Measurement Models with Multiple Latent Variables and Correlated Errors
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【2005】 The politics of attention : how government prioritizes problems
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AER-202107-Unwatched Pollution: The Effect of Intermittent Monitoring on Air Qua
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Patent Regime Shift and Firm Innovation: Evidence from the Second Amendment to C
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当代抽象代数Contemporary Abstract Algebra, Tenth Edition 10th:分章节习题答案
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【独家发布】【2014】Patent It Yourself Your Step-by-Step Guide to Filing at the U.S. Pat
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【产业经济学】 Competition Policy and Patent Law under Uncertainty
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Super Trader:Make Consistent Profits in Good and Bad Markets 译者: 罗耀宗(台版)
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1 个回复 - 1292 次查看 我现在使用的是4.5的版本。我将想要使用的variables加入到indicators当中,然后选择continuous,scan,如果加入三五个变量,一起scan,总是会闪退,或者是容易出现,未发现有效量(英文的,具体没记住)。不知道大家 ...2019-3-1 05:16 - 刺猬蛋蛋2 - 计量经济学与统计软件
Toward a comprehensive and potentially cross-cultural
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Hilbert’s Tenth Problem
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Democracy, Economics, and the Public Good_ Informational Failures and Potential
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Subgame Consistent Cooperation: A Comprehensive Treatise
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【2019新书】Patentism Replacing Capitalism: A Prediction from Logical Economics
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Potential Theory (Universitext系列)
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【Springer 数学分析】 Harmonic Analysis and Discrete Potential Theory
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Screening Inattentive Buyers
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Content Delivery Networks: Fundamentals, Design, and Evolution
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文献求助-The Importance of Social Influencer-Generated Contents for User Cogniti
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求助One Earth文献一篇:Climate module disparities explain inconsistent estimates
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文献求助-Self-Focused Attention, Perspective-Taking, and False Consensus
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The Impact of Maoist Communist Ideology on Patent Applications and Infringement
2 个回复 - 473 次查看 【作者(必填)】 Dean Xu, Kevin Zhou and Shihua Chen 【文题(必填)】 The Impact of Maoist Communist Ideology on Patent Applications and Infringement 【年份(必填)】 2022 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填) ...2022-11-18 20:29 - txd2011又来了 - 求助成功区
【林肯面对奴隶制与种族,哈佛大学出版社】 Big Enough to Be Inconsistent
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Text Mining of Web-based Medical Content
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Thresholded Graphical Lasso Adjusts for Latent Variables
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Increasing the information content of realized volatility forecasts
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Towards an attention-based view of the firm
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求助文献“Patents and the Global Diffusion of New Drugs”
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求助文献“Disclosure and Subsequent Innovation: Evidence from the Patent Deposit
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求助文献“Climate module disparities explain inconsistent estimates of the socia
3 个回复 - 356 次查看 【作者(必填)】T Wang, F Teng, X Deng, J Xie 【文题(必填)】Climate module disparities explain inconsistent estimates of the social cost of carbon in integrated assessment models 【年份(必填)】202 ...2022-10-31 11:20 - keeamin - 文献求助专区
The Structure of Complexity and the Limits of Collective Intentionality
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求助文献:I or you: Whom should online reviewers direct their attention to, and
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Joint latent space models for network data with high-dimensional node variables
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写论文要用的rost content mining软件不会用自定义词表可怎么办
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Effects of investor attention in China's commodity futures markets
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Reduced helping intentions are better explained by the attribution of antisocial
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Compete, Cooperate, or Both? Integrating the Demand Side into Patent Deployment
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Compete, Cooperate, or Both? Integrating the Demand Side into Patent Deployment
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Optimization of a Degradable Polymer–Lipid Nanoparticle for Potent Systemic Del
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【2014】 Advanced Persistent Threat Hacking: The Art and Science of Hacking
36 个回复 - 3988 次查看 如果您喜欢我的帖,就请加“+关注”哦 马上抢沙发 希望您喜欢我的免费发布 支持我 加我 关注我 http://bbs.pinggu.org/z_guanzhu.php?action=add&fuid=3727866 【2014】Advanced Persistent Threat Hacking: ...2015-11-9 09:03 - kychan - 管理科学
【隆重发布两种授权的LatentGOLD Choice】
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Latent class model潜类别模型与其他模型如何组合
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The role of mindfulness in the management of projects: Potential opportunities i
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Disclosure and subsequent innovation Evidence from the patent depository library
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The power of innovation diffusion How patent transfer affects urban innovation
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【经典教材系列】Semialgebraic Statistics and Latent Tree Models
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American Discontent: The Rise of Donald Trump and Decline of the Golden Age
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Gender bias in patenting process
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Gender differences and patenting in Latin America understanding female particip
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Patent Publication and Innovation
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Persistent Overconfidence and Biased Memory: Evidence from Managers
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I'm perfectly content with the way the campaign has gone.
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Measuring patent quality in cross-country comparison
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用Mplus做潜类别分析(latent class analysis)中遇到的参数问题
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Qualitative Content Analysis in Practice
0 个回复 - 261 次查看 This book takes students step-by-step through the process of doing qualitative content analysis. Margrit Schreier show how to: create a coding frame; segment the material; try out the coding frame; e ...2022-6-17 14:39 - Bangladesh-WL - Forum
Current Status and Potential Assessment of China’s Ocean Carbon Sinks
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stata17之后不能用option contents()
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求助AMJ文献Customer Concentration, Executive Attention, and Firm Search Behavior
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Content Analysis An Introduction to Its Methodology
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【经典教材系列】Advances in Latent Variables
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Considerations of providing patent and trademark
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The story has attracted worldwide attention.
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Holsti的 Content analysis for the social sciences and humanities
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Institutional Investor Attention and Firm Disclosure
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Capturing Value in Platform Business Models That Rely on User-Generated Content
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content ming
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