0 个回复 - 749 次查看 国际金融笔记与课件 国际金融 南开大学 课件 国际金融讲义和课件 上海交大-国际金融-课件 浙江大学-国际金融学-课件 +---上海交大-国际金融-课件 | 第一讲:国际金融概论.ppt | 第七讲: ...2023-2-16 22:00 - wz151400 - 现金交易版
20 个回复 - 1590 次查看 Contents When the Generals talk 3 An improving rate cycle should provide protection against declining bond yields, a deteriorating economy and lower reserve releases. Reasonable visibility on earn ...2009-8-10 13:38 - bigfoot0516 - 行业分析报告
21 个回复 - 2019 次查看 Brent Oil Nickel Gold Zinc FTSE 100Source: LME, Precious metals fix and Reuters Bulk commodities and precious metals our preferred exposureWe forecast that in 2008, with the exception of zinc and nick ...2008-7-23 09:12 - bigfoot0517 - 行业分析报告
20 个回复 - 2527 次查看 Telco ServicesTrimming into year-end resultsOur store visits indicate that slowing economic growth, the ramp-up of 3G andrising competition will make 2009 much tougher than 2008 for sector profits. We ...2009-3-9 10:40 - bigfoot0518 - 行业分析报告
20 个回复 - 2108 次查看 Contents Softening the view 3 UK macro and housing indicators have generally outperformed our lowered expectations in 2009, supported by government/central bank initiatives, improvements in lendin ...2009-8-10 14:22 - bigfoot0516 - 行业分析报告
20 个回复 - 2290 次查看 Contents Accommodative monetary policy likely to persist in 3Q, though with some risk 3 We think Chinese banks are in a sweet spot under the current macro-economic environment, as tightening of mon ...2009-8-10 14:29 - bigfoot0516 - 行业分析报告
21 个回复 - 1491 次查看 Contents 3Q09: Time to confirm the ‘V’ 3 We believe the market may top out at the current level and head lower on signs of a failure of a V-shaped recovery to materialise in the US and increased ...2009-8-10 14:32 - bigfoot0516 - 行业分析报告
10 个回复 - 3026 次查看 Property TrustsRegaining 'trusts'The first wave of refinancing deals has been concluded, lifting a major overhangfor the sector. We see value emerging, with the sector trading at a high currentyield o ...2009-2-20 11:07 - bigfoot0518 - 行业分析报告
0 个回复 - 717 次查看 这是一本关于荷兰银行(ABN AMRO)的历史,以及其一步步走向被收购并被分拆历程的书,由荷兰财经作家Jeroen Smit根据对当事人的采访写成。原作为荷兰语,在此提供英文版。但必须事先说明:这个英文版本翻译得很烂,逻 ...2015-10-22 17:51 - ludwig_wang - 世界经济与国际贸易
1 个回复 - 1489 次查看 UtilitiesSustainability underestimatedGiven ongoing difficult credit markets and last year's harsh AER decision, wehave undertaken a thorough analysis of the regulated utilities. In our view, thebanks ...2009-3-24 23:41 - bigfoot0518 - 行业分析报告
1 个回复 - 2288 次查看 Chinese IPPs: charging upWe are turning positive on Chinese IPPs as ever-increasing powerdemand should support utilisation in 2007. The commissioning ofnew projects should reduce coal consumption and ...2008-5-5 20:14 - bigfoot0517 - 行业分析报告
2 个回复 - 784 次查看 请问wind数据库会有花旗银行或荷兰银行绿色信贷不良率之类的数据吗? 大学生要写毕设找数据头秃了,请问是否有哪位大佬愿意出租wind账号啊555,有偿(不要太贵就行学生党太穷了)2022-1-17 10:09 - taigakagami - 数据求助
【学习笔记】2020/3/27(WSJ) Dutch Bank Takes Loss On Loan 荷兰银行承担贷款 ...
