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How conservative is Fisher's exact test?
2 个回复 - 958 次查看
Crans GG, Shuster JJ.
How conservative is
Fisher's exact
test? A quantitative evaluation of the two-sample comparative binomial trial
【 ...
2013-2-9 05:18 - dialyou - 求助成功区
求教Fisher's Z test
15 个回复 - 23975 次查看
Fisher's Z
2010-10-21 12:01 - juventume - SPSS论坛
Fisher's exact test
0 个回复 - 1076 次查看
We used a
Fisher's exact
test to compare the number of dyads in the same or different communities that had relatedness coefficients above or below 0.25.
2016-3-28 21:22 - dark293 - 爱问频道
Fisher's Exact Test 中的 CI 含义是什么
1 个回复 - 2593 次查看
Fisher's Exact Test forCount Data data: Matrix2.3p-value = 0.1108alternative hypothesis:true odds ratio is not equal to 195 percent confidenceinterval: 0.5553927 23.3996322sample estimates:odds rati ...
2015-7-14 22:57 - wwrr1014 - R语言论坛
求助:Fisher·s Exact Test 拜谢
1 个回复 - 4669 次查看
想请问下什么时候看PEARSON CHI-SQUARE 什么时候看FISHER`S EXACT TEST。二者有什么区别?尤其是FISHER`S EXACT TEST的p值如何看?和什么做对比?说明什么?求详解,麻烦了。如果没时间,请给一个觉得好的相关链接。 ...
2012-9-12 08:26 - tylerzf - SPSS论坛