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Traders of the New Era Expanded - Fernando Oliveira 交易高手的采访录
2 个回复 - 1287 次查看 这本书是之前看知乎一个大神的推荐去找的,很难找;后来花钱买的。 通读了一遍,是好东西,作者本身也是交易从业人员兼电台主持人,采访了12个交易高手,有做美股的、期货、期权的.etc问的问题拳拳到肉,很有料。其 ...2018-9-3 12:23 - Herbin - 现金交易版
Effective Negotiation
4 个回复 - 559 次查看 2022-11-4 21:12 - MRY999 - 组织管理与领导力
31 个回复 - 35613 次查看 很多人用ivreghdfe回归却不会得出两步回归结果,本人经过探索,发现了其中的办法。大家可以试试看看。可以outreg2得出第一步和第二步结果。2021-6-1 21:41 - nk0987 - Stata专版
高级计量经济学笔记-IV/RD/FE/DD/最大似然法/Binary/Corner Solution/Censoring
12 个回复 - 10177 次查看 高级计量经济学 主要参考伍德里奇那本教材 笔记为个人学习过程中整理,简略的知识要点,分享给同样在学习的朋友。 欢迎互相学习讨论。 第一部分目录: Chapter1: Random Effect:Benchmark for causal effect ...2016-8-28 05:29 - 超级无敌萍 - 计量经济学与统计软件
Statutary Valuation of Individual Life and Annuity Contracts
4 个回复 - 2279 次查看 Statutary Valuation of Individual Life and Annuity Contracts, Donna R. Claire, Louis J. Lombardi, Sheldon D. Summers(Volumne I) 人工扫描版(除Chapter 1为正常电子版,后续为人工高清扫描版),介意 ...2020-12-23 23:09 - 匿名 - CAA、SOA精算师等考证版
ZF激励的扭曲效应研究:案例数据+代码-The Distortionary Effects of Incentives in
2 个回复 - 783 次查看 ZF激励的扭曲效应研究:案例数据+代码, ZF要遵从市场经济原理,还是采取激励措施更有效? The Distortionary Effects of Incentives in Government ZF激励的扭曲效应研究:案例数据+代码 The Distortionary E ...2020-4-8 16:44 - Lotus_ss - 现金交易版
实际有效汇率计算方法的比较,人民币实际有效汇率指数的分析:BIS effective exchange
2 个回复 - 2281 次查看 实际有效汇率计算方法的比较,人民币实际有效汇率指数的分析:BIS effective exchange rate 经典案例分析与解读+实证分析中所涉及的分析用数据 实际有效汇率计算方法的比较,人民币实际有效汇率指数的分析:BI ...2020-8-13 21:07 - lotus_sss - 现金交易版
Effective Python 2
10 个回复 - 3317 次查看 Effective Python 22021-12-24 14:35 - thinking2009 - python论坛
Effective Pandas_Patterns for Data Manipulation
10 个回复 - 4183 次查看 Effective Pandas_Patterns for Data Manipulation2022-3-5 15:30 - thinking2009 - python论坛
Determinants of Relative Valuation in Different Industry Sectors
9 个回复 - 630 次查看 【作者(必填)】B. Rajesh Kumar 【文题(必填)】Determinants of Relative Valuation in Different Industry Sectors—An Empirical Study 【年份(必填)】The Journal of Wealth Management Summer 2019, 22 (1 ...2019-8-1 14:52 - yishuiyuan2604 - 求助成功区
stata使用ivreghdfe时出现last estimates not found
17 个回复 - 27704 次查看 请教各位大大,为什么使用stata16.0一下做回归时会出现last estimates not found的?我的命令是这样的:以下是我的数据和命令 希望有老师同学能帮忙看看 谢谢~2022-5-13 10:34 - jingqiangshen6 - 爱问频道
3 个回复 - 534 次查看 本人stata小白,使用ivreghdfe回归时,出现以下代码报错,有没有大佬看看是怎么回事,救救孩子吧。2022-9-9 16:19 - Eleventes - Stata专版
6 个回复 - 6356 次查看 请问各位大神,采用ivreghdfe命令做完工具变量回归后,怎么生成各个样本的残差呢?采用predict,提示you must add the resid option to reghdfe before running this prediction。2021-6-26 18:05 - zhsytl1980 - Stata专版
16 个回复 - 15621 次查看 求问使用ivreghdfe进行回归后如何保存第一阶段和第二阶段的结果啊2020-6-17 10:11 - angeliaZhang - Stata专版
stata 面板数据工具变量用ivreghdfe回归
4 个回复 - 3042 次查看 stata 面板数据工具变量用ivreghdfe回归,求问各位大神怎么汇报出第一阶段与第二阶段的结果啊,还有想要汇报出Kleibergen-Paap rk LM Kleibergen-Paap rk Wald F的值,如何操作啊!!!!2021-8-5 22:33 - 18265780380 - Forum
40 个回复 - 24734 次查看 数据量比较大,固定效应、聚类的类别和控制变量比较多,窗口的结果太多,翻页到头都显示不全,通过log逐个看比较复杂,想要在运行ivreghdfe后直接导出第一二阶段结果,以及对应的F和KP值,请问有什么建议吗?欢迎交流 ...2022-5-28 15:31 - Lee_iris - Stata专版
ivreghdfe 工具变量有效性
