½á¹û£ºÕÒµ½¡°Large-Scale C ¡±Ïà¹ØÄÚÈÝ121¸ö£¬ÅÅÐòΪ°´»Ø¸´Ê±¼ä½µÐò£¬ËÑË÷¸ü¶àÏà¹ØÌû×ÓÇëµã»÷¡°¸ß¼¶¡±
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2 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 775 ´Î²é¿´ Éç»áÍøÂç·ÖÎö, ¸´ÔÓÍøÂç·ÖÎö£º²Î¿¼ÎÄÏ×Ö®ËÄ Power and the perception of social networks£¨ÊÓ½ÇÌر𣬿ɲο¼£¬ÄÑÄ£·Â£©£¬pdf racy threat model for data portability in social network applications. pdf ...2021-10-31 10:55 - Lamarr-202110 - ÏÖ½ð½»Ò×°æ
0 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 710 ´Î²é¿´ ¸£½¨Í³¼ÆÄê¼øEXCEL´¦Àí£º¸£½¨¹úÓпعɹ¤ÒµÆóÒµÖ÷Òª¾­¼ÃÖ¸±ê(2010-2020Äê) ÊÖ¹¤ÕûÀíÁË×îеĸ£½¨Í³¼ÆÄê¼ø2021-2011 ¼°Ïà¹Ø¸÷¸öexcelÖ¸±ê±íµÄÊý¾Ý£¬Ðγɸ÷¸öÖ¸±êÎļþµÄ¶àÄê¶ÈÊý¾Ý£¬±ãÓÚ¶àÄê¶ÈÖ®¼äµÄ·ÖÎö±È¶Ô¡£Í¬Ê± ...2021-10-8 18:28 - zxzxzx90081 - ÏÖ½ð½»Ò×°æ
0 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 477 ´Î²é¿´ ¸£½¨Í³¼ÆÄê¼øEXCEL´¦Àí£º¸£½¨¹æÄ£ÒÔÉÏÍâÉ̼°¸Û°Ą̈Ͷ×ʹ¤ÒµÆóÒµÖ÷Òª¾­¼ÃÖ¸±ê2010-2020 ÊÖ¹¤ÕûÀíÁË×îеĸ£½¨Í³¼ÆÄê¼ø2021-2011 ¼°Ïà¹Ø¸÷¸öexcelÖ¸±ê±íµÄÊý¾Ý£¬Ðγɸ÷¸öÖ¸±êÎļþµÄ¶àÄê¶ÈÊý¾Ý£¬±ãÓÚ¶àÄê¶ÈÖ®¼äµÄ·Ö ...2021-10-8 18:10 - zxzxzx90081 - ÏÖ½ð½»Ò×°æ
Large-scale model selection in misspecified generalized linear models
2 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 529 ´Î²é¿´ ¡¾×÷Õß(±ØÌî)¡¿ 23 ¡¾ÎÄÌâ(±ØÌî)¡¿ Large-scale model selection in misspecified generalized linear models¡¾Äê·Ý(±ØÌî)¡¿ 23 ¡¾È«ÎÄÁ´½Ó»òÊý¾Ý¿âÃû³Æ(Ñ¡Ìî)¡¿https://academic.oup.com/biomet/advance-artic ...2021-9-13 11:18 - internet.hzx - ÇóÖú³É¹¦Çø
Large-Scale and Distributed Optimization
3 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 1034 ´Î²é¿´ ¡¾×÷Õß(±ØÌî)¡¿Editors: Giselsson, Pontus, Rantzer, Anders (Eds.) ¡¾ÎÄÌâ(±ØÌî)¡¿Large-Scale and Distributed Optimization ¡¾Äê·Ý(±ØÌî)¡¿2018 ¡¾È«ÎÄÁ´½Ó»òÊý¾Ý¿âÃû³Æ(Ñ¡Ìî)¡¿https://link.springer.co ...2018-11-13 19:11 - nivastuli - ÇóÖú³É¹¦Çø
Large-Scale Optimization with Applications Part I,II,III
1 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 556 ´Î²é¿´ 1997 Part I: Part II: Part III:2017-5-23 11:38 - liucg9999 - Êý¾ÝÍÚ¾òÓëÉÌÒµÖÇÄÜÉÏ´«ÏÂÔØÇø
Stochastic Decomposition: A Statistical Method for Large Scale Stochastic LP
1 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 567 ´Î²é¿´ Stochastic Decomposition: A Statistical Method for Large Scale Stochastic Linear Programming19962017-5-25 20:53 - liucg9999 - Êý¾ÝÍÚ¾òÓëÉÌÒµÖÇÄÜÉÏ´«ÏÂÔØÇø
handbook of statistics --- Multivariate GARCH models for large-scale application
3 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 961 ´Î²é¿´ handbook of statistics: Multivariate GARCH models for large-scale applications: A survey This chapter provides a survey of various multivariate GARCH specifications that model the temporal dependence ...2020-4-10 22:02 - ±ù·ãÀäÓð - ¼ÆÁ¿¾­¼ÃѧÓëͳ¼ÆÈí¼þ
Streaming Systems: The What, Where, When, and How of Large-Scale Data Processing
29 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 4930 ´Î²é¿´ **** ±¾ÄÚÈݱ»×÷ÕßÒþ²Ø ****2018-8-2 01:30 - Nicolle - winbugs¼°ÆäËûÈí¼þר°æ
The Impact of Health on Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from a Large-Scale
