arxiv量化文献 20210107
1 个回复 - 587 次查看 arxiv量化文献 20210107 [1] Deep learning for efficient frontier calculation in finance [2] Liquidity Stress Testing in Asset Management Part 1. Modeling the Liability Liquidity Risk2021-1-7 22:10 - shame1ess - 量化投资
1 个回复 - 677 次查看 arxiv量化文献20210108 [1] COVID19 HPSMP [2] Theory and Applications of Financial Chaos Index [3] Predicting CEO Compensation in Non Controlled Public Corporations with the Canonical Regressio ...2021-1-8 18:31 - shame1ess - 量化投资
1 个回复 - 1130 次查看 arxiv量化文献20210109-20210112 [1] Visualizing the Financial Impact of Presidential Tweets on Stock Markets [2] Exploring the association between R&D expenditure and the job quality in the European ...2021-1-12 20:59 - shame1ess - 量化投资
arxiv量化文献 20210113
1 个回复 - 812 次查看 arxiv量化文献 20210113 [1] Portfolio Construction Using Stratified Models 基于分层模型的投资组合构建 [2] Short Rate Dynamics 短速率动力学 [3] Learning and Upgrading in Global Value Chains 全 ...2021-1-13 22:20 - shame1ess - 量化投资
arxiv量化文献 20210114
1 个回复 - 573 次查看 arxiv量化文献 20210114 [1] Optimal reinsurance problem under fixed cost and exponential preferences 固定成本和指数偏好下的最优再保险问题 [2] Day ahead electricity prices prediction applying hybri ...2021-1-14 21:18 - shame1ess - 量化投资
arxiv量化文献 20210115
1 个回复 - 722 次查看 [1] Intergenerational transmission of culture among immigrants 移民文化的代际传递 [2] Scared into Action 吓得行动起来 [3] Dynamics of contentment 满足的动力 [4] Should the government reward coop ...2021-1-15 22:07 - shame1ess - 量化投资
arxiv量化文献 20210205
1 个回复 - 672 次查看 arxiv量化文献 20210205 [1] Super replication with transaction costs under model uncertainty for continuous processes 连续过程模型不确定性下具有交易费用的超复制 [2] Airport Capacity and Performanc ...2021-2-5 22:05 - shame1ess - 量化投资
arxiv量化文献 20210206-20210209
1 个回复 - 724 次查看 arxiv量化文献 20210206-20210209 [1] Optimal Investment and Consumption under a Habit Formation Constraint 习惯形成约束下的最优投资与消费 [2] A Modularized and Scalable Multi Agent Reinforcement L ...2021-2-9 22:08 - shame1ess - 量化投资
arxiv量化文献 20210210-20210212
1 个回复 - 954 次查看 arxiv量化文献 20210210-20210212 [1] Coordinated Capacity Reductions and Public Communication in the Airline Industry 航空业协调的运力削减和公共沟通 [2] Price Discrimination in International Airline ...2021-2-12 23:20 - shame1ess - 量化投资
arxiv量化文献 20210213-20210217
1 个回复 - 504 次查看 arxiv量化文献 20210213-20210217 [1] Supportive 5G infrastructure policies are essential for universal 6G 支持性的5G基础设施政策对通用6G至关重要 [2] Interdependencies between Mining Costs, Mining Re ...2021-2-17 22:18 - shame1ess - 量化投资
1 个回复 - 625 次查看 To tell us that you would (or would not) like to endorse this person, please visit the following URL: https://arxiv.org/auth/endorse?x=4RBS4W If that URL does not work for you, please visit ...2021-8-29 14:34 - 懒洋洋2 - 求助成功区
求正式版或arXiv上的 Existence and uniqueness of global strong solut
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arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20221117-20221120
1 个回复 - 322 次查看 wx“量化前沿速递” 文献汇总 [1] On the Convergence of Credit Risk in Current Consumer Automobile Loans 当前汽车消费贷款信用风险的收敛性 [2] Russian Agricultural Industry under Sanction Wars 制裁 ...2022-11-20 20:59 - shame1ess - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20221110-20221113