1 个回复 - 309 次查看 2020/3/27(WSJ) Dutch Bank Takes Loss On Loan 荷兰银行承担贷款损失 ABN AMRO Bank NV said it would take a $200 million net loss after a U.S. client of the Dutch lender’s clearing division couldn’t mee ...2020-4-5 11:21 - peylinn8 - Forum
0 个回复 - 528 次查看 因强劲的美国零售销售数据刺激美元走强,加之美朝紧张局势缓解,鼓舞投资者买入风险更大资产,金价周二(8月15日)下跌近1%,为连续第二日走低。黄金大空头之一的荷兰银行(ABN AMRO)周一就曾发布研究报告称,金价在未 ...2017-8-16 13:48 - 国泰金业返80 - 投资人(实务版)
0 个回复 - 1372 次查看 11月4日,迪拜金融服务局 (DFSA) 在官网宣布对荷兰银行迪拜分行ABN AMRO Bank N.V. DIFC Branch (ABN)处以64万美元的罚款,因其没有按照DFSA条款采取措施反洗钱。 DFSA在荷兰央行的配合下调查发现,在2013年1月 ...2015-11-7 20:49 - Jealy - 投资人(实务版)
荷兰银行:欧央行40%概率扩大QE 最早本周宣布
0 个回复 - 809 次查看 荷兰银行:欧央行40%概率扩大QE 最早本周宣布   欧央行[微博]将于本周举行货币政策会议,荷兰银行分析师Kounis认为,由于欧元区通胀预期快速下滑,欧央行有40%的可能扩大QE规模,最早将在本周会议上宣布。不 ...2015-9-2 15:18 - zll6303 - 世界经济与国际贸易
0 个回复 - 31 次查看   [ 短标]荷兰银行:油价可能会在未来几周内筑底 全文地址:http://bbs.pinggu.org/capitalvue-news-m_5477e486c41c96e3ae0cb342.html2014-11-28 11:09 - CapitalVue - CapitalVue版
荷兰银行:若欧银开始大规模QE 谁将成"大赢家"?
0 个回复 - 36 次查看 FX168讯   根据荷兰银行(ABN AMRO)的估算,如果欧洲央行(ECB)将资产购置范围扩大至主权债,并以较长期国债为主要目标的话,希腊、德国、葡萄牙与西班牙国债可能获益最多。   欧洲央行副行长康斯坦西奥(Vitor C ...2014-11-27 15:15 - CapitalVue - CapitalVue版
金价小幅回落 荷兰银行称三周高位仅是下行趋势间停顿
0 个回复 - 27 次查看 金价小幅回落 荷兰银行称三周高位仅是下行趋势间停顿 字号 评论 邮件 纠错 来源:FX168 FX168讯 周一(11月24日)金价自上周五达到的三周最高水平略有下跌,但仍然距 ...2014-11-25 06:44 - CapitalVue - CapitalVue版
荷兰银行:瑞士公投通过难救黄金熊市 做空才是王道
0 个回复 - 19 次查看   据瑞士新闻媒体Cash周二(11月18日)公布的最新网调结果显示,59%的瑞士民众反对11月末举行的黄金公投,41%表示支持。从近期的趋势来看,越来越多的民众选择加入反对的阵营,意味着本次瑞士黄金公投通过的概率进一 ...2014-11-19 14:11 - CapitalVue - CapitalVue版
荷兰银行结清做多人民币/日元交易 料人民币涨势已到头
0 个回复 - 42 次查看 FX168讯   Roy Teo等荷兰银行(ABN Amro)分析师在报告中写道,人民币兑美元的涨势已经到头,因为全球几大经济体的货币宽松政策将提振美元走势。   报告指出,人民币兑美元在6.11元人民币附近见顶;料今年底前将 ...2014-11-11 15:17 - CapitalVue - CapitalVue版
(短标)荷兰银行:欧洲央行可能购买机构债券 规模可能为1750-4000亿欧元〈详细〉
0 个回复 - 51 次查看 (短标)荷兰银行:欧洲央行可能购买机构债券,规模可能为1750-4000亿欧元〈详细〉 字号 评论 邮件 纠错 来源:环球外汇网   [ 短标]荷兰银行:欧洲央行可能购买机构 ...2014-11-10 22:41 - CapitalVue - CapitalVue版
0 个回复 - 34 次查看   汇通网11月10日讯——荷兰银行:欧洲央行更有可能购买机构债券而不是企业债券;规模可能为1750-4000亿欧元;欧洲央行的进一步刺激措施可能在12月份或明年1月份推出。 全文地址:http://bbs.pinggu.org/capitalv ...2014-11-10 20:35 - CapitalVue - CapitalVue版
荷兰银行:金价将持续下跌 不要去抓尾巴
0 个回复 - 21 次查看   北京时间11月6日晚间消息,荷兰银行近日表示,由于受到美国中期选举影响,国际市场对美国政局反映强烈,在汇率市场的作用下,黄金价格预计将会继续下跌。   荷兰银行金属交易部门分析师Georgette Boele向媒体 ...2014-11-7 02:14 - CapitalVue - CapitalVue版
0 个回复 - 43 次查看   [ 短标]荷兰银行分析师:由于市场的不确定性加强,投资者不要试图抓住黄金反击的尾巴,下探的趋势不可琢磨 全文地址:http://bbs.pinggu.org/capitalvue-news-m_545b6f66c41c96e3ae088eb8.html2014-11-6 21:03 - CapitalVue - CapitalVue版
0 个回复 - 38 次查看   荷兰银行表示,受美元持续走强影响,黄金将会继续下滑。   该行预测今年年底黄金价格将会跌至1100美元,2015年底将会跌至800美元。   荷兰银行分析师Georgette Boele在邮件中称:“不要试图抓住下坠的匕 ...2014-11-6 16:24 - CapitalVue - CapitalVue版
0 个回复 - 34 次查看   环球外汇11月6日讯--荷兰银行(ABN)分析师Georgette Boele周四(11月6日)在报告中称,当前黄金市场的看空情绪浓重,且美元可能还会扩大涨幅,黄金的大溃败才刚刚开始,投资者现在不适合抄底黄金。预计2014年末金价 ...2014-11-6 14:26 - CapitalVue - CapitalVue版
荷兰银行:千万别接掉下飞刀 黄金大溃败才刚开始
