A Theory of Economic Development 【英文原版】 22 个回复 - 7487 次查看
这是Gustav Ranis和John. C. H. Fei(费景汉)在《The American Economic Review》上面发表的‘A Theory of Economic Development ’英文原版。国内没有任何一本教科书对其模型的数学推导作了最详细的引入,所以想要弄 ...2010-1-9 18:22 - matrix_matrix - 发展经济学
Schumpeter The Theory of Economic Development 24 个回复 - 17130 次查看
The theoryofeconomicdevelopment: an inquiry into profits, capital, credit, interest, and the business cycle
Bibliographic information
Title The ...2012-3-14 05:10 - rickycy - 国民经济管理