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[下载]Journal of Law and Economics公司与私有产权专辑
12 个回复 - 3904 次查看 这是Journal of Law and Economics, Vol26, No. 2。这一期是个以“公司与私有产权”为主题的专辑,原为Hoover Institution赞助的一次会议的论文,里面收录了比较多的关于公司治理方面的文章,作者中不乏North,Stigl ...2010-3-12 07:34 - ysnmj - 制度经济学
Journal of International Economic Law文献求助
1 个回复 - 425 次查看 【作者(必填)】Andrei Suse 【文题(必填)】Old Wine in a New Bottle: The EU’s Response to the Expiry of Section 15(a)(ii) of China’s WTO Protocol of Accession 【年份(必填)】2018 【全文链接或数据 ...2018-1-29 14:01 - 仇假 - 求助成功区
一组法与经济学文献The Journal of Law and Economics(10-12)
1 个回复 - 3401 次查看 本帖最后由 tanxinwei 于 2014-5-22 10:15 编辑 (接上)The Journal of Law and Economics的一组法与经济学文献 10.Are Vertical Restraints Pro- or Anticompetitive? Lessons from Interstate Circuit By DAV ...2004-11-7 13:57 - guaiguai - 制度经济学
Journal of Law and Economics 上引用率最高的20篇论文
2 个回复 - 3033 次查看 法&经济学杂志是新制度经济学的喉舌,科斯曾任20年的主编,本次选的20篇引用率最高的论文都是从jstor 上面下载的,有的文章比如说社会成本问题、契约关系的治理等论坛已经存在,就上传不了了,因此我选择了附件打包, ...2014-8-16 05:19 - zhangfuliang123 - 宏观经济学
求:Comparative Law as Transnational Law: A Decade of the German Law Journal
1 个回复 - 753 次查看 ~ Russel A. Miller (编者), Peer Zumbansen (编者) [*]出版社: Oxford University Press Inc (2011年12月22日) [*]精装: 480页 [*]语种: 英语 [*]ISBN: 0199795207 [*]条形码: 97801997952082014-4-1 15:29 - 唐宋元清 - 悬赏大厅
Do Analyst Conflicts Matter? Evidence from Stock Recommendations,Journal of Law
3 个回复 - 835 次查看 【作者(必填)】Anup Agrawal and Mark A. Chen[/backcolor] 【文题(必填)】Do Analyst Conflicts Matter? Evidence from Stock Recommendations,Journal of Law and Economics 【年份(必填)】Vol. 51, No. 3 (Au ...2013-12-24 11:29 - nankai235 - 求助成功区
【求】Journal of Law & Economics文献1篇
2 个回复 - 869 次查看 【作者(必填)】Jared Rubin 【文题(必填)】Social Insurance, Commitment, and the Origin of Law:Interest Bans in Early Christianity 【年份(必填)】Journal of Law & Economics (2009,Nov)52,4,761-786 ...2013-12-3 10:18 - onrush - 求助成功区
求Journal of Law, Economics, & Organization文献一篇
1 个回复 - 801 次查看 【作者(必填)】Gary P. Pisano[/backcolor] 【文题(必填)】Using Equity Participation to Support Exchange: Evidence from the Biotechnology Industry[/backcolor] 【年份(必填)】1989 【全文链接或数据 ...2013-6-23 16:53 - fufhong - 求助成功区
急求The Journal of Law & Economics上的论文一篇
2 个回复 - 1030 次查看 急求The Journal of Law & Economics 2011年的一篇论文,题目为“Ownership Dynamics after Partial Privatization: Evidence from China”。 不胜感激!2013-3-6 08:51 - accountingpe - 悬赏大厅
一组法与经济学文献The Journal of Law and Economics(接上)
3 个回复 - 3935 次查看 (接上)The Journal of Law and Economics的一组法与经济学文献 5.Deregulating Property-Casualty Insurance Pricing: The Case of Workers' Compensation By ANTHONY J. BARKUME AND JOHN W. RUSER 6.The ...2004-11-7 13:44 - guaiguai - 制度经济学
一组法与经济学文献The Journal of Law and Economics
1 个回复 - 3578 次查看 <P>The Journal of Law and Economics的一组法与经济学文献</P> <P>1.The Effect of Wholesale Market Deregulation on Shareholder Wealth in the Electric Power Industry By DAVID BESANKO, JULIA ...2004-11-7 12:08 - guaiguai - 制度经济学
求The Journal of Law, Economics and Organization文献一篇
1 个回复 - 1496 次查看 【题 名】:How to restore higher-powered incentives in multitask agencies 【作 者】: Bernard Sinclair-Desgagne 【期刊、会议、单位名称】:The Journal of La ...2011-6-30 15:34 - zhangxiuzhou - 文献求助专区
Research in Law and Economics, Volume 22: A Journal of Policy
1 个回复 - 1422 次查看 Appointed to the Evans School in 1981, Professor Zerbe teaches environmental ethics, microeconomics, government regulation, law and economics and benefit cost analysis. He has an adjunct appointment w ...2010-8-27 00:39 - terrytong - 国民经济管理
求助Journal of Law and Economics(1992)的一篇文献
2 个回复 - 1311 次查看 title :Brand Loyalty, Entry, and Price Competition in Pharmaceuticals after the 1984 Drug Act journal :Journal of Law and Economics (October, 1992) authors:J.M. Vernon, H. Grabowski lin ...2010-4-12 23:26 - weilingyu - 文献求助专区
7 个回复 - 4674 次查看 资源名称:Stanford.Journal.Of.Law,.Business.And.Finance.Volume.1.-.The.Alchemy.Of.Asset.Securitization.pdfStatistic.-.Bayesian.Primer.-.Probability.pdf下载类型:eMule资源大小:未知是否首发:是资源链接 ...2007-4-20 10:29 - Xaero - 站务与外事
[求助]求助The Journal of Law and Economics的几篇,急
0 个回复 - 2128 次查看 导师要求看了这几篇文章来写一篇综述1文献名:Environmental Pollution: Modeling Occurrence, Detection, and Deterrence 作者:Dennis Epple and Michael Visscher 期刊: The Journal of Law and Economics. Volu ...2008-11-29 13:52 - puer2008 - 制度经济学
[原创]The Journal of Law and Economics
0 个回复 - 2560 次查看 请问各位高手,如何可以在网上检索到Chicago大学出版社出版的The Journal of Law and Economics的现刊,Chicago大学出版社的网站上需要用户名和密码,本人经济条件有限,没法订到芝加哥大学出版社的刊物.请高手支招. [此 ...2006-10-17 17:44 - spring109 - 制度经济学