结果:找到“组织行为学 17”相关内容7个,排序为按回复时间降序,搜索更多相关帖子请点击“高级
组织行为学17版 Stephen P. Robbins & Timothy A. Judge
33 个回复 - 10388 次查看 Introduction 1 What Is Organizational Behavior? The Individual 2 Diversity in organizations 78 3 Attitudes and Job Satisfaction 110 4 Emotions and Moods 138 5 Personality and Values 172 6 Perce ...2018-8-6 15:32 - 禅幽 - 组织管理与领导力
31 个回复 - 9290 次查看 罗宾斯组织行为学课件,很不错的PPT,绝对值得看一看2010-12-8 15:12 - youdan20 - MBA专版
Organizational behavior 17th 组织行为学原版第17版 罗宾斯
2 个回复 - 2660 次查看 1 What Is Organizational Behavior? 40 The Importance of Interpersonal Skills 43 Management and Organizational Behavior 44 Management Roles 45 • Management Skills 46 • Effective versus ...2021-1-5 10:38 - xz307 - 组织管理与领导力
我想找电子版的组织行为学Organizational Behavior 17th Edition by Stephen Robbins
2 个回复 - 1765 次查看 谢谢 ,我想找Organizational Behavior 17th Edition by Stephen Robbins Judge下载,非常感谢2017-7-20 14:12 - ranc12345 - MBA专版
组织行为学】 Reconstructing Organization : The Loungification of Society (2017
10 个回复 - 2029 次查看 Reconstructing Organization The Loungification of Society Authors: Damian P. O'Doherty Presents unique ethnographic study from within an organization Includes the first discussion of the ...2017-1-2 04:48 - cmwei333 - 商学院