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decision modelling for health economic evaluation
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Generalized Linear Models with Applications in Engineering and the Sciences
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Bayesian Methods for Data Analysis 3rd Edition by B. P. Carlin and T. A. Louis
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A. Colin Cameron, Pravin K. Trivedi - Microeconometrics Using Stata, Second Edit
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【ILA方向】求LAM考试 Life ALM and Modeling 教材资料
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Financial Modeling:Uses Excel and R 第5版 金融建模:使用Excel和R 2021
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数学思维导论 学会像数学家一样思考[美] 德夫林(Keith Devlin)著;林恩 译,2016
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Bayesian Modeling and Computation in Python
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Lectures on Stochastic Programming: Modeling and Theory, Third Edition
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The Best of Both Worlds: Combining RCTs with Structural Modeling
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Minitab 20.3 Multilingual
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Financial Modeling, 5th Edition (Simon Benninga, Tal Mofkadi)
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A Linear Algebra Primer for Financial Engineering
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Introduction to Applied Linear Algebra教材及答案
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Digital Marketing Strategy, An integrated approach to online marketing
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求书 Linear Algebra for Everyone
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Linear Algebra for Everyone
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Nonlinear Programming Sequential Unconstrained Minimization Techniques
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openfoam学习资料how to use Linux,OpenFOAM,paraFoam,and some Gnuplot and Python
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Linux Bible 10th Edition PDF
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2022年最新版Matlab R2022b Windows + Mac + Linux ISO下载
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Financial Modeling in Excel For Dummies, 2nd Edition
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A Linear Algebra Primer for Financial Engineering
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QFI Financial Modeling Module
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符合ISO26262的汽车电子软件开发流程 -MATLAB & Simulink视频讲解
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Randomization in Clinical Trials
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Oil & Gas Modeling+Real Estate && REIT Modeling
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ATLAS.ti Multilingual
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[djvu]David Poole-Linear Algebra:A Modern Introduction
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