1 个回复 - 356 次查看 wx“量化前沿速递” 文献汇总 [1] Optimal growth strategies for a representative agent in a continuous time asset market 连续时间资产市场中代表性代理的最优增长策略 [2] Optimal investment and cons ...2022-11-13 21:34 - shame1ess - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20221114-20221116
1 个回复 - 519 次查看 wx“量化前沿速递” 文献汇总 [1] Efficient evaluation of double barrier options and joint cpdf of a L vy process and its two extrema Lvy过程及其两个极值的双势垒选项和联合cpdf的有效评估 [2] Rel ...2022-11-16 21:29 - shame1ess - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20221027-20221030
1 个回复 - 476 次查看 wx“量化前沿速递” 文献汇总 [1] Powering Up a Slow Charging Market 推动缓慢充电市场 [2] The Art NFTs and Their Marketplaces 艺术NFT及其市场 [3] Measuring Transition Risk in Investment Funds 衡 ...2022-10-30 16:43 - shame1ess - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20221031-20221102
1 个回复 - 479 次查看 wx“量化前沿速递” 文献汇总 [1] A New Concept of the Value Function 价值函数的新概念 [2] Distinguishable Cash, Bosonic Bitcoin, and Fermionic Non fungible Token 可分辨现金、玻色比特币和费米子不 ...2022-11-2 22:47 - shame1ess - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20221103-20221106
1 个回复 - 487 次查看 wx“量化前沿速递” 文献汇总 [1] Incorporating High Frequency Weather Data into Consumption Expenditure Predictions 将高频天气数据纳入消费支出预测 [2] Stock Trading Volume Prediction with Dual ...2022-11-6 19:43 - shame1ess - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20221107-20221109
1 个回复 - 238 次查看 wx“量化前沿速递” 文献汇总 [1] The Optimal Size and Progressivity of Old Age Social Security 老年社会保障的最优规模和累进性 [2] Digital Transformation of Nature Tourism 自然旅游的数字化转型 [ ...2022-11-9 21:26 - shame1ess - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20221020-20221023
1 个回复 - 331 次查看 wx“量化前沿速递” 文献汇总 [1] How a Brand s Social Activism Impacts Consumers Brand Evaluations 品牌的社会能动主义如何影响消费者的品牌评价 [2] Beyond capacity 超出容量 [3] Optimal Settings ...2022-10-23 21:53 - shame1ess - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20221013-20221016
2 个回复 - 422 次查看 wx“量化前沿速递” 文献汇总 [1] Proximity, Similarity, and Friendship Formation 接近、相似和友谊形成 [2] Economic incentives for capacity reductions on interconnectors in the day ahead market ...2022-10-16 17:06 - shame1ess - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20221017-20221019
1 个回复 - 335 次查看 wx“量化前沿速递” 文献汇总 [1] Measure valued processes for energy markets 衡量能源市场的有价值流程 [2] Sector wise analysis of Indian stock market 印度股市的部门分析 [3] Electricity grid tar ...2022-10-19 21:37 - shame1ess - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20221010-20221012
2 个回复 - 478 次查看 wx“量化前沿速递” 文献汇总 [1] Classification based credit risk analysis 基于分类的信用风险分析 [2] The Design and Regulation of Exchanges 交易所的设计与监管 [3] Duality Theory for Exponent ...2022-10-12 21:37 - shame1ess - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20221007-20221009
2 个回复 - 358 次查看 wx“量化前沿速递” 文献汇总 [1] Green transition as a driver of technical efficiency. An empirical study on Italian airports 绿色过渡是技术效率的驱动因素。意大利机场实证研究 [2] From Rules to ...2022-10-9 22:41 - shame1ess - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20220926-20220928
1 个回复 - 298 次查看 wx“量化前沿速递” 文献汇总 [1] Sandwiched Volterra Volatility model 夹心Volterra波动率模型 [2] Discount Puzzle Of Closed End Mutual Funds 封闭式共同基金的折扣难题 [3] Non maturing deposits mo ...2022-9-28 23:12 - shame1ess - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20220922-20220925