0 个回复 - 37 次查看   荷兰银行(ABN)周四(11月6日)在报告中称,因当前黄金市场的看空情绪浓重,且美元可能还会扩大涨幅,所以投资者现在千万别想着去接这个“落下的飞刀”(即抄底),黄金的大溃败才刚刚开始。   荷兰银行预计2014年 ...2014-11-6 14:10 - CapitalVue - CapitalVue版
0 个回复 - 39 次查看   新浪财经讯 北京11月6日上午消息 荷兰银行预计,因美元强势,黄金将进一步走低,年底或至每盎司1100美元;2015年底为每盎司800美元。   目前,COMEX黄金下跌6.5美元,跌幅为0.57%,报每盎司1139.2美元。   ...2014-11-6 12:48 - CapitalVue - CapitalVue版
0 个回复 - 163 次查看 据外电10月30日消息,荷兰银行指出,原糖期货具备上行潜能,但看淡其他软商品前景,该行预计罗布斯塔咖啡期货将跌破每吨2,000美元,阿拉比卡咖啡将下跌10%。 荷兰银行称,目前糖价难以出现涨势,除非厄尔尼诺现 ...2014-11-3 11:55 - CapitalVue - CapitalVue版
荷兰银行:瑞士公投通过将助金价止跌 全新牛市言之过早
0 个回复 - 27 次查看   今年11月30日瑞士将就黄金相关事宜进行公投,内容包括:要求瑞士央行(SNB)停止售金、取回瑞士黄金储备并要求瑞士央行资产中至少有20%是黄金(目前瑞士央行的储备中黄金占比不到8%)。   据民 ... 全文地址:h ...2014-11-1 07:18 - CapitalVue - CapitalVue版
荷兰银行:若日银追加宽松 美元兑日元或升至115
0 个回复 - 38 次查看 汇通网10月27日讯--周一(10月27日)亚市盘中,美元兑日元震荡下行,现交投于108关口下方。荷兰银行在报告中指出,这对汇率有望在年底前上升到115日元,前提是日本于11月中旬发布第三季度GDP初 ... 全文地址:http:// ...2014-10-28 06:21 - CapitalVue - CapitalVue版
荷兰银行: 美/日年底或升至115
0 个回复 - 35 次查看 环球外汇10月27日讯荷兰银行(ABM Amro)周一(10月27日)新出炉的一份报告称,若日本央行(BOJ)暗示追加宽松政策,美元/日元有望在年底前上升到115。   该行表示,如果日本于11月中旬发布第 ... 全文地址:http://bb ...2014-10-27 17:03 - CapitalVue - CapitalVue版
0 个回复 - 31 次查看   新浪财经讯 北京时间10月25日凌晨消息,荷兰银行的经济学家表示,美元当前的涨势将在未来几个季度对美国经济造成影响,但影响较为温和。该行预计,对未来12个月内美国GDP增幅的影响约为0.5个百分点 ... 全文地址 ...2014-10-25 08:26 - CapitalVue - CapitalVue版
[转帖]荷兰银行(上海)实习生招聘(HR Intern)(02.25发布)
1 个回复 - 2630 次查看 荷兰银行实习生招聘(HR Intern)职位名称: HR Intern职位性质:intern所属部门:HR招聘人数:2人要求:能吃苦耐劳,细心有耐心;           由相关经验者优先; ...2008-2-26 00:13 - 轩轩 - 经管类求职与招聘
5 个回复 - 3181 次查看 Media Professional publishing We continue to see good value in the media sector, and believe some of the strongest business models reside with the professional publishers. The migration from print ...2009-7-12 16:50 - bigfoot0518 - 行业分析报告
1 个回复 - 1976 次查看 Telco EquipmentThe long marchWe like Ericsson (Buy) and Nokia (Buy), as we expect both companies to improvemargins and market shares. In contrast, we believe Alcatel-Lucent (Sell) willstruggle to gene ...2009-3-17 16:21 - bigfoot0518 - 行业分析报告
ABN 荷兰银行——全球商品期货研究 (24页)
2 个回复 - 2042 次查看 ABN A tipping point in commodity cycle 荷兰银行——全球商品期货研究 .pdf2006-12-13 08:38 - vbbill - 金融学(理论版)
0 个回复 - 1678 次查看 大部分是清晰丰富的图表数据,31页,精炼2006-12-12 19:42 - andlyz1983 - 金融学(理论版)
3 个回复 - 2193 次查看 <p>Sharp reductions to estimates<br/>We make reductions to our FY09F EPS estimates of between approximately 20% and<br/>65%, as we switch our oil assumption from $90/bbl oil to $120/bbl. W ...2008-7-23 09:05 - bigfoot0517 - 行业分析报告
哈佛大学Ken Rogoff教授获2011年度荷兰银行金融经济学奖!
0 个回复 - 1743 次查看 哈佛大学Ken Rogoff教授获2011年度荷兰银行金融经济学奖! 奖金5万欧元。 Professor Ken Rogoff of the Harvard Economics Department has recently been awarded the Deutsche Bank Prize in Financial ...2011-3-19 16:14 - research - 教师之家与经管教育
2 个回复 - 1250 次查看 Airlines How to survive, how to thrive Trading is tough for network carriers, but we continue to see them as attractive recovery investments. We see low-cost carriers as attractive momentum invest ...2009-7-12 16:53 - bigfoot0518 - 行业分析报告