1 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 490 ´Î²é¿´ ¡¾×÷Õß(±ØÌî)¡¿ [*]Melvin Stephens Jr. [*]Desmond Toohey ¡¾ÎÄÌâ(±ØÌî)¡¿ The Impact of Health on Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from a Large-Scale Health Experiment¡¾Äê·Ý(±ØÌî)¡¿ 2022 ¡¾È«ÎÄÁ´½Ó ...2022-8-7 14:06 - chaoqiuyuan9 - ÇóÖú³É¹¦Çø
PAKDD 2020 Alibaba AIOps Competition - Large-Scale Disk Failure Prediction: Thir
1 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 589 ´Î²é¿´ ¡¾×÷Õß(±ØÌî)¡¿ ¡¾ÎÄÌâ(±ØÌî)¡¿ PAKDD 2020 Alibaba AIOps Competition - Large-Scale Disk Failure Prediction: Third Place Team ¡¾Äê·Ý(±ØÌî)¡¿ ¡¾È«ÎÄÁ´½Ó»òÊý¾Ý¿âÃû³Æ(Ñ¡Ìî)¡¿https://link.springer.co ...2022-5-31 20:46 - ticket1988 - ÇóÖú³É¹¦Çø
¡¾¾­µä½Ì²ÄϵÁС¿Econophysics Approaches to Large-Scale Business Data and
57 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 8353 ´Î²é¿´ 2013Äê½Ì²Ä£¬ÀûÓôóÊý¾Ý°ïÖúÑо¿½ðÈÚΣ»ú¡£¡£¡£½µ¼Û³öÊÛÆÚÒѹý¡£ÏëÒªËæʱ¸ú×Ù×îкÃÊ飬Çëµã»÷Í·ÏñÏ·½¡°¼Ó¹Ø×¢¡±¡£¹Ø×¢³É¹¦ºó£¬²é¿´ÕâÀï¼´¿É£ºÈý²½×ß°Ñǧ±¾ºÃÊé¡°Ò»Íø´ò¾¡¡±£¡¡£ [Ïà¹ØÔĶÁ] ¡¾¾­µä½Ì²ÄϵÁС¿£¨ ...2015-11-14 08:57 - wwqqer - Êý¾Ý·ÖÎöÓëÊý¾ÝÍÚ¾ò
¡¾´óÊý¾ÝϵÁС¿Large Scale and Big Data
149 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 12805 ´Î²é¿´ 2014Äê×îн̲ģ¬½µ¼Û³öÊÛÆÚÒѹý£¬ÏëÒªËæʱ¸ú×Ù×îкÃÊ飬Çëµã»÷Í·ÏñÏ·½¡°¼Ó¹Ø×¢¡±¡£¹Ø×¢³É¹¦ºó£¬²é¿´ÕâÀï¼´¿É£ºÈý²½×ß°Ñǧ±¾ºÃÊé¡°Ò»Íø´ò¾¡¡±£¡¡£ [Ïà¹ØÔĶÁ] ¡¾¾­µä½Ì²ÄϵÁС¿£¨×ÊÁÏ»ã×ÜÌû£¬¸½Á´½Ó£¬³ÖÐø ...2015-11-23 03:36 - wwqqer - Êý¾Ý·ÖÎöÓëÊý¾ÝÍÚ¾ò
ÎÄÏ×ÇóÖúLarge Scale Optimization in Supply Chains and Smart Manufacturing
4 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 1438 ´Î²é¿´ ¡¾×÷Õß(±ØÌî)¡¿ Editors: Vel¨¢squez-Berm¨²dez, Jes¨²s M., Khakifirooz, Marzieh, Fathi, Mahdi (Eds.) ¡¾ÎÄÌâ(±ØÌî)¡¿ Large Scale Optimization in Supply Chain ...2019-8-27 09:31 - Îä»Ê¿ª±ßÒâδÒÑ7 - ÇóÖú³É¹¦Çø
ÇóÖú¡¶Optimization Methods for Large-Scale Machine Learning¡·
2 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 1458 ´Î²é¿´ ¡¾×÷Õß(±ØÌî)¡¿L¨¦on Bottou, Frank E. Curtis, and Jorge Nocedal ¡¾ÎÄÌâ(±ØÌî)¡¿Optimization Methods for Large-Scale Machine Learning ¡¾Äê·Ý(±ØÌî)¡¿2018 ¡¾È«ÎÄÁ´½Ó»òÊý¾Ý¿âÃû³Æ(Ñ¡Ìî)¡¿https://epu ...2020-5-5 19:06 - 13555555531 - ÇóÖú³É¹¦Çø
Mastering Spark with R The Complete Guide to Large-Scale Analysis and Modeling
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Insights on data quality from a large-scale application
1 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 386 ´Î²é¿´ ¡¾×÷Õß(±ØÌî)¡¿ Hong ¡¾ÎÄÌâ(±ØÌî)¡¿ Insights on data quality from a large-scale application of smartphone-based travel survey technology in the Phoenix metropolitan area, Arizona, USA ¡¾Äê·Ý(±ØÌî)¡¿ ...2021-12-8 09:54 - peterxu1969 - ÇóÖú³É¹¦Çø
Simulating Large-Scale Events as a Network of Heterogeneous Queues
1 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 582 ´Î²é¿´ ¡¾×÷Õß(±ØÌî)¡¿ Christopher Cummings ¡¾ÎÄÌâ(±ØÌî)¡¿ Simulating Large-Scale Events as a Network of Heterogeneous Queues: Framework and Application ¡¾Äê·Ý(±ØÌî)¡¿ 2021 ¡¾È«ÎÄÁ´½Ó»òÊý¾Ý¿âÃû³Æ(Ñ¡Ìî)¡¿ ...2021-8-26 08:17 - peterxu1969 - ÇóÖú³É¹¦Çø
Toyota Production System_ Beyond Large-Scale Production.