1 个回复 - 356 次查看 wx“量化前沿速递” 文献汇总 [1] Option pricing in Volterra sandwiched volatility model Volterra三明治波动率模型中的期权定价 [2] A Real Data Driven Analytical Model to Predict Information Technol ...2022-9-25 23:18 - shame1ess - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20220908-20220912
1 个回复 - 470 次查看 wx“量化前沿速递” 文献汇总 [1] Integrated and Robust Storage Assignment 集成和健壮的存储分配 [2] Optimal Bubble Riding 最佳乘泡 [3] Biology inspired geometric representation of probability an ...2022-9-12 22:00 - shame1ess - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20220913-20220918
1 个回复 - 453 次查看 wx“量化前沿速递” 文献汇总 [1] Transaction time models in multi state life insurance 多州人寿保险中的交易时间模型 [2] Measuring Tail Risks 衡量尾部风险 [3] Artificial Intelligence Models and ...2022-9-18 22:13 - shame1ess - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20220919-20220921
1 个回复 - 438 次查看 wx“量化前沿速递” 文献汇总 [1] Predicting Performances of Mutual Funds using Deep Learning and Ensemble Techniques 利用深度学习和集成技术预测共同基金业绩 [2] Non parametric estimates of option ...2022-9-21 23:36 - shame1ess - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20220905-20220907
1 个回复 - 523 次查看 wx“量化前沿速递” 文献汇总 [1] Smiles in Profiles 侧面微笑 [2] Child labour and schooling decision of the marginal farmer households 童工与边缘农户的教育决策 [3] How To Start a Grassroots Mov ...2022-9-7 23:10 - shame1ess - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20220829-20220904
1 个回复 - 437 次查看 wx“量化前沿速递” 文献汇总 [1] Molecular genetics and mid career economic mobility 分子遗传学与职业中期经济流动 [2] 150 Years of Return Predictability Around the World 全球150年的回报可预测性 ...2022-9-4 22:51 - shame1ess - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20220825-20220828
1 个回复 - 288 次查看 wx“量化前沿速递” 文献汇总 [1] A statistical test of market efficiency based on information theory 基于信息论的市场效率统计检验 [2] Pricing Stocks with Trading Volumes 用交易量定价股票 [3] Pa ...2022-8-28 22:36 - shame1ess - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20220822-20220824
1 个回复 - 278 次查看 wx“量化前沿速递” 文献汇总 [1] Robust control problems of BSDEs coupled with value functions 带值函数的BSDEs的鲁棒控制问题 [2] An intelligent algorithmic trading based on a risk return reinforc ...2022-8-24 23:24 - shame1ess - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20220818-20220821
1 个回复 - 254 次查看 wx“量化前沿速递” 文献汇总 [1] Peculiaridades de la Economia islandesa en los albores del siglo XXI 21世纪初冰岛经济的特点 [2] An unexpected stochastic dominance 意外的随机优势 [3] No Arbitra ...2022-8-21 22:27 - shame1ess - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20220811-20220814
1 个回复 - 330 次查看 wx“量化前沿速递” 文献汇总 [1] Risk factors for repeat abortions and their spacing 重复堕胎的危险因素及其间隔 [2] Assessments in Education 教育评估 [3] Sensitivity of multi period optimizat ...2022-8-14 22:57 - shame1ess - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20220808-20220810
1 个回复 - 439 次查看 wx“量化前沿速递” 文献汇总 [1] Quantum Finance 量子金融 [2] The Nexus between Job Burnout and Emotional Intelligence on Turnover Intention in Oil and Gas Companies in the UAE 阿联酋石油和 ...2022-8-10 23:03 - shame1ess - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20220804-20220807
1 个回复 - 330 次查看 wx“量化前沿速递” 文献汇总 [1] Estimation of growth in fund models 基金模型中的增长估计 [2] Pricing zero coupon CAT bonds using the enlargement of ltration theory 利用扩大贷款比率理论为零息C ...2022-8-7 21:41 - shame1ess - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20220801-20220803