1 个回复 - 1723 次查看 Contents European automobiles 2 Having experienced a significant correction in 2009, premium auto demand could return to growth next year, thanks to supportive GDP. Highly correlated premium indic ...2009-10-10 19:38 - bigfoot0518 - 行业分析报告
5 个回复 - 2174 次查看 现在,荷兰银行董事会陷入了非常尴尬的境地,他们曾经向股东保证要为拉萨尔银行寻求“最高的价格”,而苏格兰皇家银行已经提出了最高的价格。摆在荷兰银行面前的道路有两条:一是坚持违背股东的民意,把拉萨尔卖给美 ...2010-5-6 22:45 - zlfpif - 投资人(实务版)
3 个回复 - 1585 次查看 进入4月,巴克莱与荷兰银行的谈判还没有初步结果,主要是价格无法确定,这与双方在其他问题上的突飞猛进形成了鲜明对比。分析师和机构投资者估计巴克莱会开出大约800亿美元的收购邀约,而且大部分以交换股票的形式完 ...2010-5-6 23:16 - zlfpif - 投资人(实务版)
3 个回复 - 3197 次查看 其实第一次看到这篇案例的时候是早在准备浙商银行面试的那些个日子。虽然不是金融专业,但是这个案例却久久让我回味。以至于时隔快半年的今天,我又破费周折的把这篇案例寻找出来,并加以了整理。我相信,很多人都会 ...2010-5-6 22:41 - zlfpif - 投资人(实务版)
9 个回复 - 2785 次查看 Transport Watch The volatility will continue Share prices have rallied 46-103% since mid-February and we have downgraded three stocks. We think valuations are stretched and that volatility will con ...2009-7-12 17:56 - bigfoot0518 - 行业分析报告
11 个回复 - 2487 次查看 Luxury GoodsFrugality, the new zeitgeistAs the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression unfolds, frugality hasbecome fashionable again. We believe household savings ratios will need to risein ...2009-3-2 22:14 - bigfoot0518 - 行业分析报告
1 个回复 - 1680 次查看 SE Asian Plantations Shortage coming The worsening Argentinian drought has led us to increase our CPO price forecast for 2009 from US$650/t to US$700/t. We expect the soybean stock/usage ratio to ...2009-7-12 17:13 - bigfoot0518 - 行业分析报告
1 个回复 - 1792 次查看 Contents Executive summary 3 The single largest contributor to earnings growth in a recovery is provision utilisation, which we estimate at about A$3bn per bank. In combination with more optimisti ...2009-10-5 17:45 - bigfoot0518 - 行业分析报告
1 个回复 - 1793 次查看 Contents Shaky ground 3 Green shoots of global recovery have turned investors’ attention to emerging markets, and CEE banks are likely to benefit. However, potential damage to the banks’ ...2009-8-25 10:33 - bigfoot0516 - 行业分析报告
0 个回复 - 1440 次查看           进入4月,巴克莱与荷兰银行的谈判还没有初步结果,主要是价格无法确定,这与双方在其他问题上的突飞猛进形成了鲜明对比。分析师和机构投资者估计巴克莱会开出大约800亿美元的收购邀约,而且大部 ...2010-5-6 23:13 - zlfpif - 投资人(实务版)
0 个回复 - 1136 次查看 进入4月,巴克莱与荷兰银行的谈判还没有初步结果,主要是价格无法确定,这与双方在其他问题上的突飞猛进形成了鲜明对比。分析师和机构投资者估计巴克莱会开出大约800亿美元的收购邀约,而且大部分以交换股票的形式完 ...2010-5-6 22:44 - zlfpif - 投资人(实务版)
1 个回复 - 2240 次查看 Contents FY09 results preview 3 We highlight what we believe will be the key issues in the upcoming FY09 results of Amcor, PaperlinX and Gunns. 3 Amcor – results due 19 August 3 PaperlinX – re ...2009-9-17 11:56 - bigfoot0517 - 行业分析报告
2 个回复 - 2612 次查看 荷兰银行江西铜业(英文)2009-8-20 19:37 - hsf12 - 行业分析报告
4 个回复 - 1292 次查看 Real Estate Property recovery leads economy We upgrade the China property sector from Neutral to Overweight due to the recovery in market sentiment and transaction volume. Property prices still mig ...2009-7-12 17:55 - bigfoot0518 - 行业分析报告