4 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 1062 ´Î²é¿´ Toyota Production System_ Beyond Large-Scale Production.2020-10-7 23:57 - hushiyang - ÔËÓª¹ÜÀí£¨ÎïÁ÷Ó빩ӦÁ´¹ÜÀí£©
Toyota Production System: Beyond Large-Scale Production
2 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 406 ´Î²é¿´ ¡¾×÷Õß(±ØÌî)¡¿ ¡¾ÎÄÌâ(±ØÌî)¡¿Toyota Production System: Beyond Large-Scale Production ¡¾Äê·Ý(±ØÌî)¡¿ Productivity PressEnglish 1988 ¡¾È«ÎÄÁ´½Ó»òÊý¾Ý¿âÃû³Æ(Ñ¡Ìî)¡¿2020-9-10 22:47 - victorbian - ÇóÖú³É¹¦Çø
Large-Scale C++ Volume I: Process and Architecture
3 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 1721 ´Î²é¿´ 2016-8-10 09:08 - Nicolle - CÓëC++±à³Ì
Global-local analysis of large-scale composite tructures using finite element me
1 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 328 ´Î²é¿´ ¡¾×÷Õß(±ØÌî)¡¿S.R. Voleti ¡¾ÎÄÌâ(±ØÌî)¡¿Global-local analysis of large-scale composite tructures using finite element methods ¡¾Äê·Ý(±ØÌî)¡¿1996 ¡¾È«ÎÄÁ´½Ó»òÊý¾Ý¿âÃû³Æ(Ñ¡Ìî)¡¿https://www.resear ...2020-7-10 00:01 - victorbian - ÇóÖú³É¹¦Çø
large/medium/small scale DSGE ·Ö±ðÓÐʲôÌص㣿
0 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 397 ´Î²é¿´ ÈçÌâ¡£¡£¡£¡£¡£¡£¡£¡£¡£¡£¡£¡£¡£¡£¡£¡£2019-10-21 17:07 - octopussy - °®ÎÊƵµÀ
Large Group Decision Making: Creating Decision Support Approaches at Scale
25 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 4164 ´Î²é¿´ Large Group Decision Making: Creating Decision Support Approaches at Scale by Iv¨¢n Palomares Carrascosa (Author) About this book This SpringerBrief provides a pioneering, central point of refere ...2019-5-13 08:13 - slowry - ½ðÈÚѧ£¨ÀíÂ۰棩
Multivariate GARCH models for large-scale applications
2 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 637 ´Î²é¿´ ¡¾×÷Õß(±ØÌî)¡¿ KrisBoudt AlexiosGalanos ScottPayseur EricZivot ¡¾ÎÄÌâ(±ØÌî)¡¿ Multivariate GARCH models for large-scale applications: A survey ¡¾Äê·Ý(±ØÌî)¡¿ 2019 ¡¾È«ÎÄÁ´½Ó»òÊý¾Ý¿âÃû³Æ(Ñ¡Ìî)¡¿ ...2019-5-6 22:08 - yahoocom - ÎÄÏ×ÇóÖúרÇø
Gender Differences in Large-Scale Math Assessments: PISA Trend 2000 and 2003
2 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 1022 ´Î²é¿´ ¡¾×÷Õß(±ØÌî)¡¿Liu, Ou Lydia; Wilson, Mark ¡¾ÎÄÌâ(±ØÌî)¡¿Gender Differences in Large-Scale Math Assessments: PISA Trend 2000 and 2003 ¡¾Äê·Ý(±ØÌî)¡¿2009 ¡¾È«ÎÄÁ´½Ó»òÊý¾Ý¿âÃû³Æ(Ñ¡Ìî)¡¿https://eri ...2018-6-24 18:17 - ÈýÊÀÏà˼2013 - ÇóÖú³É¹¦Çø
[2019]ÐÂÊ飺Large Scale Data Analytics
5 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 938 ´Î²é¿´ [2019]ÐÂÊ飺Large Scale Data Analytics Amazon Á´½Ó https://www.amazon.com/Large-Ana ... cale+data+analytics2019-1-12 21:43 - kantdisciple - Forum
ÎÄÏ×ÇóÖú+Blind Fair Routing in Large-Scale Service Systems with Heterogeneous Cu
2 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 716 ´Î²é¿´ ¡¾×÷Õß(±ØÌî)¡¿Ward, A. R.; Armony, M. ¡¾ÎÄÌâ(±ØÌî)¡¿Blind Fair Routing in Large-Scale Service Systems with Heterogeneous Customers and Servers ¡¾Äê·Ý(±ØÌî)¡¿2013 ¡¾È«ÎÄÁ´½Ó»òÊý¾Ý¿âÃû³Æ(Ñ¡ ...2013-5-21 15:49 - wwltm - ÇóÖú³É¹¦Çø
Estimation and Control of Large-Scale Networked Systems
3 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 748 ´Î²é¿´ ¡¾×÷Õß(±ØÌî)¡¿ You, Keyou; Li, Tao; Zhou, Tong ¡¾ÎÄÌâ(±ØÌî)¡¿Estimation and Control of Large-Scale Networked Systems ¡¾Äê·Ý(±ØÌî)¡¿2018 ¡¾È«ÎÄÁ´½Ó»òÊý¾Ý¿âÃû³Æ(Ñ¡Ìî)¡¿https://public.ebookcentral ...2018-12-9 16:30 - nivastuli - ÇóÖú³É¹¦Çø
Large Scale Hierarchical Classification: State of the Art
11 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 750 ´Î²é¿´ English | PDF | 2018 | 104 Pages | ISBN : 3030016196 This SpringerBrief covers the technical material related to large scale hierarchical classification (LSHC). HC is an important machine learning ...2018-10-15 11:10 - igs816 - ¾­¹ÜÊéÆÀ