1 个回复 - 580 次查看 wx“量化前沿速递” 文献汇总 [1] Simple models predict behavior at least as well as behavioral scientists 简单模型预测行为的能力至少和行为科学家一样强 [2] Estimating the Time Varying Structures o ...2022-8-3 23:52 - shame1ess - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20220725-20220727
1 个回复 - 398 次查看 wx“量化前沿速递” 文献汇总 [1] Natural Disasters, Entrepreneurship Activity, and the Moderating Role of Country Governance 自然灾害、创业活动和国家治理的调节作用 [2] How Robust are Robust ...2022-7-27 23:13 - shame1ess - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20220714-20220717
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arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20220707-20220710
1 个回复 - 616 次查看 wx“量化前沿速递” 文献汇总 [1] Mortgage Rate Adjusted Home Prices 抵押利率调整后的房价 [2] Homo economicus to model human behavior is ethically doubtful and mathematically inconsistent 经济人 ...2022-7-10 17:12 - shame1ess - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20220623-20220629
2 个回复 - 348 次查看 wx“量化前沿速递” 文献汇总 [1] The role of unobservable characteristics in friendship network formation 不可观测特征在友谊网络形成中的作用 [2] Bridging America s Divide on Abortion, Guns and Immi ...2022-6-29 18:36 - shame1ess - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20220620-20220622
1 个回复 - 469 次查看 wx“量化前沿速递” 文献汇总 [1] Baseline validation of a bias mitigated loan screening model based on the European Banking Authority s trust elements of Big Data & Advanced Analytics applications ...2022-6-22 23:52 - shame1ess - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20220613-20220615
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arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20220602-20220605
1 个回复 - 755 次查看 wx“量化前沿速递” 文献汇总 [1] (Machine) Learning What Policies Value (机器)了解政策的价值 [2] Economic complexity and inequality at the national and regional level 国家和区域一级的经济复杂性和 ...2022-6-5 23:06 - shame1ess - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20220606-20220608
1 个回复 - 392 次查看 wx“量化前沿速递” 文献汇总 [1] Impact of micro credit on the livelihoods of clients A study on Sunamganj District 小额信贷对客户生计的影响 [2] ESG Valued Portfolio Optimization and Dynamic As ...2022-6-8 23:05 - shame1ess - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20220526-20220530
1 个回复 - 1105 次查看 wx“量化前沿速递” 文献汇总 [1] Tsallis Relative entropy from asymmetric distributions as a risk measure for financial portfolios 不对称分布的Tsallis相对熵作为金融投资组合的风险度量 ...2022-5-30 17:23 - shame1ess - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20220531-20220601
1 个回复 - 1030 次查看 wx“量化前沿速递” 文献汇总 [1] Payday loans blessing or growth suppressor Machine Learning Analysis 发薪日贷款祝福或增长抑制器机器学习分析 [2] Can I Invest in Metaverse The Effect of Obtaine ...2022-6-1 21:16 - shame1ess - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20220523-20220525
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arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20220519-20220522
1 个回复 - 1638 次查看 wx“量化前沿速递” 文献汇总 [1] Russia s Ruble during the onset of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in early 2022 2022年初俄罗斯入侵乌克兰期间的俄罗斯卢布 [2] Practical Skills Demand Forecasting v ...2022-5-22 23:44 - shame1ess - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20220516-20220518
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arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20220510-20220515
