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Risk and uncertainty in cost benefit analysis 英文 46 Pages
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WorldBank: The Growth Report and New Structural Economics 201006 28 pages
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Advanced Mathematical Economics 08 pages | PDF Rakesh V. Vohra作品英文原版
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Michael Page-中国大陆薪酬报告2023(中英)
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Learning representations by back-propagating errors
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Learning-by-doing as a propagation mechanism
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2022中国薪酬报告-Michael Page-2021-369页
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Characteristics of and factors influencing thermal runaway propagation in lithiu
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Firm-level propagation of shocks through supply-chain networks
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Propagation mechanisms and diagnosis
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Michael Page China 2022 talent trends 2022米高蒲志人才趋势
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advanced microeconomic thoery,3rd,published in 2011,673 pages
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GTAP许可证 GTAPAGG 第8版,第9版和第10版可用
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WorldBand: Global Economic Prospects 2010 Summer 86 pages
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WorldBank: High-Speed Rail the Fast Track to Economic Development 2010.07 28page
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WorldBank: Global Value Chains in the Electronics Industry 2010.09 56page
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Radio Wave Propagation and Parabolic Equation Modeling(using Matlab)
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请教大家:投稿外文期刊的title page应该单独一页?还是可以和正文在同一页?
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146pages: A Strategy for CBM and CMM Development and Utilization in China
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1 个回复 - 1013 次查看 数学建模(pagerank算法,灰色预测),附代码 PageRank 受益程度关联分析 时间序列 数学建模(pagerank算法,灰色预测),附代码PageRank 受益程度 关联分析 时间序列 数学建模(pagerank算 ...2021-5-9 21:48 - Fu-pear - 现金交易版
【书籍分享】2019新书 The.Hundred-Page.Machine.Learning.Book
2 个回复 - 1557 次查看 一百页您需要了解的所有有关机器学习的知识有监督和无监督学习,支持向量机,神经网络,集成方法,梯度下降,聚类分析和降维,自动编码器和传递学习,特征工程和超参数调整。[/backcolor]2020-8-31 11:02 - gu19971205 - Forum
第二版:How to Understand the Financial Pages: A Guide to Money and the Jargon
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0 个回复 - 798 次查看 1. 引言[/backcolor]PageRank是Sergey Brin与Larry Page于1998年在WWW7会议上提出来的,用来解决链接分析中网页排名的问题。在衡量一个网页的排名,直觉告诉我们:[/backcolor]1、当一个网页被更多网页所链接时,其排 ...2020-10-26 08:03 - AIU人工智能学院 - 数据分析与数据挖掘
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Market Manipulation? Applying the Propaganda Model to Financial Media Reporting.
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SQL Interview Q&A (11 Pages)
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20130125 Deutsche Bank Oil & Gas for Beginners (496 Pages) 重量级行业研究
10 个回复 - 3437 次查看 自己看的时候觉得想了解O&G的话看这篇就足够了! 讲到了几家大Oil Company的历史,石油的历史和开采的方法,对于Reserve的理解和Accounting的方法,全球油气市场的概览,O&G的一些副产品等等等。总之和O&G沾边的都在 ...2014-11-11 01:58 - foreverallent - 行业分析报告
Gali (2008) page 29 log-linearization derivation
23 个回复 - 7119 次查看 今天收到Allain关于Gali(2008)第29页的推导求助。初来乍一看第三个式子的确不是很明显,而且书中跳过了很多步骤。估计有老师辅导讲课的时候,这些问题可以得到解决,但是自学的过程中,的确会遇到一些困难。不过, ...2013-10-31 10:50 - richardgu26 - 宏观经济学
Microeconomics Made Simple_Basic Microeconomic Principles Explained in 100 Pages
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1 个回复 - 615 次查看 time Page 30 Americans rally behind Trump’s crisis control Mr Trump last night appeared at the daily White House coronavirus brief- ing where he set out lessons from the crisis in line with his Amer ...2020-3-29 22:31 - nothingone - Forum
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0 个回复 - 201 次查看 time Page 30 Americans rally behind Trump’s crisis control Mr Trump last night appeared at the daily White House coronavirus brief- ing where he set out lessons from the crisis in line with his Amer ...2020-3-29 22:27 - nothingone - Forum
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0 个回复 - 257 次查看 time Page 30 Americans rally behind Trump’s crisis control Mr Trump last night appeared at the daily White House coronavirus brief- ing where he set out lessons from the crisis in line with his Amer ...2020-3-29 22:26 - nothingone - Forum
【学习笔记】time Page 30 Americans rally behind Trump’s crisis control ...
0 个回复 - 205 次查看 time Page 30 Americans rally behind Trump’s crisis control Mr Trump last night appeared at the daily White House coronavirus brief- ing where he set out lessons from the crisis in line with his Amer ...2020-3-29 22:26 - nothingone - Forum
2 个回复 - 8176 次查看 1、Breusch-Pagan的检验原理是: 因为异方差具有线性形式,假设解释变量前的系数不全为0,则模型是异方差的。 因此,Breusch-Pagan检验就是对辅助回归进行方程的显著性检验,可以构造F统计量。 向左转|向右 ...2019-11-20 16:20 - 158149053 - R语言论坛
【学习笔记】啊啊啊,今天迟了wsj20200324 page a7 para3
0 个回复 - 233 次查看 啊啊啊,今天迟了wsj20200324 page a7 para32020-3-27 00:01 - 明日十谈。 - Forum
求SPAG: Index of spatial agglomeration
2 个回复 - 388 次查看 【作者(必填)】Katarzyna Kopczewska[/backcolor] Paweł Churski[/backcolor] Artur Ochojski[/backcolor] Adam Polko[/backcolor] 【文题(必填)】SPAG: Index of spatial agglomeration 【年份 ...2020-3-25 07:25 - fuzhuofan - 求助成功区