3 个回复 - 2196 次查看 Industrial Engineering End of the upcycle Engineering services is a late-cyclical sector and we see hard times ahead for both Arcadis and Grontmij. We believe that neither company will benefit enou ...2009-7-12 16:49 - bigfoot0518 - 行业分析报告
2 个回复 - 1751 次查看 Contents Upturn not yet priced in 3 We recommend staying Overweight the Korean banks in view of: 1) the continuing upcycle in macro leading indicators; 2) the likelihood we see of further upward r ...2009-9-24 16:26 - bigfoot0517 - 行业分析报告
荷兰银行:2010年1季度- 股票 固定收益,全球经济及资产配置(英文)
0 个回复 - 1388 次查看 荷兰银行:2010年1季度- 股票 固定收益,全球经济及资产配置(英文),共54页。2010-1-20 08:40 - rongzx - 金融学(理论版)
(免费中文) 荷兰银行:全球金融市场周报2010年1月18日
0 个回复 - 1113 次查看 (免费中文) 荷兰银行:全球金融市场周报2010年1月18日2010-1-20 08:37 - rongzx - 金融学(理论版)
5 个回复 - 1829 次查看 Contents Upgrade to Overweight 3 We accept that we have been to pessimistic in our assumptions over the past few months. However, we have been receiving very optimistic signals from managements an ...2009-9-17 12:36 - bigfoot0517 - 行业分析报告
1 个回复 - 1639 次查看 Contents Sector snapshot 3 Our top pick is CH. Karnchang, followed by Sino-Thai Engineering and Italian-Thai Development. 3 Look on the bright side 5 We believe large contractors such as CK, STE ...2009-9-24 16:27 - bigfoot0517 - 行业分析报告
2 个回复 - 2048 次查看 Contents Overseas business, public sector still strong 3 Hopes for a continued housing recovery have been well reflected in the sector rerating since March, in our view. We expect the recovery to s ...2009-8-13 22:18 - bigfoot0516 - 行业分析报告
3 个回复 - 2485 次查看 Little room for manoeuvre We expect little positive newsflow from the brewers on 1Q09. They are losing the top-line battle, cost savings will be harder to come by and high debt levels will dictate ...2009-7-12 16:48 - bigfoot0518 - 行业分析报告
1 个回复 - 1351 次查看 Contents Structural positives intact, but cyclical upside probably priced in 3 Asian bank shares rose 4-45% qoq in 3Q on GDP upgrades and steady asset quality. As central banks shift their policy f ...2009-11-8 22:05 - bigfoot0517 - 行业分析报告
0 个回复 - 1714 次查看 Contents A view towards renewed growth prospects 2 With the prospect of renewed growth activity from Central and Western China, and with increased ODI from China, we are positive on the mining outl ...2009-11-4 16:45 - bigfoot0518 - 行业分析报告
7 个回复 - 1685 次查看 Contents Momentum picks up 3 In this note we analyse semiconductor and semiconductor equipment industry data for July, which has shown further improvement, and confirm our positive view of the sec ...2009-10-10 19:36 - bigfoot0518 - 行业分析报告
3 个回复 - 1599 次查看 Contents Good beta: growth back to the fore 3 We expect good growth in life insurance NBV and P&C underwriting profits, as margins and the macro environment improve. Asset reflation, a steep yield ...2009-8-10 14:28 - bigfoot0516 - 行业分析报告
6 个回复 - 1847 次查看 UK WaterJamie Tunnicliffe 29 January 2009jamie.tunnicliffe@rbs.comImportant disclosures can be found in the Disclosures Appendix.†ABN AMRO group companies are subsidiary undertakings of The Roya ...2009-3-2 22:26 - bigfoot0518 - 行业分析报告