¡¶Large Scale Inference¡·,×÷Õß Bradley Efron
16 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 7096 ´Î²é¿´ Large Scale Inference Empirical Bayes Methods for Estimation Testing and Prediction page 277 publisher:Cambridge author:Bradley Efron Publication Date: September 20, 2010 ISBN-10: 0521192498 ...2012-6-9 02:46 - zou2655503 - ¼ÆÁ¿¾­¼ÃѧÓëͳ¼ÆÈí¼þ
Large-Scale Machine Learning in the Earth Sciences
4 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 728 ´Î²é¿´ **** ±¾ÄÚÈݱ»×÷ÕßÒþ²Ø ****2018-8-30 00:59 - Nicolle - winbugs¼°ÆäËûÈí¼þר°æ
Measuring green technology progress in large-scale thermoelectric enterprises
1 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 401 ´Î²é¿´ ¡¾×÷Õß¡¿Malin Song[/backcolor] ¡¾ÎÄÌâ(±ØÌî)¡¿Measuring green technology progress in large-scale thermoelectric enterprises based on Malmquist¨CLuenberger life cycle assessment ¡¾Äê·Ý(±ØÌî)¡¿ ...2018-8-26 18:08 - Ö£¹â·ï - ÇóÖú³É¹¦Çø
Large-Scale Transit Signal Priority Implementation
1 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 468 ´Î²é¿´ ¡¾×÷Õß(±ØÌî)¡¿ Bailey Lozner ¡¾ÎÄÌâ(±ØÌî)¡¿ Large-Scale Transit Signal Priority Implementation: District of Columbia¡¯s Path to Success ¡¾Äê·Ý(±ØÌî)¡¿ 2018 ¡¾È«ÎÄÁ´½Ó»òÊý¾Ý¿âÃû³Æ(Ñ¡Ìî)¡¿http://j ...2018-8-19 09:13 - peterxu1969 - ÇóÖú³É¹¦Çø
Practical Solutions for Sampling Alternatives in Large-Scale Models
1 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 496 ´Î²é¿´ ¡¾×÷Õß(±ØÌî)¡¿ Andrew Daly ¡¾ÎÄÌâ(±ØÌî)¡¿ Practical Solutions for Sampling Alternatives in Large-Scale Models ¡¾Äê·Ý(±ØÌî)¡¿ 2014 ¡¾È«ÎÄÁ´½Ó»òÊý¾Ý¿âÃû³Æ(Ñ¡Ìî)¡¿https://trrjournalonline.trb.org/ ...2018-7-15 10:08 - peterxu1969 - ÇóÖú³É¹¦Çø
A Probabilistic Traffic-Theoretic Network Loading Model Suitable for Large-Scale
2 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 546 ´Î²é¿´ ¡¾×÷Õß(±ØÌî)¡¿ Jing Lu ¡¾ÎÄÌâ(±ØÌî)¡¿ A Probabilistic Traffic-Theoretic Network Loading Model Suitable for Large-Scale Network Analysis ¡¾Äê·Ý(±ØÌî)¡¿ 2018 ¡¾È«ÎÄÁ´½Ó»òÊý¾Ý¿âÃû³Æ(Ñ¡Ìî)¡¿https:// ...2018-7-9 11:14 - peterxu1969 - ÇóÖú³É¹¦Çø
Large-Scale C++ Software Design = ´ó¹æÄ£C++³ÌÐòÉè¼Æ
0 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 1371 ´Î²é¿´ Large-Scale C++ Software Design = ´ó¹æÄ£C++³ÌÐòÉè¼Æ2018-6-14 11:39 - liyungood - CÓëC++±à³Ì
Gender Differences in Large-Scale Math Assessments: PISA Trend 2000 and 2003
2 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 427 ´Î²é¿´ ¡¾×÷Õß(±ØÌî)¡¿OL Liu, M Wilson ¡¾ÎÄÌâ(±ØÌî)¡¿Gender Differences in Large-Scale Math Assessments: PISA Trend 2000 and 2003 ¡¾Äê·Ý(±ØÌî)¡¿2009 ¡¾È«ÎÄÁ´½Ó»òÊý¾Ý¿âÃû³Æ(Ñ¡Ìî)¡¿https://www.tandfonlin ...2018-6-1 10:40 - ÈýÊÀÏà˼2013 - ÇóÖú³É¹¦Çø
Sentiment analysis methods for understanding large-scale texts: a case for
1 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 689 ´Î²é¿´ ¡¾×÷Õß(±ØÌî)¡¿Reagan, AJ (Reagan, Andrew J.)[ 1 ] ; Danforth, CM (Danforth, Christopher M.)[ 1 ] ; Tivnan, B (Tivnan, Brian)[ 2 ] ; Williams, JR (Williams, Ja ...2018-3-2 18:00 - ÈýÊÀÏà˼2013 - ÇóÖú³É¹¦Çø
Application of smart card data in validating a large-scale multi-modal transit a
4 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 506 ´Î²é¿´ ¡¾×÷Õß(±ØÌî)¡¿ Ahmad Tavassoli ¡¾ÎÄÌâ(±ØÌî)¡¿ Application of smart card data in validating a large-scale multi-modal transit assignment model ¡¾Äê·Ý(±ØÌî)¡¿ 2017 ¡¾È«ÎÄÁ´½Ó»òÊý¾Ý¿âÃû³Æ(Ñ¡Ìî)¡¿ht ...2018-2-27 15:06 - peterxu1969 - ÇóÖú³É¹¦Çø
4 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 1048 ´Î²é¿´ **** ±¾ÄÚÈݱ»×÷ÕßÒþ²Ø ****2018-2-16 12:15 - Nicolle - winbugs¼°ÆäËûÈí¼þר°æ
The large-scale neural network for spatial attention displays multifunction..
