory of Economic Development (免费)
5 个回复 - 2583 次查看 Ranis and Fei AER 鄙视某些人的行为,这些网络上随意可以下载的免费资源还收费。2010-6-8 11:25 - 夸克之一 - 国民经济管理