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Student Solution Manual to Accompany Loss Models From Data to Decisions 5th PDF
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基于Stuart A.Klugman 损失模型 第5版 习题答案Loss Models_ From Data to Decisions
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Loss Models: From Data to Decisions, 5 edition
23 个回复 - 6792 次查看 A guide that provides in-depth coverage of modeling techniques used throughout many branches of actuarial science, revised and updated Now in its fifth edition, Loss Models: From Data to Decisions ...2019-7-14 01:24 - nivastuli - 金融学(理论版)
教材资源Data, Models, and Decisions - The Fundamentals of Management Science
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Panel Data Quantile Regression for Treatment Effect Models
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基于Stuart A. Klugman 损失模型 第4版习题答案Models_ From Data to Decision
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quantitative trading - algorithms, analytics, data, models, optimization (2017)
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Regression Models for Data Science in R
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Linear Mixed Models for Longitudinal Data
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Analyzing Financial Data and Implementing Financial Models Using R
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Marginal proportional hazards models for multivariate interval-censored data
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Big Data Analytics Using Multiple Criteria Decision-Making Models
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Joint latent space models for network data with high-dimensional node variables
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Pseudo Panel Data Models With Cohort Interactive Effects
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Pseudo Panel Data Models With Cohort Interactive Effects
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【独家发布】Data Analysis Using Hierarchical Generalized Linear Models with R
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Analyzing Financial Data and Implementing Financial Models Using R
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Empirical likelihood for spatial dynamic panel data models with spatial lags and
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【经典教材系列】Understanding Vision: Theory, Models, and Data
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Statistical Models and Methods for Lifetime Data
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Data-driven exploratory models of an electric distribution network
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Joint Models for Longitudinal and Time-to-Event Data with Applications in R(PDF)
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基于Klugman, Stuart A 损失模型 第5版 教学讲义Loss models : from data to decisi
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【大数据系列】Algorithms and Models for Network Data and Link Analysis
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【经典教材系列】Data Analysis and Approximate Models
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【经典教材系列】Latent Markov Models for Longitudinal Data
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求书:Accelerated Testing: Statistical Models, Test Plans, and Data Analysis
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损失模型 loss models from data to decisions - stuart A. kLUGMAN
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Binary response panel data models with sample selection and self-selection
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【Exam C】Loss Models_ From Data to Decisions 4th edition教材+mamual
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Copula Link-Based Additive Models for Right-Censored Event Time Data
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【独家发布】Epidemics Models and Data using R
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Copula-Based Random Effects Models for Clustered Data
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Varying-coefficient additive models for functional data
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nonparametric and semiparametric models(data,part1-5)
50 个回复 - 10057 次查看 内容如标题。本书是一本非常好的非参数,半参数模型的书,值得花时间学习学习。 数据是我花两天时间才找到的,文件包含了所有的数据及其描述。网上仅有很少一部分的数据。 作为对自己劳动的报酬,收费20。若有需要 ...2006-1-25 10:21 - lyslz - 计量经济学与统计软件
Panel Data Models With Interactive Fixed Effects
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Copula Link-Based Additive Models for Right-Censored Event Time Data
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linear mixed models for longitudinal data
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Forecasting Air Passenger Data using various models
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joint models for longitudinal and time-to-event data, with applications in R2012
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Generalized additive models for large data sets
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(下载)Data Envelopment Analysis:A Comprehensive Text with Models, Applications, Re
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【2020版新书】Predictive Data Mining Models, 2/E
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Generating and Leveraging Customer Data Assets: Solutions Business Models
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Epidemics Models and Data using R
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Multi-State Models for Panel Data: The msm Package for R
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Statistical Analysis of Network Data Methods and Models
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Models for Ecological Data: An Introduction
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