0 个回复 - 2085 次查看 “量化前沿速递”文献汇总 [1] A time varying study of Chinese investor sentiment, stock market liquidity and volatility 中国投资者情绪、股市流动性和波动性的时变研究 [2] Welfare compensation in inte ...2022-5-16 09:50 - shame1ess - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20220419-20220425
1 个回复 - 4179 次查看 文献汇总 [1] Constructing Trinomial Models Based on Cubature Method on Wiener Space 基于维纳空间容积法构造三项式模型 [2] How causal machine learning can leverage marketing strategies 因果机器学习如 ...2022-4-25 23:46 - shame1ess - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20220412-20220418
1 个回复 - 4631 次查看 文献汇总 [1] Price and Payoff Autocorrelations in the Consumption Based Asset Pricing Model 基于消费的资产定价模型中的价格和收益自相关 [2] Pollution from Freight Trucks in the Contiguous United S ...2022-4-18 19:42 - shame1ess - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20211227-20211229
2 个回复 - 631 次查看 机器翻译,仅供参考!更多文献获取请关注公众号:量化前沿速递 文献汇总 [1] Regime Switching Entropic Risk Measures on Crude Oil Pricing 原油定价的制度转换熵风险度量 [2] Using Network based Causal Inf ...2021-12-29 21:00 - shame1ess - Forum
0 个回复 - 242 次查看 摘要翻译: 为方便阅读《系统风险下的无套利定价:交叉所有权会计》(Fischer,2012,ARXIV:1005.0768)一文的读者,给出了引理a.5的充分证明和引理a.6的简短证明。 --- 英文标题: 《A shorter proof of Lemma A.6 (a ...2022-3-21 15:35 - nandehutu2022 - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20220310-20220315
0 个回复 - 256 次查看 文献汇总 [1] Fast Simulation Based Bayesian Estimation of Heterogeneous and Representative Agent Models using Normalizing Flow Neural Networks 基于规范化流神经网络的异构和代表性Agent模型的快速仿真贝 ...2022-3-15 19:40 - shame1ess - Forum
对“Edwards-Anderson模型中的超反常性”一文的回答 ARXIV:0709.0894
0 个回复 - 498 次查看 摘要翻译: 这一答复表明,Jorg和Krzakala的评论(cond mat 0709.0894)中提出的论点不能用来削弱我们关于3D Edwards Anderson模型中超反常证据的论文(PRL 99,057206,2007;COND-MAT/0607376)中提出的结果。事实上, ...2022-3-11 22:54 - 大多数88 - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20220303-20220306
1 个回复 - 531 次查看 文献汇总 [1] Precise Stock Price Prediction for Optimized Portfolio Design Using an LSTM Model 基于LSTM模型的优化投资组合设计的精确股价预测 [2] Optimal Exploration of an Exhaustible Resource with S ...2022-3-6 20:12 - shame1ess - Forum
0 个回复 - 230 次查看 摘要翻译: 每种编码都具有先验信息,如果编码代表的是逆或对象的任何语义信息。编码意味着从反向映射到一个或多个数字串。这里的语义用于对象的模型理论意义或外延。如果符号的编码或字符串是模型或对象的充分和真实 ...2022-3-6 09:34 - 何人来此 - Forum
在arXiv中出版预印本有什么可衡量的好处吗 定量生物学?
0 个回复 - 245 次查看 摘要翻译: 像arXiv这样的公共预印本服务器允许作者在将他们的手稿提交给期刊进行同行评审之前发布他们的手稿。它通过在完成时提供结果来提供确定优先级的机会。本文介绍了arXiv部分的定量生物学,并研究了预印本出版 ...2022-3-3 18:48 - 能者818 - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20220228-20220302
1 个回复 - 427 次查看 文献汇总[1] Improved iterative methods for solving risk parity portfolio 求解风险平价投资组合的改进迭代方法 [2] Labor Market Integration of Refugees 难民的劳动力市场一体化 [3] The resilience of th ...2022-3-2 21:03 - shame1ess - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20220127-20220203
1 个回复 - 825 次查看 机器翻译,仅供参考!更多文献获取请关注公众号:量化前沿速递 文献汇总 [1] Reconciling Trends in U.S. Male Earnings Volatility 协调美国男性收入波动趋势 [2] Option Pricing and CVA Calculations using t ...2022-2-3 21:37 - shame1ess - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20220124-20220126
1 个回复 - 569 次查看 机器翻译,仅供参考!更多文献获取请关注公众号:量化前沿速递 文献汇总 [1] Has EU accession boosted patents performance in the EU 13 A critical evaluation using causal impact analysis with Bayesian str ...2022-1-26 22:40 - shame1ess - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20220120-20220123
