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64 个回复 - 12814 次查看 【原版图书】Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning,Christopher M..Bishop,.Springer,2006:2015-12-20 17:48 - 曲歌99 - 数据分析与数据挖掘
14 个回复 - 7740 次查看 经典机器学习 PATTERN RECOGNITION AND MACHINE LEARNING BISHOP 答案完整版2014-10-8 08:34 - pzh12345 - Forum
Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning by Christopher Bishop
3 个回复 - 2649 次查看 附件是 .rar 文檔。包含: the book(.pdf) Errata(.pdf) Sample Chapters(.pdf) Solutions to the Exercises Tutors' Edition(.pdf) Solutions to the Exercises Web-Edition(.pdf) Lecture Notes ...2017-8-5 05:29 - SleepyTom - 金融工程(数量金融)与金融衍生品
Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning by Christopher M. Bishop
0 个回复 - 2048 次查看 Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning by Christopher M. Bishop2018-4-7 22:51 - 952019901 - mahout论坛
Bishop - Pattern Recognition And Machine Learning
2 个回复 - 1334 次查看 Pattern Recognition And Machine Learning2017-6-29 14:16 - 桂衍亮 - Forum
Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning - Bishop, PRML
9 个回复 - 7342 次查看 貌似板上做经济商务的比较多,传本偏计算机的圣经级书吧。2010-9-3 13:41 - ylqfp - 数据分析与数据挖掘
[分享][下载]Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning by Christopher Bishop
16 个回复 - 6772 次查看 经典教材,你值得拥有2009-5-1 00:28 - wangkongxp - 经管书评
【下载】Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning~C. M. Bishop.Spriger.2007
14 个回复 - 7885 次查看 Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning (Information Science and Statistics) (Hardcover) Christopher M. Bishop (Author) Editorial Reviews Review From the reviews: "This beautifully produced ...2010-6-10 04:11 - kxjs2007 - 计量经济学与统计软件