0 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 376 ´Î²é¿´ ÕªÒª£ºAbstract Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was used to determine the brain regions activated by two types of covert visuospatial attentional shi...http://brain.oxfordjournals.org/look ...2018-2-4 04:30 - DL-er - È˹¤ÖÇÄÜÂÛÎÄ°æ
Kernel Projection Algorithm for Large¡ªScale SVM Problems
0 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 472 ´Î²é¿´ ÕªÒª£ºSupport Vector Machine (SVM) has become a very effective method in sta-tistical machine learning and it has proved that training SVM is to solve Nearest Point pairProblem (NPP) between two disjo ...2018-1-25 04:00 - ÂÛÎÄ¿â - È˹¤ÖÇÄÜÂÛÎÄ°æ
Identifying Functional Connectivity in Large-Scale Neural Ensemble Recordin..
0 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 432 ´Î²é¿´ ÕªÒª£ºIdentifying functional connectivity between neuronal elements is an essential first step toward understanding how the brain orchestrates information proces...Ô­ÎÄÁ´½Ó:http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/ ...2018-1-23 01:29 - ÂÛÎÄ¿â - È˹¤ÖÇÄÜÂÛÎÄ°æ
Large-Scale Machine Learning of Media Outlets for Understanding Public Reac..
0 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 499 ´Î²é¿´ ÕªÒª£ºFrom May to July 2015, there was a nation-wide outbreak of Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) in Korea. MERS is caused by MERS-CoV, an enveloped, positive-sense, single stranded RNA virus b ...2018-1-19 14:30 - aÖǶàÐÇ - È˹¤ÖÇÄÜÂÛÎÄ°æ
Trajectory Segmentation Map-Matching Approach for Large-Scale
1 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 553 ´Î²é¿´ ¡¾×÷Õß(±ØÌî)¡¿ Lei Zhu ¡¾ÎÄÌâ(±ØÌî)¡¿ Trajectory Segmentation Map-Matching Approach for Large-Scale, High-Resolution GPS Data ¡¾Äê·Ý(±ØÌî)¡¿ 2017 ¡¾È«ÎÄÁ´½Ó»òÊý¾Ý¿âÃû³Æ(Ñ¡Ìî)¡¿http://trrjournal ...2018-1-19 09:42 - peterxu1969 - ÇóÖú³É¹¦Çø
A corpus-based connectionist architecture for large-scale natural language ..
0 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 354 ´Î²é¿´ ÕªÒª£ºWe describe a deterministic shift-reduce parsing model that combines the advantages of connectionism with those of traditional symbolic models for parsing ...Ô­ÎÄÁ´½Ó:http://www.tandfonline.com/ ...2018-1-14 00:59 - DL-er - È˹¤ÖÇÄÜÂÛÎÄ°æ
Stress-Related Noradrenergic Activity Prompts Large-Scale Neural Network Re..
0 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 487 ´Î²é¿´ ÕªÒª£ºAcute stress shifts the brain into a state that fosters rapid defense mechanisms. Stress-related neuromodulators are thought to trigger this change by alte...Ô­ÎÄÁ´½Ó:http://scan.oxfordjournals. ...2018-1-11 19:00 - aÖǶàÐÇ - È˹¤ÖÇÄÜÂÛÎÄ°æ
Large-scale identification of patients with cerebral aneurysms using natura..
