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基于greene高计+Econometric Theory+Econometric analysis:国际名校读研资料整理
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Treeage Pro 2011应用培训+Markov model 模型+工具软件
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彼得林奇《战胜华尔街》Beating the Street 英文版 EPUB
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基于Treeage Pro软件进行卫生经济学建模培训资料Using TreeAge Pro for Health Econo
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HBS 2021 Spring How to Build Career Resilience
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treeage 做筛查
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the great reversal - how america gave up on free markets (2019)
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高微上,Microeconomic Theory Mas-Colell, Whinston, and Green:讲义+经典习题及答
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William H. Greene Econometric Analysis 8th Edition 8e
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【教材更新】Econometric Analysis 8th Global Edition by William Greene
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有想合购最新的breaking into wallstreet课程的吗
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Real Estate Principles A Value Approach, REE6045 Real Estate USF课程学习资料整理
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大数据——决策树(decision tree)
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高微下,Microeconomic Theory Mas-Colell, Whinston, and Green:讲义+经典习题及答
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Green Consumption Behavior Antecedents: Environmental Concern, Knowledge, and Be
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option greeks, strategies & backtesting in python (2020)
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4 个回复 - 1364 次查看 分享一套2022最新的全网最全的three.js课程——《Three.js可视化企业实战WEBGL课》,视频+源码+课件+素材,36章完整版下载!2022年10月27号最新升级版!课程不定期升级,包升级! 全网领先的three.js的 WEB 3 ...2022-11-3 16:57 - 张晓栋 - JAVA语言开发技术
中国基础地理矢量数据,GIS OSM china latest free.shp,OpenStreetMap
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Bad Greenwashing, Good Greenwashing: Corporate Social Responsibility and Informa
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Does environmental management system foster corporate green innovation?
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Corporate Green Bonds
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Green Japan: Environmental Technologies, Innovation Policy, and the Pursuit of G
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heard on the street 22e
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Capitalism in America A History by Alan Greenspan
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0 个回复 - 434 次查看 The “IPC Green Inventory” was developed by the IPC Committee of Experts in order to facilitate searches for patent information relating to so-called Environmentally Sound Technologies (ESTs), as ...2023-1-27 18:48 - kevinlushuo - 环境经济学
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Robust Screens for Noncompetitive Bidding in Procurement Auctions
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Robust Screens for Noncompetitive Bidding in Procurement Auctions
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The Distribution Free Newsboy Problem: Review and Extensions
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Capitalism in America - Alan Greenspan
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2020-2021 北美精算工资调查表 来自大猎头:Actuarial Careers
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what is three wyckoff laws.
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Screening Inattentive Buyers
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Ztree学习课件:A Comprehensive introduction to Z-Tree
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Industrial green total factor productivity based on an MML index in the Yangtze
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计量经济学分析Econometric Analysis 第8版 William H. Greene
8 个回复 - 3723 次查看 纽约大学商学院教授力作,好书与大家共享,后续还有很多!!!!!!2021-11-30 13:49 - 54eghost - CFA、CVA、FRM等金融考证论坛
Wallstreet Excel & Financial Modeling 金融投行 Excel +财务建模
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A Man for All Markets From Las Vegas to Wall Street
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Free shipping policy for imported cross-border e-commerce platforms
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Causal evidence of the impact of equity incentives on a firm's green investment
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New Insights on the Trading Volume–Return Relationship: Evidence from the Three
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Greenhouse Gas Emission from Energy, IEA, 2022 - Highlights
4 个回复 - 660 次查看 这是IEA 2022年最新的公开数据,需要的可以直接拿走,附IEA2022年全部数据库的说明pdf。但该公开数据仅能到“country”(国家)层面的碳排放,故在此抛砖引玉,求问大家谁有更进一步到“product”(行业)层面的IEA数 ...2022-11-20 19:25 - dergonworld - 环境经济学