4 个回复 - 1253 次查看 Contents Coal roads lead to Asia 3 We believe the ongoing theme of rising coal consumption in Asia will continue to fuel price increases over the long term. Other trends that should support coal p ...2009-10-10 19:43 - bigfoot0518 - 行业分析报告
1 个回复 - 1221 次查看 Contents In brief 2 ”Opportunity knocks!” Keynote interview 12 Electra Partners LLP is an independent private equity fund manager, responsible for managing the assets of the oldest London-liste ...2009-10-10 19:40 - bigfoot0518 - 行业分析报告
0 个回复 - 1515 次查看 Contents Investment summary 3 We initiate coverage on Indonesia’s coal sector with a positive view and Buy ratings on United Tractors, Bukit Asam and Adaro Energy; a Hold rating on Indo Tambangra ...2009-10-10 19:45 - bigfoot0518 - 行业分析报告
0 个回复 - 1087 次查看 Contents Forecasts 3 Our CPO price assumptions are based on a detailed set of variables on yields, mature hectarage and CPO production. El Niño will depress CPO productivity, in our view. ...2009-10-10 19:33 - bigfoot0518 - 行业分析报告
0 个回复 - 1679 次查看 Contents Executive summary 3 The single largest contributor to earnings growth in a recovery is provision utilisation, which we estimate at about A$3bn per bank. In combination with more optimisti ...2009-10-10 19:31 - bigfoot0518 - 行业分析报告
0 个回复 - 1026 次查看 Contents The hospital sector 3 Expenditure associated with the treatment of patients in all hospitals was A$34.1bn in FY07, representing 36.2% of Australia’s total healthcare expenditure. 3 Over ...2009-10-10 19:29 - bigfoot0518 - 行业分析报告
4 个回复 - 2142 次查看 Contents RBS glossary – stock ready reckoner 3 Allergy and asthma 4 Glossary of terms 4 Blood and plasma 7 Glossary of terms 13 Cochlear implants and hearing loss 15 Glossary of terms 20 Diag ...2009-10-5 17:51 - bigfoot0518 - 行业分析报告
1 个回复 - 1542 次查看 Contents Profitable stagnation 3 We believe discussions at the upcoming Rendez-Vous de Monte Carlo will likely point to disappointing January 2010 renewals for European reinsurers, justifying caut ...2009-10-5 17:46 - bigfoot0518 - 行业分析报告
0 个回复 - 775 次查看 Contents Time to slay the dragon? 3 With the furor over tightening, markets have begun to correct on slower growth. We view this as the start of a turn, with tightening driving an even heavier sell ...2009-9-24 16:27 - bigfoot0517 - 行业分析报告
0 个回复 - 1691 次查看 Contents Looking beyond 2010 3 Order intake in 2009 is better than expected, while overcapacity is limited to the mega segment. The order books could bridge the gap, while Brazil and Singapore cou ...2009-9-24 16:25 - bigfoot0517 - 行业分析报告
0 个回复 - 1183 次查看 荷兰银行产品12009-9-18 16:57 - z000df1t - 金融学(理论版)
1 个回复 - 1444 次查看 Contents Inventories should remain low through 4Q 3 Global supply chain inventory data for the technology sector suggests to us that the street is underestimating the earnings potential for Asia se ...2009-9-17 12:38 - bigfoot0517 - 行业分析报告