3 个回复 - 1773 次查看 计量渣渣请教各位大神,基准回归使用reghdfe,工具变量回归中用ivreghdfe,如何进行解释变量内生性的检验,以及检验工具变量有效性,还是从ivreghdfe回归结果中可以直接得出,这些结果要怎么导出呢? 另基准回归中 ...2021-8-16 10:28 - 不紧张的小张 - 爱问频道
31 个回复 - 33978 次查看 求助各位老师,文章的基本回归用了reghdfe,后面要使用ivreghdfe做工具变量检验,但是该命令不支持VCE(cluster)的选项,要得到聚类稳健标准误的stata命令需要怎么写?2019-8-15 15:40 - 13535555376 - Stata专版
Ivreg ivreghdfe
17 个回复 - 7872 次查看 ivreghdfe inno size dual mshare age dum ( gap= avergap) ,absorb( industry year ) first option requirements not allowed 我的ivreghdfe后面 有,absorb( industry year )这些就开始报错,连help里的命令输入 ...2022-3-19 02:19 - zxyyyyyyyyyy123 - Stata专版
personality and individual differences投稿疑问
8 个回复 - 3172 次查看 请问PAID投稿一个月了,状态还是with editor,状态时间改过两次,请问这个正常吗?有一篇和我差不多类型的实证研究,晚投半个月都已经under review了2021-12-18 12:44 - xsk12342 - 学术道德监督
9 个回复 - 3674 次查看 如题2020-4-3 13:11 - zub0573801 - Stata专版
处置效应模型、处置效应、Disposition effect model,AFT formative assessment
1 个回复 - 1293 次查看 处置效应模型、处置效应、Disposition effect model,AFT formative assessment Advanced Financial Theory formative assessment[/backcolor] [/backcolor] 处置效应模型、处置效应、Disposition effect model, ...2020-7-5 11:15 - Tiger-like - 现金交易版
5 个回复 - 5175 次查看 请教一下大家,按照ivreghdfe的安装方法安装后,使用ivreghdfe命令仍然会出现错误,图中使用的命令是ivreghdfe帮助文档里面的案例展示,找不到错误如何解决,在此小弟先行谢过。2022-7-14 21:38 - 蓝色站牌 - Stata专版
7 个回复 - 8206 次查看 ivreghdfe 出现center not found -- struct ms_vcvorthog contains no such membe的问题解决办法,将压缩文件文件放入到stata对应的文件夹。stata 工具变量命令 reghdfe ivreghdfe ivreg22020-8-6 14:39 - shanqaza - Stata专版
ivreghdfe怎么看f统计量和partial R方
14 个回复 - 11755 次查看 ivreghdfe用什么命令可以看到f统计量和partial R方?????? estat first,all forcenonrobust用不了 如图是第一阶段的回归,好像并没有汇报2020-4-2 09:23 - zub0573801 - Stata专版
Differences and Commonalities between the Two Areas of Quantitative Finance
2 个回复 - 1776 次查看 There exist two separate branches of finance that require advanced quantitative techniques: the "Q" area of derivatives pricing, whose task is to "extrapolate the present"; and the "P" area of quantit ...2022-12-20 14:27 - 宽客老丁 - python论坛
Differences in the health behaviors of elderly individuals and influencing facto
3 个回复 - 614 次查看 【作者(必填)】Erpeng Liu,Yan Feng,Zhang Yue 【文题(必填)】Differences in the health behaviors of elderly individuals and influencing factors: Evidence from the Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longev ...2019-10-25 23:22 - zxm403 - 求助成功区
2 个回复 - 1504 次查看 请问运行命令后出现reghdfe安装不成功是什么问题,谢谢 运行后出现,详见图片 . net install reghdfe, from(G:\计量方法\reghdfe安装包\reghdfe-master\reghdfe-master\src) checking reghdfe consistenc ...2022-9-29 16:24 - 笨笨帆 - Stata专版
6 个回复 - 7178 次查看 Run IV/2SLS with many levels of fixed effects (i.e. ivreg2+reghdfe) This package integrates reghdfe[/backcolor] into ivreg2[/backcolor], through an absorb() option. This allows IV/2SLS regressions wi ...2019-12-2 04:17 - xuehe - Stata专版
《Effective Python》 编写高质量Python代码的59个有效方法
5 个回复 - 3271 次查看 下载地址:https://u20150046.ctfile.com/fs/20150046-376746982 大小:35.52M 格式:pdf 【内容简介】 用Python编写程序,是相当容易的,所以这门语言非常流行。但若想掌握Python所特有的优势、魅力和表 ...2019-8-12 12:38 - tyu1999 - python论坛