0 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 404 ´Î²é¿´ ÕªÒª£ºTo use natural language processing (NLP) in conjunction with the electronic medical record (EMR) to accurately identify patients with cerebral aneurysms and their matched controls. ICD-9 and Cur ...2018-1-3 01:29 - ÂÛÎÄ¿â - È˹¤ÖÇÄÜÂÛÎÄ°æ
Handbook of International Large-Scale Assessment: Background, Technical Issues
17 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 3217 ´Î²é¿´ Technological and statistical advances, along with a strong interest in gathering more information about the state of our educational systems, have made it possible to assess more students, in more co ...2014-8-5 09:06 - ´ó¼Ò¿ªÐÄ - ¼ÆÁ¿¾­¼ÃѧÓëͳ¼ÆÈí¼þ
[ºÃÊéÊ×·¢]Data Just Right: Introduction to Large-Scale Data & Analytics
61 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 9940 ´Î²é¿´ ¸ü¶àºÃ×ÊÁÏ¿ÉÒÔ¹Ø×¢ÎÒŶ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++½²Big DataµÄÒ»±¾Ï൱²»´íµÄÊé¼®~~~ Book Details [*]Title: Data Just Right: Introduction to L ...2014-8-14 11:38 - ¿ñÈȵİ®ºÃÕß - Êý¾Ý·ÖÎöÓëÊý¾ÝÍÚ¾ò
¡¾´ó¹æÄ£ÍøÂçϵͳ¡¿ Large Scale Networks: Modeling and Simulation (2016), epub
1 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 886 ´Î²é¿´ Large Scale Networks: Modeling and Simulation Radu Dobrescu, Florin Ionescu This book offers a rigorous analysis of the achievements in the field of traffic control in large networks, orient ...2016-12-1 12:37 - cmwei333 - winbugs¼°ÆäËûÈí¼þר°æ
Analysis of Grid Cell¨CBased Taxi Ridership with Large-Scale GPS Data
1 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 610 ´Î²é¿´ ¡¾×÷Õß(±ØÌî)¡¿Daisik Nam ¡¾ÎÄÌâ(±ØÌî)¡¿ Analysis of Grid Cell¨CBased Taxi Ridership with Large-Scale GPS Data ¡¾Äê·Ý(±ØÌî)¡¿ 2016 ¡¾È«ÎÄÁ´½Ó»òÊý¾Ý¿âÃû³Æ(Ñ¡Ìî)¡¿ http://trrjournalonline.trb. ...2017-10-11 20:29 - peterxu1969 - ÇóÖú³É¹¦Çø
A Simulation-Based Optimization Algorithm for Dynamic Large-Scale Urban Transpor
3 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 496 ´Î²é¿´ ¡¾×÷Õß(±ØÌî)¡¿ Linsen Chong ¡¾ÎÄÌâ(±ØÌî)¡¿ A Simulation-Based Optimization Algorithm for Dynamic Large-Scale Urban Transportation Problems ¡¾Äê·Ý(±ØÌî)¡¿ 2017 ¡¾È«ÎÄÁ´½Ó»òÊý¾Ý¿âÃû³Æ(Ñ¡Ìî)¡¿ ...2017-10-11 11:02 - peterxu1969 - ÇóÖú³É¹¦Çø
Behavioral Calibration and Analysis of a Large-Scale Travel Microsimulation
1 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 435 ´Î²é¿´ ¡¾×÷Õß(±ØÌî)¡¿ Gunnar Flötteröd ¡¾ÎÄÌâ(±ØÌî)¡¿ Behavioral Calibration and Analysis of a Large-Scale Travel Microsimulation ¡¾Äê·Ý(±ØÌî)¡¿ 2011 ¡¾È«ÎÄÁ´½Ó»òÊý¾Ý¿âÃû³Æ(Ñ¡Ìî)¡¿ https:/ ...2017-10-11 08:59 - peterxu1969 - ÇóÖú³É¹¦Çø
Large Scale Machine Learning with Python
42 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 3566 ´Î²é¿´ ÆäʵÕâ±¾ÊéÔÚÂÛ̳ÉÏÒѾ­ÓÐÈËÉÏ´«ÁË£¬µ«ÊÇÄǸöÌû×ÓÀïûÓдúÂ벿·Ö£¬ÕâÀïÎÒ½«ÊéºÍ´úÂëÒ»Æð´ò°ü·Å¸½¼þÀï¡£ **** ±¾ÄÚÈݱ»×÷ÕßÒþ²Ø ****2017-4-16 08:23 - ÐÄËéµÄ¿Æѧ - Forum
Designing with Data: Improving User Experience with Large Scale User Testing¡£¡£
3 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 938 ´Î²é¿´ Designing with Data:Improving User Experience with Large Scale User Testing ÎļþÂíÉÏÉÏ´«¡£¡£¡£¡£¡£¡£2017-5-17 07:32 - liucg9999 - ½ðÈÚѧ£¨ÀíÂ۰棩
Large Scale Machine Learning with Spark (True PDF)
39 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 4491 ´Î²é¿´ English | 2016 | ISBN: 1785888749 | 472 Pages | True PDF | 11 MB Discover everything you need to build robust machine learning applications with Spark 2.0 This book is for data science enginee ...2017-6-19 16:19 - igs816 - Á¿»¯Í¶×Ê
Anindya Banerjee+Structural FECM: Cointegration in large-scale structural FAVAR
1 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 646 ´Î²é¿´ ¡¾×÷Õß(±ØÌî)¡¿ [*]Anindya Banerjee, [*]Massimiliano Marcellino and [*]Igor Masten ¡¾ÎÄÌâ(±ØÌî)¡¿Structural FECM: Cointegration in large-scale structural FAVAR models ¡¾Äê·Ý(±ØÌî)¡¿2017 ¡¾ ...2017-6-21 09:16 - harlon1976 - ÇóÖú³É¹¦Çø
Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems£¨1-30£©È±27-29