1 个回复 - 461 次查看 机器翻译,仅供参考!更多文献获取请关注公众号:量化前沿速递 文献汇总 [1] Deep self consistent learning of local volatility 局部波动的深度自洽学习 [2] Long Short Term Memory Neural Network for Finan ...2022-1-23 22:28 - shame1ess - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20220117-20220119
2 个回复 - 434 次查看 机器翻译,仅供参考!更多文献获取请关注公众号:量化前沿速递 文献汇总 [1] Decomposable sums and their implications on naturally quasiconvex risk measures 可分解和及其对自然拟凸风险测度的影响 [2] H ...2022-1-19 21:41 - shame1ess - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20220113-20220116
1 个回复 - 719 次查看 机器翻译,仅供参考!更多文献获取请关注公众号:量化前沿速递 文献汇总 [1] Exit, Voice and Political Change 退出、声音与政治变革 [2] Stock Movement Prediction Based on Bi typed and Hybrid relational ...2022-1-16 20:36 - shame1ess - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20220110-20220112
1 个回复 - 655 次查看 机器翻译,仅供参考!更多文献获取请关注公众号:量化前沿速递 文献汇总 [1] Derivatives based portfolio decisions. An expected utility insight 基于衍生品的投资组合决策。预期的效用洞察 [2] DDG DA DD ...2022-1-12 20:38 - shame1ess - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20220106-20220109
1 个回复 - 657 次查看 机器翻译,仅供参考!更多文献获取请关注公众号:量化前沿速递 文献汇总 [1] Stochastic measure distortions induced by quantile processes for risk quantification and valuation 风险量化和评估分位数过程引 ...2022-1-9 21:03 - shame1ess - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20211230-20220105
1 个回复 - 492 次查看 机器翻译,仅供参考!更多文献获取请关注公众号:量化前沿速递 文献汇总 [1] Continuous time mean variance hedging under different loan and deposit rates 不同存贷款利率下的连续时间均值方差套期保值 [2 ...2022-1-5 22:27 - shame1ess - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20211223-20211226
1 个回复 - 505 次查看 机器翻译,仅供参考!更多文献获取请关注公众号:量化前沿速递 文献汇总 [1] Henderson Chu model extended to two heterogeneous groups Henderson-Chu模型推广到两个异质群体 [2] Stationarity analysis of th ...2021-12-26 21:16 - shame1ess - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20211216-20211222
1 个回复 - 649 次查看 机器翻译,仅供参考!更多文献获取请关注公众号:量化前沿速递 文献汇总 [1] Estimating economic severity of Air Traffic Flow Management regulations 估算空中交通流量管理法规的经济严重性 [2] On the deco ...2021-12-22 20:12 - shame1ess - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20211213-20211215
1 个回复 - 486 次查看 机器翻译,仅供参考!更多文献获取请关注公众号:量化前沿速递 文献汇总 [1] How much flexibility is available for a just energy transition in Europe 在欧洲,公正的能源转型有多大的灵活性 [2] Finding th ...2021-12-16 10:33 - shame1ess - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20211206-20211208
1 个回复 - 633 次查看 机器翻译,仅供参考!更多文献获取请关注公众号:量化前沿速递 文献汇总 [1] Change of persistence in European electricity spot prices 欧洲电力现货价格持续性的变化 [2] A Bayesian take on option pricing ...2021-12-8 23:14 - shame1ess - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20211209-20211212
1 个回复 - 591 次查看 机器翻译,仅供参考!更多文献获取请关注公众号:量化前沿速递 文献汇总 [1] Recent Advances in Reinforcement Learning in Finance 金融强化学习的新进展 [2] Adaptive calibration of Heston Model using PCR ...2021-12-12 21:18 - shame1ess - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20211202-20211205
1 个回复 - 411 次查看 机器翻译,仅供参考!更多文献获取请关注公众号:量化前沿速递 文献汇总 [1] Multilayer heat equations and their solutions via oscillating integral transforms 多层热方程及其振荡积分变换解 [2] Can Educa ...2021-12-6 12:29 - shame1ess - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20211122-20211124
1 个回复 - 388 次查看 机器翻译,仅供参考!更多文献获取请关注公众号:量化前沿速递 文献汇总 [1] Semi nonparametric Estimation of Operational Risk Capital with Extreme Loss Events 极端损失事件下操作风险资本的半非参数估计 ...2021-11-24 23:28 - shame1ess - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20211118-20211121