The effect of personal taxes and dividends on capital asset prices: Theory and e
2 个回复 - 506 次查看 【作者(必填)】 RH Litzenberger, K Ramaswamy 【文题(必填)】 The effect of personal taxes and dividends on capital asset prices: Theory and empirical evidence[/backcolor]【年份(必填)】 1979 【全文链 ...2020-10-16 15:39 - idzhoucong - 求助成功区
The Investment Writing Handbook: How to Craft Effective Communications to Invest
3 个回复 - 1349 次查看 The Investment Writing Handbook: How to Craft Effective Communications to Investors2018-2-24 14:47 - nivastuli - 金融学(理论版)
Lectures on Partial Differential Equations (Universitext)
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【2019新书】Effective Project Management: Traditional, Agile, Extreme, Hybrid
23 个回复 - 6105 次查看 Effective Project Management: Traditional, Agile, Extreme, Hybrid - 8th Edition by Robert K. Wysocki (Author) About the Author Robert K. Wysocki is a project management consultant, trainer, train ...2019-4-17 11:56 - slowry - 金融学(理论版)
Non-cooperative Stochastic Differential Game Theory of Generalized Markov Jump L
15 个回复 - 2500 次查看 Non-cooperative Stochastic Differential Game Theory of Generalized Markov Jump Linear Systems by Cheng-ke Zhang and Huai-nian Zhu English | 2017 | ISBN: 3319405861 | 196 Pages | PDF | 2.29 MB T ...2016-11-5 12:46 - igs816 - 博弈论
【独家发布】【2017新书】Non-cooperative Stochastic Differential Game Theory of Generalized
35 个回复 - 4261 次查看 如果喜欢该文档,欢迎订阅【2017新书】文库,http://bbs.pinggu.org/forum.php?mod=collection&action=view&ctid=3238 图书名称:Non-cooperative Stochastic Differential Game Theory of Generalized Markov Ju ...2016-10-4 10:35 - 牛尾巴 - 博弈论
Cartan for Beginners Differential Geometry-Thomas A.Ivey J. M.Landsberg
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“Live in the present” or “focus on the future”: the effects of ambidextrous
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[MBA][终身学习][竞争力布局]The future of lifelong and executive educatio
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The Effect of a Long-Term Care Insurance Program on Subjective Well-Being
1 个回复 - 387 次查看 【作者(必填)】Fan, H., Wang, Y., Gao, J., Peng, Z., & Coyte, P. C. 【文题(必填)】he Effect of a Long-Term Care Insurance Program on Subjective Well-Being of Older Adults with a Disability: Quasi-Ex ...2022-12-31 08:42 - hbczgs - 求助成功区
Practical Cyber Intelligence How Action-based Intelligence Can Be an Effective
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【独家发布】【2016新书】Surviving and Thriving in Care and Beyond: Personal and Profession
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Breaking Rockefeller: The Incredible Story of the Ambitious Rivals Who Toppled
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Managing consumer privacy risk: The effects of privacy breach insurance
2 个回复 - 255 次查看 【作者(必填)】 Yan Cheng[/backcolor] 【文题(必填)】 Managing consumer privacy risk: The effects of privacy breach insurance【年份(必填)】 2021 【全文链接或数据库名称(选填)】https://linkspringer.5 ...2022-12-23 21:48 - 下雨就打伞 - 求助成功区
C++: Effective Modern C++ (C++11 C++14)
