结果:找到“with\_in r2”相关内容11个,排序为按回复时间降序,搜索更多相关帖子请点击“高级
joint models for longitudinal and time-to-event data, with applications in R2012
27 个回复 - 5493 次查看 如题,收个100个币吧 收满1000 我马上共享 一个都不要的那种2013-6-27 10:17 - mrguo1234 - R语言论坛
求AMR2019Painting with All the Colors: The Value of Social Identity Theory for..
1 个回复 - 512 次查看 【作者(必填)】 Nettra D. Pan, Marc Gruber, and Julia Binder 【文题(必填)】 Painting with All the Colors: The Value of Social Identity Theory for Understanding Social Entrepreneurship 【年份(必填)】 ...2019-1-8 19:09 - EchoLIN0716 - 求助成功区
<Getting Started with MATLAB r2011b>
4 个回复 - 2252 次查看 文件名称:《Getting Started with MATLAB r2011b》 Getting Started with MATLAB, which introduces you to MATLAB. It covers all the primary MATLAB features at a high level, including plenty of examples ...2011-9-10 04:04 - regelung - MATLAB等数学软件专版
JMR2001_Index Construction with Formative Indicators An
2 个回复 - 1704 次查看 2009-2-25 01:10 - iwomma - 市场营销
Data Manipulation with R Springer2008新书
22 个回复 - 8727 次查看 介绍About this book -Provides guidance on getting data into R from text files, web pages, spreadsheets, databases and other sources. -Demonstrates techniques that use core features of the R language, ...2008-3-29 16:57 - eijuhz - R语言论坛
35 个回复 - 143442 次查看 如题,固定效应模型结果中调整的R2怎么看呢,是R-sq后面的within,between,overall中的哪个?随机效应回归结果中又是哪个呢?谢谢啦2012-4-23 09:52 - Michy_D - Stata专版
固定效应结果输出within group R2
4 个回复 - 5177 次查看 如果得到固定效应回归的结果,然后希望把结果导入word,同时希望输出组内R2.我现在使用的命令是 esttab m1 m2 using a.rtf,ar2 obslast nogaps order(_cons ) drop (_INnindcd* _Itime*) starlevel(* 0.1 ** 0.0 ...2016-3-19 05:27 - lulu66898 - Stata专版
1 个回复 - 557 次查看 stata内生性iv估计withinR2为点是为什么呀,请各位大神指点,求求了{:0_278:}2021-7-28 22:05 - liliyaer - 爱问频道
6 个回复 - 13915 次查看 STATA随机效应模型应该使用R2-within还是R2-overall,而且两个值相差较大。2013-10-6 20:05 - NJUMG1202 - Stata专版
Matlab R2016b Win64 Linux64 with Crack
15 个回复 - 7293 次查看 Matlab R2016b Win64 Linux64 with Crack 请移步: http://www.hao007.net/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=36820&extra=page%3D1&page=12016-9-23 06:36 - cache001 - MATLAB等数学软件专版
Logit regression with WinBUGS/R2WinBUGS not converging to likelihood estimates
3 个回复 - 1728 次查看 Can someone help me why is the following model not converging well close to simple logit model estimates? Edited Mydata2014-6-18 06:22 - Nicolle - winbugs及其他软件专版