1 个回复 - 519 次查看 机器翻译,仅供参考!更多文献获取请关注公众号:量化前沿速递 文献汇总 [1] FinRL 芬尔 [2] Growth, Concentration and Inequality in a Unified Schumpeter Mark I II model 统一熊彼特-马克模型中的增长、集 ...2021-11-21 19:42 - shame1ess - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20211115-20211117
1 个回复 - 381 次查看 机器翻译,仅供参考!更多文献获取请关注公众号:量化前沿速递 [1] A Family of Multi Asset Automated Market Makers 多资产自动做市商家族 [2] Risk measures beyond frictionless markets 无摩擦市场之外的 ...2021-11-17 23:17 - shame1ess - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20211101-20211103
1 个回复 - 759 次查看 机器翻译,仅供参考!更多文献获取请关注公众号:量化前沿速递 文献汇总 [1] Stock Price Prediction Using Time Series, Econometric, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning Models 利用时间序列、计量经济学、 ...2021-11-3 19:12 - shame1ess - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20211025-20211027
2 个回复 - 856 次查看 机器翻译,仅供参考!更多文献获取请关注公众号:量化前沿速递 文献汇总 [1] Efficient ISDA Initial Margin Calculations Using Least Squares Monte Carlo 使用最小二乘蒙特卡罗法计算有效的ISDA初始保证金 ...2021-10-27 18:35 - shame1ess - Forum
0 个回复 - 300 次查看 急求:500元求理论经济学的arxiv背书2021-10-24 09:39 - 懒洋洋2 - 文献求助专区
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20211018-20211020
1 个回复 - 589 次查看 机器翻译,仅供参考!更多文献获取请关注公众号:量化前沿速递 文献汇总 [1] Semimartingale and continuous time Markov chain approximation for rough stochastic local volatility models 粗糙随机局部波动模 ...2021-10-20 21:00 - shame1ess - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20211011-20211013
1 个回复 - 661 次查看 机器翻译,仅供参考!更多文献获取请关注公众号:量化前沿速递 文献汇总 [1] Towards Robust Representation of Limit Orders Books for Deep Learning Models 面向深度学习模型的极限订单鲁棒表示 [2] Indian u ...2021-10-13 21:20 - shame1ess - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20211004-20211007
1 个回复 - 623 次查看 机器翻译,仅供参考!更多文献获取请关注公众号:量化前沿速递 文献汇总 [1] Value at Risk forecasting model based on normal inverse Gaussian distribution driven by dynamic conditional score 基于动态条件 ...2021-10-7 22:06 - shame1ess - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20210930-20211003
1 个回复 - 404 次查看 机器翻译,仅供参考!更多文献获取请关注公众号:量化前沿速递 文献汇总 [1] Pricing and Hedging Prepayment Risk in a Mortgage Portfolio 抵押贷款组合中提前还款风险的定价和对冲 [2] Stock Index Predict ...2021-10-4 09:10 - shame1ess - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20210927-20210929
1 个回复 - 420 次查看 机器翻译,仅供参考!更多文献获取请关注公众号:量化前沿速递 文献汇总 [1] High dimensional Portfolio Optimization using Joint Shrinkage 基于联合收缩的高维投资组合优化 [2] Two step actuarial valuatio ...2021-9-29 18:17 - shame1ess - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20210920-20210922
1 个回复 - 585 次查看 机器翻译,仅供参考!更多文献获取请关注公众号:量化前沿速递 获取原文请加入知识星球“量化前沿速递” 文献汇总 [1] Overinference from Weak Signals, Underinference from Strong Signals, and the Psychop ...2021-9-22 19:01 - shame1ess - Forum
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20210709-20210711
1 个回复 - 817 次查看 机器翻译,仅供参考!更多文献获取请关注公众号:量化前沿速递 获取原文请加入知识星球“量化前沿速递” 文献汇总 [1] Numerical approximation of hybrid Poisson jump Ait Sahalia type interest rate model wi ...2021-7-11 21:29 - shame1ess - 量化投资
arxiv量化文献汇总翻译 20210712-20210714
1 个回复 - 1224 次查看 机器翻译,仅供参考!更多文献获取请关注公众号:量化前沿速递 获取原文请加入知识星球“量化前沿速递” 文献汇总 [1] Dynamics of the market states in the space of correlation matrices with applications ...2021-7-14 21:05 - shame1ess - 量化投资