The handbook of the economicsof corporate governance 0 个回复 - 1138 次查看
Book Title:The Handbook of the Economics of Corporate Governance
[/backcolor]Authors:Benjamin Hermalin
North Holland
Book Title: Corporate Governance and Financial Reform in China's Trans ...2018-4-10 15:14 - adam55555 - 金融学(理论版)
Economics, Evolution and the State:The Governance of Complexity 2 个回复 - 1668 次查看
书名:Economics, Evolution and the State:The Governance of Complexity
作者:Kurt Dopfer
Professor of Economics, University of St Gallen, Switzerland
出版社:Edward Elgar
内容简介: ...2009-6-21 18:08 - 济世良才 - 制度经济学