结果:找到“Cases in Finance 2”相关内容12个,排序为按回复时间降序,搜索更多相关帖子请点击“高级
求Corporate Finance, Cases and Materials 8th 公司理财case答案
1 个回复 - 599 次查看 或者有人知道这个case的答案吗 Harry Patterson2020-12-19 19:19 - yzy124633 - 商学院
Implementing Models in Quantitative Finance Methods and Cases
12 个回复 - 5281 次查看 学科 Mathematics, Quantitative Finance, Computational Mathematics and Numerical Analysis, Partial Differential Equations and Numerical Analysis 出版社 Springer Berlin Heidelberg DOI 10.1007/978-3- ...2009-10-30 15:08 - earther1999 - 金融学(理论版)
Islamic banking and finance : definitive texts and cases
2 个回复 - 882 次查看 【作者(必填)】Masood, Omar. 【文题(必填)】Islamic banking and finance : definitive texts and cases 【年份(必填)】Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】 出版社链接:http ...2015-4-27 20:47 - hiderm - 文献求助专区
求cases in finance by Nunnally这本书!
0 个回复 - 1432 次查看 2015-5-17 14:26 - yeselise - 金融学(理论版)
[求助]50币求电子书 cases studies in Finance
16 个回复 - 5755 次查看 书名:Case Studies in Finance: Managing for Corporate Value Creation 作者:Robert F.Bruner出版商: McGraw-Hill Higher Education; 5 edition (1 Sep 2006) 语言: English ISBN-10: 007125417X ISBN-13: 978-0 ...2009-6-10 18:17 - amyherml - 文献求助专区
Implementing Models in Quantitative Finance: Methods and Cases(Matlab VBA codes)
5 个回复 - 4549 次查看 Implementing Models in Quantitative Finance: Methods and Cases 书中例子的code(Matlab and VBA)2013-5-24 18:03 - Bobito - 金融学(理论版)
Implementing Models in Quantitative Finance: Methods and Cases
18 个回复 - 3766 次查看 Implementing Models in Quantitative Finance: Methods and Cases Gianluca Fusai , Andrea Roncoroni Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2008 PDF , 616 PP, 10.6M2009-12-10 00:33 - zhaohailei - 金融学(理论版)
求!!Business Finance: Applications, Models and Cases
0 个回复 - 1065 次查看 Schlosser, M., Business Finance: Applications, Models and Cases, Prentice-Hall, 2003 求求求!!2010-8-14 09:50 - wfxs - 金融学(理论版)
Cases in Finance (3rd ed.),by Scott, Martin
0 个回复 - 1651 次查看Cases in Finance (3rd ed.),by Scott, Martin Petty, Keown and Thatcher (1993), New Jersey: Prentice Hall 老书了,一直找不着,希望有人能提供一下 ,不胜感激!2010-5-1 19:50 - robin11 - 文献求助专区