0 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 993 ´Î²é¿´ Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems I£º II£º III£º IV£º V£º VI£º VII£º VIII£º IX£º X: XI£º XII£º XIII£ºXIV£º XV: XVI£º XVII: XVIII: XIX£º XX: XXI: ...2017-5-29 00:38 - liucg9999 - Êý¾ÝÍÚ¾òÓëÉÌÒµÖÇÄÜÉÏ´«ÏÂÔØÇø
High Speed and Large Scale Scientific Computing 18th
2 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 583 ´Î²é¿´ HighSpeed and Large Scale Scientific Computing 18th 2010 Volume 18 Advances in Parallel Computing2017-5-28 06:20 - liucg9999 - Êý¾ÝÍÚ¾òÓëÉÌÒµÖÇÄÜÉÏ´«ÏÂÔØÇø
LANCELot£¨A Fortran Package for Large-Scale Nonlinear Optimization (Release A)
0 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 882 ´Î²é¿´ LANCELot£¨A Fortran Package for Large-Scale Nonlinear Optimization (Release A)2017-5-25 08:06 - liucg9999 - Êý¾ÝÍÚ¾òÓëÉÌÒµÖÇÄÜÉÏ´«ÏÂÔØÇø
Large Scale Optimization: State of the Art£¨1994£©
0 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 676 ´Î²é¿´ Large Scale Optimization: State of the Art Edited by W. W.Hager ,D. W. Hearn and P. M. Pardalos 1994Äê2017-5-25 08:03 - liucg9999 - Êý¾ÝÍÚ¾òÓëÉÌÒµÖÇÄÜÉÏ´«ÏÂÔØÇø
Large Scale Machine Learning with Python
103 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 10409 ´Î²é¿´ Large Scale Machine Learning with Python Packt Publishing | August 4, 2016 | English | ISBN: 1785887211 | 439 pages | PDF | 12.5 Mb Large Python machine learning projects involve new problems a ...2016-8-17 21:17 - igs816 - Á¿»¯Í¶×Ê
[GitHub]Large Scale Machine Learning with Python
9 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 1287 ´Î²é¿´ Large Scale Machine Learning with PythonThis is the code repository for Large Scale Machine Learning with Python[/backcolor], published by Packt. It contains all the supporting project files necessary ...2017-4-22 04:35 - ReneeBK - winbugs¼°ÆäËûÈí¼þר°æ
¡¾Apache Spark¡¿Thunder:Large-scale neural data analysis with Spark
9 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 1167 ´Î²é¿´ [hr]Tags [*]3neuroscience [*]2machine learning [*]2python [*]1mllib [*] [hr]How toThis package doesn't have any releases published in the Spark Packages repo, or with maven coordinates suppl ...2017-4-18 03:46 - Lisrelchen - winbugs¼°ÆäËûÈí¼þר°æ
¡¾¶À¼Ò·¢²¼¡¿¡¾2016ÐÂÊé¡¿Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems
2 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 1180 ´Î²é¿´ Èç¹ûϲ»¶¸ÃÎĵµ£¬»¶Ó­¶©ÔÄ¡¾2016ÐÂÊé¡¿ÎĿ⣬http://bbs.pinggu.org/forum.php?mod=collection&action=view&ctid=3187 ͼÊéÃû³Æ£º[/backcolor]Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems ...2016-8-23 17:30 - ţβ°Í - winbugs¼°ÆäËûÈí¼þר°æ
¡¾¶À¼Ò·¢²¼¡¿¡¾2016ÐÂÊé¡¿Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems
4 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 792 ´Î²é¿´ Èç¹ûϲ»¶¸ÃÎĵµ£¬»¶Ó­¶©ÔÄ¡¾2016ÐÂÊé¡¿ÎĿ⣬http://bbs.pinggu.org/forum.php?mod=collection&action=view&ctid=3187 ͼÊéÃû³Æ£ºTransactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems XXVI: Speci ...2016-8-24 17:44 - ţβ°Í - winbugs¼°ÆäËûÈí¼þר°æ
¡¾¶À¼Ò·¢²¼¡¿¡¾2016ÐÂÊé¡¿Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems X
3 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 971 ´Î²é¿´ Èç¹ûϲ»¶¸ÃÎĵµ£¬»¶Ó­¶©ÔÄ¡¾2016ÐÂÊé¡¿ÎĿ⣬http://bbs.pinggu.org/forum.php?mod=collection&action=view&ctid=3187 ͼÊéÃû³Æ£º[/backcolor]Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems ...2016-8-27 10:10 - ţβ°Í - winbugs¼°ÆäËûÈí¼þר°æ
Tensor Networks for Dimensionality Reduction and Large-scale Optimization: Part1
1 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 1110 ´Î²é¿´ ¡¾×÷Õß(±ØÌî)¡¿Andrzej Cichocki, RIKEN BSI, Japan, ✉ Namgil Lee, RIKEN BSI, Japan, ✉ Ivan Oseledets, SKOLTECH, Russia, ✉ Anh-Huy Phan, RIKEN BSI, Japan, ✉ Qibin Zhao, RIKEN ...2017-3-8 11:33 - eeabcde - ÇóÖú³É¹¦Çø
¡¾Wiley ²¢ÐÐÓë·Ö²¼Ê½¼ÆËã¡¿ Large Scale Network-Centric Distributed Systems
4 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 1727 ´Î²é¿´ Large Scale Network-Centric Distributed Systems Hamid Sarbazi-Azad (Editor), Albert Y. Zomaya (Editor) A highly accessible reference offering a broad range of topics and insights on large sc ...2016-12-18 09:41 - cmwei333 - winbugs¼°ÆäËûÈí¼þר°æ
