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Kerry Back - A Course in Derivative Securities
3 个回复 - 2858 次查看 Springer Finance2010-6-23 04:14 - wangziyi - 经济金融数学专区
A Course in Derivative Securities
3 个回复 - 2997 次查看 Q类的经典教材,分享给大家吧~2019-4-19 21:12 - Yurri - 量化投资
求这本书课后习题答案!A Course in Derivative Securities Introduction to Theory
4 个回复 - 2316 次查看 【作者(必填)】Kerry Back 【文题(必填)】A Course in Derivative Securities Introduction to Theory and Computation 【年份(必填)】2005 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】2016-11-19 18:18 - 幻灭的风 - 求助成功区
书名:A Course in Derivative Securities Introduction to Theory and Computation
55 个回复 - 14007 次查看 书介绍: ———Springer Finance Editorial Board M. Avellaneda G. Barone-Adesi M. Broadie M.H.A. Davis E. Derman C. Klüppelberg E. Kopp W. Schachermayer ———Springer Finance Springer ...2009-6-22 00:20 - yukyyun - 金融工程(数量金融)与金融衍生品
A Course in Derivative Securities Introduction to Theory and Computation
3 个回复 - 1309 次查看 A Course in Derivative SecuritiesIntroduction to Theory and ComputationAuthors: Back, Kerry Springer, 2005 ISBN 978-3-540-25373-0 The .rar file contains .pdf of the book, VBA code, data, and Errata ...2019-2-17 23:54 - SleepyTom - 金融工程(数量金融)与金融衍生品
免费A Basic course in the Theory of Interest & Derivatives markets 745 pages
8 个回复 - 1982 次查看 免费分享A Basic course in the Theory of Interest and Derivatives markets (2017)-745 pagesMany examples, problems and answers Good for preparation for the Actuarial Exam / Fixed Income Exam / Deriva ...2017-9-25 22:09 - capm - Forum
A Course in Derivative Securities Introduction to Theory and Computation
14 个回复 - 5097 次查看 yukyyun 给出了分章节的文件 http://www.pinggu.org/bbs/thread-477563-1-1.html,我把它们合并成一个文件。 ———Springer Finance Editoirial Board M. Avellaneda G. Barone-Ades M. Broadie M.H.A. ...2009-10-12 20:42 - zhaohailei - 金融工程(数量金融)与金融衍生品
免費 A Basic Course in the Theory of Interest and Derivatives Markets
4 个回复 - 1436 次查看 A Basic Course in the Theory of Interest and Derivatives Markets for the Acutarial Exam FM2 This manuscript is designed for an introductory course in the theory of interestand annuity. This man ...2013-8-2 23:19 - martinnyj - 金融学(理论版)
【Derivatives and Financial Markets】Course Materials
0 个回复 - 22 次查看 Please download from http://pan.baidu.com/s/1sj1FzfZ DERIVATIVES AND FINANCIAL MARKET(衍生品与金融市场)Description This course covers derivatives such as forwards, futures, options and their mar ...2015-6-22 19:44 - Shaolin1 - 丁宁-浙江大学宁波理工学院经济与贸易学院
A Course in Derivative Securities的study guide或者solution manual!!!!
4 个回复 - 3261 次查看 有人有A Course in Derivative Securities (back, Kerry)这本书的study guide或者solution manual吗?求!!!题目好难的说2013-5-7 01:19 - angelbj555 - 金融工程(数量金融)与金融衍生品
A course in derivative securities Introduction to Theory and Computation (EXCEL)
2 个回复 - 2236 次查看 A course in derivative securities Introduction to Theory and Computation 书中的例子EXCEL2013-5-26 02:51 - Bobito - 金融学(理论版)
Exam FM 新版 A Basic Course in the Theory of Interest and Derivatives Markets
36 个回复 - 6295 次查看 http://syssci.atu.edu/math/faculty/finan/actuaries.html2009-6-17 15:09 - seasonchen - Forum
financial derivatives的coursework,请问大家怎么做呢?
7 个回复 - 1561 次查看 As part of the quantitative team working at an US investment firm, you are expected to implement Monte Carlo methods to price/hedge exotic options. The option you want to consider is an (European) ari ...2012-2-12 07:37 - 九色荷花 - 金融工程(数量金融)与金融衍生品
A course in derivatives securities
1 个回复 - 2449 次查看 <p>Springer Finance Textbook</p><p>Title:&nbsp;A Course in Derivatives in Derivative securities: Introduction to Theory and Computaion.</p><p>Author: Kerry Back</p><p>Exc ...2007-11-27 22:56 - freeliu - EViews专版
A Course in Derivative Securities: Introduction to Theory and Computation
3 个回复 - 2070 次查看A Course in Derivative Securities:Introduction to Theory and Computation》,Springer Finance,2005. 1 Asset Pricing Basics 2 Continuous-Time Models 3 Black-Scholes 4 Estimating and Modelling Vo ...2010-9-27 17:27 - onthefly - 计量经济学与统计软件
VBA code for "A Course in Derivative Securities"
5 个回复 - 3531 次查看 VBA code for XLS file Most useful learning material for entry level quant using excel to model derivatives. Yep, I admit it's ridiciously expensive, so obviously it's not for ordinary use ...2010-3-4 09:52 - wangdaji - 金融学(理论版)
Kerry Back的A Course in Derivative Securities中译本出版
4 个回复 - 3773 次查看 <p></p><p>刚看到<span class="Normal-C0"><font size="3">Kerry Back的这本书中译本出版了,译者沈根祥,出版社:格致出版社 定价 45</font></span></p><p><span cl ...2009-5-26 13:03 - FM3 - 金融工程(数量金融)与金融衍生品
诚求a course in derivative securities,Kerry Back的PDF版
0 个回复 - 1978 次查看 各位大虾,小弟在此诚心求一本书《a course in derivative securities》Kerry Back著,各位帮帮忙嘛,小弟感激不尽。 邮箱:65776384@QQ.COM 谢谢啦!2009-8-26 15:11 - supershancky - 经济金融数学专区
A Course in Derivative Securities
0 个回复 - 1416 次查看 A Course in Derivative Securities,经典的教材 作者:克里.贝克2009-7-23 15:43 - yangyi4057 - 金融工程(数量金融)与金融衍生品