经济政策 理论与实践,阿格尼丝·贝纳西·奎里 (Agnes Benassy-Quere)、 贝努瓦·科
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JStor+A Data Envelopment Analysis Approach to Estimate IT-Enabled Production Cap
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Bayesian spline smoothing with ambiguous penalties
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【温格】Arsenal: The Making of a Modern Super-club, PDF (conv) + EPUB + MOBI
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仿真使用ARENA软件(原书第三版) 免费下载
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4 分钟! OpenAI 的机器手学会单手解魔方了, 完全自学无需编程
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Theory and Simulation of Random Phenomena: Mathematical Foundations and Physical
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Strong collective action enables valuable and sustainable
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5G-enabled Internet of Things-CRC (2019)
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Infrastructure maintenance and rural economic activity
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Innovation diffusion enabler or barrier: An investigation of international paten
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theorizing the multiplicity of digital phenomena
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Blockchain-Enabled Data Sharing in Supply Chains: Model, Operationalization, and
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Optimization-Based Scenario Reduction for Data-Driven Two-Stage Stochastic Optim
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Handbook of Research on Business Models in Modern Competitive Scenarios
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【Springer 经济与数学系统,最优化算法】 Capacitated Planned Maintenance (2016)
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Innovation Renaissance: Defining, Debunking, and Demystifying Creativity
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Big Tech and the Digital Economy: The Moligopoly Scenario
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Prolegomena on Coevolution: A Framework for Research on Strategy and New Organiz
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