¡¾Ä£ÐÍÓëÄ£Äâ¡¿ Large Scale Networks: Modeling and Simulation (2016)
14 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 1340 ´Î²é¿´ Large Scale Networks: Modeling and Simulation Radu Dobrescu, Florin Ionescu This book offers a rigorous analysis of the achievements in the field of traffic control in large networks, orient ...2016-11-27 05:29 - cmwei333 - winbugs¼°ÆäËûÈí¼þר°æ
Microcredit on a Large Scale: Appraising the Thailand Village Fund
3 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 783 ´Î²é¿´ ¡¾×÷Õß(±ØÌî)¡¿ [*]Jonathan Haughton [*]Shahidur R. Khandker [*]Pungpond Rukumnuaykit ¡¾ÎÄÌâ(±ØÌî)¡¿Microcredit on a Large Scale: Appraising the Thailand Village Fund ¡¾Äê·Ý(±ØÌî)¡¿ 2014 ¡¾È«ÎÄÁ´ ...2016-12-17 18:36 - nieqiang110 - ÇóÖú³É¹¦Çø
¡¾ÔƼÆËã¡¿ Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems XXX
2 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 873 ´Î²é¿´ Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems XXX Special Issue on Cloud Computing Editors: Abdelkader Hameurlain, Josef K¨¹ng, Roland Wagner, Klaus-Dieter Schewe, Karoly Bosa ...2016-12-11 17:41 - cmwei333 - winbugs¼°ÆäËûÈí¼þר°æ
¡¾¶À¼Ò·¢²¼¡¿¡¾2016ÐÂÊé¡¿Solving Large Scale Learning Tasks. Challenges and Algorithms
11 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 1058 ´Î²é¿´ Èç¹ûϲ»¶¸ÃÎĵµ£¬»¶Ó­¶©ÔÄ¡¾2016ÐÂÊé¡¿ÎĿ⣬http://bbs.pinggu.org/forum.php?mod=collection&action=view&ctid=3187 ͼÊéÃû³Æ£ºSolving Large Scale Learning Tasks. Challenges and Algorithms: Essays Dedica ...2016-8-25 10:37 - ţβ°Í - winbugs¼°ÆäËûÈí¼þר°æ
¡¾¶À¼Ò·¢²¼¡¿¡¾2016ÐÂÊé¡¿Macroscopic and Large Scale Phenomena: Coarse Graining, Mean Field
4 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 791 ´Î²é¿´ Èç¹ûϲ»¶¸ÃÎĵµ£¬»¶Ó­¶©ÔÄ¡¾2016ÐÂÊé¡¿ÎĿ⣬http://bbs.pinggu.org/forum.php?mod=collection&action=view&ctid=3187 ͼÊéÃû³Æ£ºMacroscopic and Large Scale Phenomena: Coarse Graining, Mean Field Limits an ...2016-8-11 11:34 - ţβ°Í - winbugs¼°ÆäËûÈí¼þר°æ
ALRIGHT: Asymmetric LaRge-scale (I)GARCH with Hetero-Tails
1 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 653 ´Î²é¿´ ¡¾×÷Õß(±ØÌî)¡¿ [*]Marc S. Paolella, [*]Paweł Polak ¡¾ÎÄÌâ(±ØÌî)¡¿ ALRIGHT: Asymmetric LaRge-scale (I)GARCH with Hetero-Tails¡¾Äê·Ý(±ØÌî)¡¿ 2015 ¡¾È«ÎÄÁ´½Ó»òÊý¾Ý¿âÃû³Æ(Ñ¡Ìî)¡¿http://www.sc ...2016-3-20 15:52 - internet.hzx - ÇóÖú³É¹¦Çø
Large-Scale Nonlinear Optimization
6 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 2380 ´Î²é¿´ Large-Scale Nonlinear Optimization (Nonconvex Optimization and Its Applications)Publisher:Springer (2006-01-13) | ISBN-10: 0387300635 | PDF | 7.3 Mb | 298 pagesLarge-Scale Nonlinear Optimization revie ...2007-6-28 19:02 - zhushiyou - ¼ÆÁ¿¾­¼ÃѧÓëͳ¼ÆÈí¼þ
eslevier:Uncovering urban human mobility from large scale taxi GPS data
1 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 660 ´Î²é¿´ ¡¾×÷Õß(±ØÌî)¡¿ tang ¡¾ÎÄÌâ(±ØÌî)¡¿ Uncovering urban human mobility from large scale taxi GPS data ¡¾Äê·Ý(±ØÌî)¡¿ 2015 ¡¾È«ÎÄÁ´½Ó»òÊý¾Ý¿âÃû³Æ(Ñ¡Ìî)¡¿ http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article ...2016-3-7 09:55 - qijiongli - ÇóÖú³É¹¦Çø
ÇóÖúA large-scale genetic association study
1 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 668 ´Î²é¿´ ¡¾×÷Õß(±ØÌî)¡¿ Horikoshi T1, Maeda K ¡¾ÎÄÌâ(±ØÌî)¡¿ A large-scale genetic association study of ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament of the spine. ¡¾Äê·Ý(±ØÌî)¡¿ Hum Genet. 2006 Jul ...2016-3-2 11:01 - µ¶½£ÁÖ - ÇóÖú³É¹¦Çø
Using XBRL to Conduct a Large-Scale Study of Discrepancies
1 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 717 ´Î²é¿´ ¡¾×÷Õß(±ØÌî)¡¿R Chychyla£¬A Kogan ¡¾ÎÄÌâ(±ØÌî)¡¿Using XBRL to Conduct a Large-Scale Study of Discrepancies between the Accounting Numbers in Compustat and SEC 10-K Filings ¡¾Äê·Ý(±ØÌî)¡¿2014 ...2016-2-23 15:14 - xmwise - ÇóÖú³É¹¦Çø
Large-Scale Inference
5 ¸ö»Ø¸´ - 1035 ´Î²é¿´ [*]Large-Scale Inference [*]By: Bradley Efron [*]Publisher: Cambridge University Press [*]Pub. Date: August 05, 2010 [*]Print ISBN: 978-0-521-19249-1 [*]Pages in Print Edition: 276 [*]Subscr ...2015-10-20 08:19 - Nicolle - winbugs¼°ÆäËûÈí¼þר°æ