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Effects of Reactive Capacity on Product Quality and Firm Profitability
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A Gentle Introduction to Effective Computing in Quantitative Research: What Ever
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【认知效率】 Cognitive Productivity: Using Knowledge to Become Profoundly Effect
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【日常生活的创新技术】 Innovative Technologies in Everyday Life (2016)
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【军事历史】 Finnish Military Effectiveness in the Winter War, 1939-1940 (2016)
6 个回复 - 519 次查看 Finnish Military Effectiveness in the Winter War, 1939-1940 Authors: Pasi Tuunainen This book analyzes the multi-faceted phenomenon of Finnish military effectiveness in the Winter War (1939– ...2016-11-25 12:19 - cmwei333 - 经管书评
【认知心理学】 Cognitive Training : An Overview of Features and Applicati (2016)
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文献求助-The Role of Organizational Perception, Perceived Consumer Effectiveness
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Are active labour market policies effective for the older unemployed?
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9 个回复 - 3814 次查看 一、How to estimate cost-effectiveness acceptability curves, confidence ellipses and incremental net benefits alongside randomised controlled trials 二、Non-parametric methods for cost-effectiveness ...2018-2-27 21:22 - sulight - 卫生经济学
Nonclinical safety evaluation of a novel ionizable lipid for mRNA delivery
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South Western Federal Taxation 2018 edition——Comprehensive Volume
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文献求助-Effectiveness of Travel Social Media Influencers: A Case of Eco-Friendl
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A new robust inference for predictive quantile regression
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Building Effective Cybersecurity Programs: A Security Manager’s Handbook
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【2018高清PDF】Private Equity Compliance : Analyzing Conflicts, Fees, and Risks
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Motor learning affects car-to-driver handover in automated vehicle
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Effective Cybersecurity A Guide to Using Best Practices and Standards
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Effective Robotics Programming with ROS - Third Edition [eBook]
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How to Survive: Lessons for Everyday Life from the Extreme World
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4 个回复 - 1743 次查看 请教各位大佬!! 基准回归方程为: reghdfe y x z xz $c, absorb( id year ) vce(cluster id) 我的内生变量为z,我给z找到了一个工具变量ziv,同时构造交乘项工具变量xziv 使用工具变量进行2SLS的回归 ...2022-10-20 10:56 - 我是工作狂2009 - Stata专版
Inferences on the Association Parameter in Copula Models for Bivariate Survival
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