wiley: Trusting Communities and Bigger In-Groups 1 个回复 - 1065 次查看
Emily L. Fisher*
Trusting Communities and Bigger In-Groups: Social Capital, Interracial Contact Climate, and Common In-Group Categorization
Analyses o ...2014-8-24 00:24 - yinhezhiwang - 求助成功区
Lessons from the United States's antitrust history 2 个回复 - 1188 次查看
【作者(必填)】Dennis C. Mueller
【文题(必填)】Lessons from the United States's antitrust history
Volume 14, Issue 4, June 1996, Pages 415–445
【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】 ...2014-4-12 11:10 - zhwj2005 - 求助成功区
REIT和Unit Trust Mutual Fund有什么联系吗??? 3 个回复 - 3996 次查看
最近在做一个项目, 其中一条就规定说 cannot invest in any investment which primarily invest in products that are not permitted by the code of mutual fund and unittrust of this regulation autho ...2013-12-22 12:19 - xiaopang2013 - 金融工程(数量金融)与金融衍生品